Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Re: synchronously waiting for a Promise

There is work being done to emulate CompletableFuture but the synchronous methods of Future will not be supported. There are a number of reasons why your suggestion using JS async/await won't happen anytime soon.

You should make yourself comfortable with the idea of having an async API on the client.

-- J.

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Re: synchronously waiting for a Promise

One idea, which would be awesome from a user perspective, is the following:

Emulate CompletableFuture with native Promises. Then if the synchronous cf.get() call is used, then translate that to await, and make the function it is in async (in JS land). This would automatically change the signature to a CompletableFuture, and then propagate this up to all callers. If it makes it all the way to a function exposed with JsInterop, then that function changes signature like the rest of them to return a promise. The consumer of this function is obviously in JS and so can handle the promise fine. This would equate to translating the synchronous java calls which wait on a CompletableFuture (Promise) to return promises in JS. This wouldn't require any changes to the Java code - it could continue in its synchronous style, and not disrupt JVM based users of the same code. 


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Re: CalenderUtil Date Math BUG - GWT 2.8 RC2

You don't say what part of this you think is a bug. I presume it's the fact that Aug 31 plus one month is Oct 1. If so, this is not a bug.

Adding one month should do literally that, so you get September 31. But there are only 30 days in September, so this automatically becomes October 1.


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synchronously waiting for a Promise

Hi guys,

I'm trying to wrap a JS function which returns a Promise with a synchronous function in Java. Something like CompletableFuture.get(). I understand that CompletableFuture isn't emulated yet. 

Is there any other way to achieve this? The alternative of propagating callbacks/promises all the way up my Java stack is not really an option. 

Many thanks for any suggestions,

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CalenderUtil Date Math BUG - GWT 2.8 RC2

We have run into what looks like a date math bug for today's date:

Here is our logged output:

[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 Tester Date: Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 mth: 8
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 mth: 7
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 q: 7
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 qMth: 7
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 qMth - mth: 1
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 Date (now): Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 Date (addMonthsToDate): Sat Oct 01 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016, 1
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 Date:(setToFirstDayOfMonth) Sat Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-400 2016
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 Date(addMonthsToDate+1): Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-400 2016
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 Date(addDaysToDate-1): Mon Oct 31 00:00:00 GMT-400 2016
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 Tester setDateToLastOfQtr: Mon Oct 31 00:00:00 GMT-400 2016
[butter] Wed Aug 31 16:15:15 GMT-400 2016 - on butter module load - 2.8.0-rc2

Here is the code:

    public static void setDateToLastOfQtr(Date date) {
        // Magic Mike's Fist Qtr Fix --> ask him
        int mth = Integer.valueOf(DateTimeFormat.getFormat("M").format(date));
        Api.log("mth: "+mth);
        Api.log("mth: "+mth);
        int q = mth / 3;
        Api.log("q: "+mth);
        int qMth = (q * 3) + 2;
        Api.log("qMth: "+mth);

        Api.log("qMth - mth: "+(qMth-mth));
        Api.log("Date (now): "+date);
        CalendarUtil.addMonthsToDate(date, qMth - mth);
        Api.log("Date (addMonthsToDate): "+date+", "+(qMth-mth));
        Api.log("Date:(setToFirstDayOfMonth) "+date);
        CalendarUtil.addMonthsToDate(date, 1);
        Api.log("Date(addMonthsToDate+1): "+date);
        CalendarUtil.addDaysToDate(date, -1);
        Api.log("Date(addDaysToDate-1): "+date);

Re: Please help: GWT generates .class files to src folder

If you are running in Eclipse, this is an eclipse setting in the Project Properties -> Java Build Path, make sure "Allow output folders for source folders" is unchecked or make sure that each source folder is pointing its output folder to a desired location.

On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 1:45:08 AM UTC-7, Florian Heymel wrote:
Hello all,

i got a strange issue recently. If i launch gwt superdev mode gwt somehow compiles classes on demand, as soon as they are used (servlets or daos etc). What i dont understand is, why they occure in my src folder?

