Friday, July 31, 2015

Re: celllist multi select opens current page in new window?

Me again...

This code seems to work (and I'm posting it here in case it helps someone else).  If anyone thinks this will cause issues somewhere else, and is kind enough to respond, I appreciate it!
        // trap the shift-click || ctrl-click launch of a new browser window.
        cellList.addCellPreviewHandler(new CellPreviewEvent.Handler()
            public void onCellPreview(final CellPreviewEvent event)
                NativeEvent evt = event.getNativeEvent();

                //shift-click || ctrl-click
                if ((BrowserEvents.CLICK.equals(evt.getType())) &&
                        ((evt.getShiftKey()) || (evt.getCtrlKey())) )
                    //Window.alert("Shift-Click Event");



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Re: celllist multi select opens current page in new window?

So..upon further review...this appears to be a general event handled by "current" browsers.  Shift-Click a link and it opens in a new tab/window.

So I guess I would like to trap the event before it gets to the DOM/window layer?  I tried adding a CellPreviewHandler and checking whether it's a shift-click, and if so, canceling the event and stopPropagation() on the NativeEvent, but this doesn't seem to have any effect.  Is there a different handler/place that I should be trapping the shift (and ctrl) click events?


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celllist multi select opens current page in new window?

I would think I tested this before, but during some testing of my gwt page today I noticed that when I try to multi-select from my cellist, "something" is firing and opening a new window/tab with my current page.

My multiselect for the celllist is simple:
        // Add a selection model using the same keyProvider.
        final MultiSelectionModel<docWithId> selectionModel = new MultiSelectionModel(keyProvider);

When I try to "shift-select" or "ctrl-select" in Chrome or IE11 (on Windows 8), a new window launches!

If anyone has any ideas where to start troubleshooting this, I would appreciate it.


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Re: GWT release prioritization


On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 7:29 PM, Michael Joyner <> wrote:
+1 to the +1
On 07/31/2015 09:24 AM, Ed wrote:

organizations can be very hesitant to use non-GA versions of libraries. In particular it would be a big win to have a "done" version of JsInterop v1 and clear guidance on using the current version of elemental.

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Nagin Kothari
Zilicus Solutions

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Re: GWT release prioritization

+1 to the +1
On 07/31/2015 09:24 AM, Ed wrote:

organizations can be very hesitant to use non-GA versions of libraries. In particular it would be a big win to have a "done" version of JsInterop v1 and clear guidance on using the current version of elemental.

Re: GWT release prioritization


On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 5:37 AM, James Horsley <> wrote:
Firstly, I am very much looking forward to the next generation j2cl compiler for GWT and think the new compiler vision is great. That said, I think the community would benefit greatly with the steering committee placing a higher priority on closing out on the 2.8 release. I know that the current 2.8 is considered usable for production but 2.8 isn't feature complete and organizations can be very hesitant to use non-GA versions of libraries. In particular it would be a big win to have a "done" version of JsInterop v1 and clear guidance on using the current version of elemental.

I, and I'm sure the rest of the GWT community, would greatly appreciate a clearer view on current release expectations and prioritization; is there anything you guys can share on that front?

Again, really appreciate the recent work and love the plans for GWT 3.0.


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GWT release prioritization

Firstly, I am very much looking forward to the next generation j2cl compiler for GWT and think the new compiler vision is great. That said, I think the community would benefit greatly with the steering committee placing a higher priority on closing out on the 2.8 release. I know that the current 2.8 is considered usable for production but 2.8 isn't feature complete and organizations can be very hesitant to use non-GA versions of libraries. In particular it would be a big win to have a "done" version of JsInterop v1 and clear guidance on using the current version of elemental.

I, and I'm sure the rest of the GWT community, would greatly appreciate a clearer view on current release expectations and prioritization; is there anything you guys can share on that front?

Again, really appreciate the recent work and love the plans for GWT 3.0.


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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Re: Using Lightbox with GWT (some events not catched)

Hi, Xandre,
Could you pls share me your sample code ? I am figuring out how to use it in  my project. 


On Friday, April 25, 2014 at 4:15:23 AM UTC+8, JoyaleXandre wrote:
If it may help, I noticed that the problem occur only when Lightbox is launch from a DialogBox with Glass enabled.

Le mardi 22 avril 2014 18:20:47 UTC-4, JoyaleXandre a écrit :

I'm trying to use Lightbox with the HTML widget in GWT. I manage to make the example from a standard HTML page in my GWT code.
Here is the example:

Everything is good when I try to navigate with the keyboard, but when I want to quit by clicking the X button or got next with the arrow image, nothing happen. The mouse events seem to be missing. I can't even right click and see the Firefox context menu.

