Thursday, July 1, 2010

Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.6 + Different war directory

Sorry, I've forgot to mention that it isn't checked because in the lauch configuration I'm giving an other war directory like this: -war "${project_loc}/location/to/war".
And in 3.5, the files/directories (WEB-INF, META-INF) from the "This project has a WAR directory" directory were copied to the other war directory "${project_loc}/location/to/war" and it was working. Now only the generated js is generated to "${project_loc}/location/to/war" but the important files to the webserver isn't.

So I have a sry directory where are the sources of the war files (my module html, with css and WEB-INF + META-INF directories), but I would like to compile the whole project to an other directory (because of VCS). I could achieved this in 3.5, but not in 3.6, but I really would like to use the new eclipse+plugin.


On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 11:44 PM, Jason Parekh <> wrote:
Hi Bálint,

Is the checkbox "Launch and deploy from this directory" checked? (It is below the text box you enter the WAR directory in the project properties > Google > Web application.)

Also, is this a new project or your existing project?

If you don't mind, could you create a new message thread?


2010/6/29 Kriván Bálint <>

I've just downloaded Helios, and installed the GPE, but I'm having an
issues, when I'm starting the Dev Mode it says, that the working
directory does not exists. It wasn't a problem in 3.5, but okay, I've
created it. Then I've noticed it doesn't copy the war files from the
specified directory (This project has a WAR directory checked and the
location is given), but 3.5 does. So currently I can't use Eclipse
Helios and GPE because of this.
Do you know something about these issues? Has anybody else experienced

Thanks for your help, I really looking forward to use the new Eclipse
with the new plugin!

Bálint Kriván

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Kriván Bálint

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