Can anyone hep with that issue? That is really annoying because it totaly confuses my svn.

Eclipse mars/GWT 2.7

Best regards

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Re: Max optimization level (-optmize 9) causes an infinite loop with GWT 2.8-RC2

On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 10:00:41 AM UTC+2, Ali Jalal wrote:

I have some big projects (with about 500 views) which their web-mode compilation was working with GWT 2.7 and their compilation were completed in about 3 minutes.

After upgrading GWT to 2.8-RC2, their web-mode compilation were not completed after more than 60 minutes and it seems that created an infinite loop.

 I traced methods calls in compilation and I think there was a loop in calling JsInliner class.

After adding '-optimize 8' in compiler options (previously there was no -optmize parameter and so it was set to '-optmize 9'), all projects where compiled successfully.

Note that compiler with no -optimize parameter works well in some projects, but do not complete in some big projects.

I compared output JS size in optimization level 8 & 9 and optimization level 8 output JS size was smaller. So I applied '-optimize 8' to all projects.

My question is whats difference between optimization level 8 & 9

At level 9, the compiler (in JavaToJavaScriptCompiler) optimizes Java and JS until it cannot do any more changes (except it stops Java optimizations after 100 iterations; JS optimization iterations are not capped though). At level 8, the compiler only makes 8 optimization iterations, and will stop optimizing Java when the rate of changes is lower than 0.1 (if it reaches that threshold before the 8th iteration).
and what situations may produce an infinite loop?

There may be risks of infinite loops in each optimization step/pass, but as seen above, there's a risk of infinite loop in JS optimization at level 9, in case optimization steps change the JS AST at each pass.

In any case, that'd be a bug. Can you please file an issue on the issue tracker?

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Please help: GWT generates .class files to src folder

Hello all,

i got a strange issue recently. If i launch gwt superdev mode gwt somehow compiles classes on demand, as soon as they are used (servlets or daos etc). What i dont understand is, why they occure in my src folder?

Can anyone hep with that issue? That is really annoying because it totaly confuses my svn.

Eclipse mars/GWT 2.7

Best regards

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Re: jsinterop export method that returns Optional

Thanks guys, I've gone with Jens' suggestion in the end. I don't need the full Function et al stuff, just isPresent and get for my use case. So I was able to just export only those methods. 

On Tuesday, 30 August 2016 10:11:31 UTC+1, Ian Preston wrote:
I'm trying to export a Java method with @JsMethod which returns an Optional. 

Clearly GWT is emulating Optional under the hood for internal code. Is it possible to export the Optional class as well?

At the moment it compiles, but gives me a warning:
[unusable-by-js] Return type of 'Optional MyClass.myMethod(String)' is not usable by but exposed to JavaScript.

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Re: Documentation site on github

How about using 
Several OSS projets are doing it, their docs look great, for example:

On Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 2:04:28 PM UTC-8, Julien Dramaix wrote:
Dear GWT Community,

In order to increase the number of contributions on the GWT documentation, we've decided to move the documentation on Github and accept pull requests.

We have also spent time to convert all the documentation in markdown syntax. In addition to that, each documentation page has now an edit button. When you click on, you are redirected to the corresponding markdown page on Github in edit mode. You can easily modify a page and when you save your change Github will automatically fork the project (if needed) and creates a pull request for you. 

This is for the documentation only, the code for GWT will stay on gerrit, simply because gerrit is a much powerful tool to do code review of code.


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CssResource in Selenium tests

Is it possible to use the generated CssResource in Selenium tests?

We run selenium tests at environment with obfuscated css classes, so i need CssResource to return obfuscated class names in tests.

It would be nice to use strong typed css names from CssResource, it can help to maintain test during refactoring changes.

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Re: jsinterop export method that returns Optional

Except you'd also want to add @JsFunction on Function, Predicate and Supplier to make Optional "useful"; so, no, adding @JsType on Optional is not a good idea (also note that for collections this is only on interfaces; constructors and static fields/methods are all @JsIgnore-d).