Do you have any idea where the problem may be?


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Re: [GWT] [ERROR] Hint: Check that your module inherits ''

I just had the same error message and it turned out to be my GWTUnit test classes being named SomeNameTest instead of GwtTestSomeName. 
Ending on Test the GWTUnit test classes were picked up by the Surefire plugin instead of the GWT plugin. Removing the Test postfix and adding the GwtTest prefix solved that. 

On Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 9:06:15 AM UTC+2, Danish Khan wrote:
Hi all, 

I am upgrading to GWT 2.7.0 / Smartgwt 5, and I am seeing the following error when I try to build it through maven: 

[GWT]    [ERROR] Hint: Check that your module inherits '' either directly or indirectly (most often by inheriting module '')

Here is my gwt.xml. Please let me know if you have any suggestions to fix this error. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module rename-to='dregtool'>
<inherits name=''/> 
<inherits name="" />
<inherits name=""/> 
<inherits name="" />
<inherits name="" />
<inherits name="" />
<inherits name="com.gwtext.GwtExt" />
<inherits name="com.dreg.ajax.smartgwt.dregSmartGwt" />
<inherits name="com.googlecode.gchart.GChart" />
<inherits name="com.dreg.i18n.dregI18n" />

  <source path='ui'/>
  <stylesheet src='css/dreg-tool.css'/>
  <entry-point class=''/>
  <set-property name="gwt.suppressNonStaticFinalFieldWarnings" value="true" />
  <add-linker name="xsiframe"/>

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Re: GWT 2.7.0 is here

Hi, it's awesome.
On september I will migrate for 2.5.1 to 2.7.0 but i wonder if do you have a scheduler for the next stable release? for go to the next on september?

Thanks a lot for your awesome work.

Alex Sanz

El jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014, 11:59:06 (UTC+1), Daniel Kurka escribió:
Today we are excited to announce the GWT 2.7.0 release.  Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release, especially our non-Google open source contributors.

One major feature of this release is a new super fast compilation path in Super Dev mode that replaces the old dev mode.
For a run-down of all changes since GWT 2.6.1, read the release notes.

The release is available for download here or on maven central.

If you find any issues with this release, please file a bug in our issue tracker.

on behalf of the GWT team at Google

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Hi Team,

I am getting the below exception while loading my project. Please tell me the solution for the same.


Thanks & Regards,

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Re: gwt-maven-archetypes multiple project setup

On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 2:52:57 PM UTC+2, William Davis wrote:
So I figured out that if I do a maven install a war is generated in the server project, however my servlet classes from the libraries were not copied into the war. Still looking into that...

"'mvn install' is an antipattern". 'mvn package' (or 'mvn verify' to also run integration tests) will work the same (without the "install' side-effects).

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Re: gwt-maven-archetypes multiple project setup

On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 4:05:24 PM UTC+2, William Davis wrote:
So I found a solution, but I am a little unclear why it works and what is the best practice. Before when it wasn't working I had this dependency in my server project:

When I removed the <type>gwt-lib</type> and rebuilt, it put the library-core-server.jar in the web-inf/lib directory which was put in the war and that made it work when I deployed the war.

Am I incorrectly using the  <type>gwt-lib</type>?

gwt-lib is for client-side JARs where the sources are also packaged inside the JAR.
Rule of thumb: you should only use <type>gwt-lib</type> in POMs with <packaging>gwt-lib</packaging> or <packaging>gwt-war</packaging>, there's no reason to use them anywhere else (unless you use the gwt-maven-plugin without the gwt-lib/gwt-app lifecycles)
Is there a better way to make sure that jar gets put in the war?

No. The proper way to declare server-side dependencies is to use <type>jar</type> (or omit the <type> as "jar" is the default)
Will anything not work correctly if I don't put in the  <type>gwt-lib</type>?

For server-side modules, no.

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Re: gwt-maven-archetypes multiple project setup

So I found a solution, but I am a little unclear why it works and what is the best practice. Before when it wasn't working I had this dependency in my server project:

When I removed the <type>gwt-lib</type> and rebuilt, it put the library-core-server.jar in the web-inf/lib directory which was put in the war and that made it work when I deployed the war.

Am I incorrectly using the  <type>gwt-lib</type>?
Is there a better way to make sure that jar gets put in the war?
Will anything not work correctly if I don't put in the  <type>gwt-lib</type>?


On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 9:41:05 AM UTC-4, William Davis wrote:
It is probably something simple but what do I need to do to get maven to put the jars of the libraries into the target/[app_name]/WEB-INF/lib directory, for building the war?

