The stack trace says the error is inside setBookingSheetRowData().But just don't be afraid to look at the JS code. Open Chrome Dev Tools, go to the sources tab, open adloader-0.js (and wait a bit as it is maybe a large file), hit ctrl + g and enter the line numbers of the stack trace. For setBookingSheetRowData() it is line number 104761 and for $getView it is 31671. The JS code will look relatively similar to your Java code, as GWT does not do any optimizations.Then you can set a breakpoint to see what is going on. You can also set a breakpoint on "java" level by going to the sources tab, hit ctrl + o to open provided by source maps and then set a breakpoint for view.setBookingSheetRowData(model.getGridBookingSheetRowModels());Some shortcuts to know: J.--
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