When exposing such method to JS, you should IMO return a '@Nullable T' value rather than an Optional<T>.

On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 3:34:09 PM UTC+2, Jens wrote:
As a workaround you can probably copy GWT's Optional emulation into your own project, add JsInterop annotations and then it should work.

GWT does not place JsInterop annotations on most JRE emulations because the compiler only has an "all-or-nothing" switch (-generatesJsInteropExports). That means all code that can be accessed from the @JsType annotated class can not be pruned because it might be called by external JS. So it would result in a final JS code size increase.

But you can make a feature request on Github, as GWT has @JsType some Collections:

-- J.

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Re: jsinterop export method that returns Optional

As a workaround you can probably copy GWT's Optional emulation into your own project, add JsInterop annotations and then it should work.

GWT does not place JsInterop annotations on most JRE emulations because the compiler only has an "all-or-nothing" switch (-generatesJsInteropExports). That means all code that can be accessed from the @JsType annotated class can not be pruned because it might be called by external JS. So it would result in a final JS code size increase.

But you can make a feature request on Github, as GWT has @JsType some Collections:

-- J.

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Re: Issues calling RPC with GWT 2.8 RC1

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your suggestions. I finally fixed this issue. The issue was that I was adding all jackson mapper code inside bean objects which gwt does not like during response conversion in RPC. I removed that and extracted out to a new factory class used as generic code from every where else to convert json to object and object back to json. This has got the UI running. Again Thanks so much for your suggestions. I appreciate.


On Monday, August 29, 2016 at 3:25:31 PM UTC+7, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Monday, August 29, 2016 at 4:59:08 AM UTC+2, wrote:
I am using gwt-servlet-2.8 RC1 jar on server too. I get 500 Internal Server Error in Throwable. […] Any suggestion would be of great help to me to nail down this issue.

Have a look at your server logs and/or the full response, you should have a stacktrace somewhere telling you more about the issue. 

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Monday, August 29, 2016

jsinterop export method that returns Optional

I'm trying to export a Java method with @JsMethod which returns an Optional. 

Clearly GWT is emulating Optional under the hood for internal code. Is it possible to export the Optional class as well?

At the moment it compiles, but gives me a warning:
[unusable-by-js] Return type of 'Optional MyClass.myMethod(String)' is not usable by but exposed to JavaScript.

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Re: remove annotation in gwt compiler process ?

If your problem is that the annotations is making your GWT module compilation fail, maybe you should try to add your annotations to the GWT compilation so you don't need to "remove them". Substituting an annotation with an dummy annotation makes no senses at all XD, are more or less "value classes", is like substituting a string with a dummy string... but, sometimes the class might has dependencies to a enums or a Class<T> where the enum or the T is incompatible, in this situation just add a super source with the dummy annotation (pretty weird) or a GwtIncompatible in the annotation or annotation method. Frequently you just need to create a GWT module pointing to the annotation package, for example, we did that for jackson adding a module like this:

<source path="">
<exclude name="**/JsonAutoDetect*"/>
<exclude name="**/JsonFormat*"/>
<exclude name="**/JsonIdentityInfo*"/>
<exclude name="**/*ObjectId*"/>
</source> </module> 

On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 8:01 PM Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
I can't see any reason to do that. In case you'd really need to do that, you could use a different classpath, like with any Java application/compilation (note that super-sources won't work, as annotations are -partially- loaded from bytecode, not only source code). Details will depend on how you build your project.

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Re: remove annotation in gwt compiler process ?

I can't see any reason to do that. In case you'd really need to do that, you could use a different classpath, like with any Java application/compilation (note that super-sources won't work, as annotations are -partially- loaded from bytecode, not only source code). Details will depend on how you build your project.

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Re: remove annotation in gwt compiler process ?