On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 8:52:57 AM UTC-4, William Davis wrote:
So I figured out that if I do a maven install a war is generated in the server project, however my servlet classes from the libraries were not copied into the war. Still looking into that...

On Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 10:27:34 AM UTC-4, William Davis wrote:
So the good news is that everything is running well, the incremental compile is working for all the libraries client and server side. I am very impressed with the plugin Thomas.

One last question, what is the correct way to package the whole app into a war for production. I tried to run gwt:package-app on the parent project, the one containing the client, shared, and server projects in the modular-webapp archetype, however when I put the war on tomcat it didn't work. Should I install the projects and libraries in a certain order? What am I doing wrong?

Once again, great work Thomas, this is really excellent.
Thanks for the help,

On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 10:42:19 AM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 4:13:45 PM UTC+2, William Davis wrote:
I think I figured something out. In the "base" project, in the parent pom, I only defined the three modules in that project like this:

but I changed it to add the client library like this:

and now the incremental compile works when I make changes to the library client.
Is this the correct/best way to do this?

With your initial setup, the library-core-client (and its transitive dependencies) come from your local repository, and you have to "mvn install" the library each time you make a change to it.
With your final setup, it's all one reactor project (you should include the library-core-shared and library-core-server too BTW), so the gwt-maven-plugin will look at the MavenProject from the reactor build to get its sources.

Your initial setup is OK if you intend to release library-core-* separately from the "base" webapp.
Your final setup is OK if you intend to release everything at once. I'd have rather put everything inside one big project with many submodules (organized into subfolders), but in the end it's up to you to decide.
Note that there's a way to get things working with your initial "2 separate projects" approach though: create a POM file somewhere that lists all modules as submodules (note: you can just list the 2 root modules of your 2 projects and thus get the submodules recursively) and from which one you can run the tomcat7:run and gwt:codeserver goals.

This is all "standard Maven", independent of the gwt-maven-plugin (you'd get the same behavior for server-side code with the tomcat-maven-plugin, not seeing changes to your library-core-shared and library-core-server until you "mvn install" them and restart Tomcat).

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Re: gwt-maven-archetypes multiple project setup

It is probably something simple but what do I need to do to get maven to put the jars of the libraries into the target/[app_name]/WEB-INF/lib directory, for building the war?

On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 8:52:57 AM UTC-4, William Davis wrote:
So I figured out that if I do a maven install a war is generated in the server project, however my servlet classes from the libraries were not copied into the war. Still looking into that...

On Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 10:27:34 AM UTC-4, William Davis wrote:
So the good news is that everything is running well, the incremental compile is working for all the libraries client and server side. I am very impressed with the plugin Thomas.

One last question, what is the correct way to package the whole app into a war for production. I tried to run gwt:package-app on the parent project, the one containing the client, shared, and server projects in the modular-webapp archetype, however when I put the war on tomcat it didn't work. Should I install the projects and libraries in a certain order? What am I doing wrong?

Once again, great work Thomas, this is really excellent.
Thanks for the help,

On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 10:42:19 AM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 4:13:45 PM UTC+2, William Davis wrote:
I think I figured something out. In the "base" project, in the parent pom, I only defined the three modules in that project like this:

but I changed it to add the client library like this:

and now the incremental compile works when I make changes to the library client.
Is this the correct/best way to do this?

With your initial setup, the library-core-client (and its transitive dependencies) come from your local repository, and you have to "mvn install" the library each time you make a change to it.
With your final setup, it's all one reactor project (you should include the library-core-shared and library-core-server too BTW), so the gwt-maven-plugin will look at the MavenProject from the reactor build to get its sources.

Your initial setup is OK if you intend to release library-core-* separately from the "base" webapp.
Your final setup is OK if you intend to release everything at once. I'd have rather put everything inside one big project with many submodules (organized into subfolders), but in the end it's up to you to decide.
Note that there's a way to get things working with your initial "2 separate projects" approach though: create a POM file somewhere that lists all modules as submodules (note: you can just list the 2 root modules of your 2 projects and thus get the submodules recursively) and from which one you can run the tomcat7:run and gwt:codeserver goals.

This is all "standard Maven", independent of the gwt-maven-plugin (you'd get the same behavior for server-side code with the tomcat-maven-plugin, not seeing changes to your library-core-shared and library-core-server until you "mvn install" them and restart Tomcat).

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Re: gwt-maven-archetypes multiple project setup

So I figured out that if I do a maven install a war is generated in the server project, however my servlet classes from the libraries were not copied into the war. Still looking into that...

On Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 10:27:34 AM UTC-4, William Davis wrote:
So the good news is that everything is running well, the incremental compile is working for all the libraries client and server side. I am very impressed with the plugin Thomas.

One last question, what is the correct way to package the whole app into a war for production. I tried to run gwt:package-app on the parent project, the one containing the client, shared, and server projects in the modular-webapp archetype, however when I put the war on tomcat it didn't work. Should I install the projects and libraries in a certain order? What am I doing wrong?

Once again, great work Thomas, this is really excellent.
Thanks for the help,

On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 10:42:19 AM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 4:13:45 PM UTC+2, William Davis wrote:
I think I figured something out. In the "base" project, in the parent pom, I only defined the three modules in that project like this:

but I changed it to add the client library like this:

and now the incremental compile works when I make changes to the library client.
Is this the correct/best way to do this?

With your initial setup, the library-core-client (and its transitive dependencies) come from your local repository, and you have to "mvn install" the library each time you make a change to it.
With your final setup, it's all one reactor project (you should include the library-core-shared and library-core-server too BTW), so the gwt-maven-plugin will look at the MavenProject from the reactor build to get its sources.

Your initial setup is OK if you intend to release library-core-* separately from the "base" webapp.
Your final setup is OK if you intend to release everything at once. I'd have rather put everything inside one big project with many submodules (organized into subfolders), but in the end it's up to you to decide.
Note that there's a way to get things working with your initial "2 separate projects" approach though: create a POM file somewhere that lists all modules as submodules (note: you can just list the 2 root modules of your 2 projects and thus get the submodules recursively) and from which one you can run the tomcat7:run and gwt:codeserver goals.

This is all "standard Maven", independent of the gwt-maven-plugin (you'd get the same behavior for server-side code with the tomcat-maven-plugin, not seeing changes to your library-core-shared and library-core-server until you "mvn install" them and restart Tomcat).

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Re: dead ?

On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 11:00:07 AM UTC+2, STB Land wrote:
GWT Gallery site seems to be dead, unfortunately it's referenced twice by GWT official site in Resources section.

This message just for the purpose of informing or administrators

Thanks, but we're already aware and planning updates ;-)
(feel free to contribute patches!) 

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GWT Gallery site seems to be dead, unfortunately it's referenced twice by GWT official site in Resources section.

This message just for the purpose of informing or administrators

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Re: What's the latest GWT version usable with GWT-Ext?

That sounds suspiciously like a project I used to work on! Thankfully I am at a different company now and don't have to worry about it anymore, last I heard they were throwing it all away and re-writing using PHP/pure JS.

From memory, GWT-Ext wasn't the best implementation (but you have probably found that) and I suspect you aren't going to have much luck moving to a more recent GWT :(

On Tuesday, 28 July 2015 17:16:24 UTC+1, walker1c wrote:
I have the unenviable task of resurrecting and modifying a project that was last touched about six years ago.  The project uses GWT 1.5.3 and makes extensive use of the GWT-EXT widget toolkit that ceased active development when 1.5.3 was current. 

There is currently no budget for replacing GWT-EXT with an alternative, so I have to work with what I've got, but I would very much like to update the GWT version, both to take advantage of GWT improvements, and to avoid having to set up a development environment with historic versions of Eclipse, Maven, and associated plugins.

What's the latest GWT version anyone has succeeded is using with GWT-EXT?  Any links to crib-sheets for this kind of environment would be most appreciated, as they could save me a lot of time.


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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Re: GWT CellTable-How to Move the Sorting Arrow from Left to Right side

Thanks Thomas for your reply i am able to do with this setSortIconStartOfLine  but having one more issue there is lot of space between the Label and icon its because of fixed inline styling(i can override this but cant have handle because of label length).

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Re: GWT Celltable-Sorting on Multiple Column!CwCellTable

Den onsdag 29 juli 2015 kl. 06:55:57 UTC+2 skrev Mohammed Sameen:

How to perform sorting on multiple column Using GWT Celltable. I didnt find any example code for this? See the below image

enter image description here

I need to Perform sorting on multiple column.How to Achieve this using GWT Celltable any clue?

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GWT Celltable-Sorting on Multiple Column

How to perform sorting on multiple column Using GWT Celltable. I didnt find any example code for this? See the below image

enter image description here

I need to Perform sorting on multiple column.How to Achieve this using GWT Celltable any clue?

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GWT client with jwebsocket

personal anyone have any examples of an app or sample GWT client using the jwebsocket api, grateful to those who can help me

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