GWT does not run annotation processors; so what exactly do you need to "remove" from "what"?
Do you need GWT to ignore the sources that your processor generated? Then you can:
  • avoid writing the sources to disk (do not pass the -d argument to JavaC)
  • avoid passing the generated sources destination directory to GWT on the classpath
  • annotate the generated code with @GwtIncompatible where appropriate (only the annotation "simple name" matters, whichever the package it's in; GWT provides

On Monday, August 29, 2016 at 12:45:22 AM UTC+2, Marian S wrote:

Im write a annotation processor for  shared package and need remove this in gwt compilation process ?
Im try with "super source"  but I take only error  ......  ( have maybe someone example project for "super source " ?) 
e.g. expected package not the same like .........
Im using gwt 2.8 from eclipse !
For moment I comment this for compilation but this is not really solution ! I miss preprocessor like in C or C++ ....

Have someone a ideea ? or solution better as my ?


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Re: gwt-material 1.6.0 is now available

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Re: load js problem in IE11

Or instead of blindly copy-pasting snippets from the Internet; learn about the problem:
TL;DR: avoid X-UA-Compatible and change the page so it doesn't trigger quirks mode (e.g. could be as easy as adding "<!DOCTYPE html>" and/or removing a "<?xml version="1.0" ?>")

On Monday, August 29, 2016 at 3:22:27 PM UTC+2, 129pierre wrote:
Great, I add this line and it's work directly


Le lundi 29 août 2016 09:30:06 UTC+2, Frank a écrit :
I am not sure if this has anything to do with this.
But we have the following in our .hmtl file : <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=10">

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Re: load js problem in IE11

Great, I add this line and it's work directly


Le lundi 29 août 2016 09:30:06 UTC+2, Frank a écrit :
I am not sure if this has anything to do with this.
But we have the following in our .hmtl file : <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=10">

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Re: Issues calling RPC with GWT 2.8 RC1

On Monday, August 29, 2016 at 4:59:08 AM UTC+2, wrote:
I am using gwt-servlet-2.8 RC1 jar on server too. I get 500 Internal Server Error in Throwable. […] Any suggestion would be of great help to me to nail down this issue.

Have a look at your server logs and/or the full response, you should have a stacktrace somewhere telling you more about the issue. 

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Re: load js problem in IE11

I am not sure if this has anything to do with this.
But we have the following in our .hmtl file : <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=10">

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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Re: load js problem in IE11

Yes it is in Quirk mode. From F12, I change mode to Edge aand it is working.


Le vendredi 26 août 2016 10:29:58 UTC+2, Thomas Broyer a écrit :

On Friday, August 26, 2016 at 9:32:34 AM UTC+2, 129pierre wrote:
I have a module developped with gwt 2.7.

It worked both in chrome and IE11 from a static html page.

When wrapped in an jboss app, the IE11 is not loaded. 
Instead of the corresponding permutation (gecko I think), it is looking for undefined.cache.js

Could the page be in quirks mode? or with X-UA-Compatible telling IE to behave like IE5, IE6 or IE7?
Check the browser mode and document mode in the F12 Developer Tools.

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Re: Issues calling RPC with GWT 2.8 RC1

I did not try Rc2 yet. Is this issue fixed in Rc2, if you know ?


On Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 6:06:51 PM UTC+7, Juan Pablo Gardella wrote:
Did you try 2.8 rc2? Which error are you seeing?

On Thu, 25 Aug 2016 at 07:16 <> wrote:

From our application whenever we make RPC calls, we reach to our remote service and when we return any object successfully back, we get back in onFailure method of "AsyncCallback". The same code use to work with gwt 2.7 and we are trying to migrate our application from 2.7 to 2.8 RC1. Does any one had similar issue with 2.8 RC1 ? Has something chnaged with the way RPC has to be made in 2.8 RC1 ? I'd appreciate any kind of help/suggestion.

Nishant Arya

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Re: Issues calling RPC with GWT 2.8 RC1

I am using gwt-servlet-2.8 RC1 jar on server too. I get 500 Internal Server Error in Throwable. Also I have not tried Gwt 2.8 RC2, I just updated to Rc1 for now. Is this issue fixed in Rc2 ? Also I just discovered that issue goes away if I stop using gwt jackson library which I have started using after upgrading the gwt version. We are using gwt-jackson, because we wnat to serialize/deserialize the objects to be used in local storage, this is the code that I have in one of my DTO(bean) :
public class ResourceBundleBean implements LocallyStorable {

private String someString;

public interface ResourceBundleBeanMapper extends ObjectMapper<ResourceBundleBean> {};
public ObjectMapper getMapper() {
if(resourceBundleBeanMapper == null) {
resourceBundleBeanMapper = GWT.create( ResourceBundleBeanMapper.class );
return resourceBundleBeanMapper;

I get exception when the above class "ResourceBundleBean" is returned from RPC call, and I get "500 Internal Server Error". If I remove the code of "ResourceBundleBeanMapper " and the getMapper method from this class, then it starts working and I get the response correctly from RPC call without any issue. But I need the above code for serialization as I said above. So I am not sure, why gwt-jackson code is causing the RPC to tjrow 500 Internal server error. Any suggestion would be of great help to me to nail down this issue. Thanks so much for your response.


On Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 6:12:11 PM UTC+7, Thomas Broyer wrote:
What Throwable do you get in onFailure? Did you update the gwt-servlet.jar on server-side too?
And to answer your question, yes, there have been changes to RPC since 2.7; the protocol should be backwards-compatible but there have also been changes to CustomerFieldSerializers and objects, to the serialization policies wouldn't be the same. But if you use the same version of both GWT and your own code on both client and server sides, then it should work.

On Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 12:17:06 PM UTC+2, wrote:

From our application whenever we make RPC calls, we reach to our remote service and when we return any object successfully back, we get back in onFailure method of "AsyncCallback". The same code use to work with gwt 2.7 and we are trying to migrate our application from 2.7 to 2.8 RC1. Does any one had similar issue with 2.8 RC1 ? Has something chnaged with the way RPC has to be made in 2.8 RC1 ? I'd appreciate any kind of help/suggestion.

Nishant Arya

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Meta validation

In our recent blog post we have discussed data validation. Discussion is about the types of validation and common limitations in widget libraries and how to overcome those limitations.

You can find it here:!blog/mtaac and watch the video that illustrates this discussion here:

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Re: gwt-material 1.6.0 is now available

Great Job.

Does this work with gwt 2.7?

I use 2.7 with 1.5.

When i swapped out the jars to 1.53 the browser froze and the process had to be terminated.

I was looking for migration notes but did not find.


On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 1:50 PM, Rodrigue Lagoué Rodrigue <> wrote:
great work

On Sat, 27 Aug 2016 at 07:22 maticpetek <> wrote:
Thank you. Really good work

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Re: Gwt JSNI error

Thank you. It worked.

On Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 5:24:41 AM UTC+5:30, Jens wrote:
Your method is static but your are using "this.@" in your JSNI code which will not point to TestProj. If you want to keep it static then you have to provide a TestProj instance as second parameter and call "testProjParam.@....". Otherwise just make it an instance method by removing "static".

-- J.

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Re: Gwt JSNI error

Your method is static but your are using "this.@" in your JSNI code which will not point to TestProj. If you want to keep it static then you have to provide a TestProj instance as second parameter and call "testProjParam.@....". Otherwise just make it an instance method by removing "static".

-- J.

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Gwt JSNI error

This is my JSNI code where I need to call the onFlip() method in the JSNI code

        public static native void copyFrom(String s) /*-{

 private void onFlip(String flippedName) {

I am facing the below exception. Please help me to fix this. Thanks in advance. Exception caught: Cannot cast$ to 

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Re: gwt-material 1.6.0 is now available

great work

On Sat, 27 Aug 2016 at 07:22 maticpetek <> wrote:
Thank you. Really good work

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Re: How to declare standard java libraries dependencies to the GWT compiler with the tbroyer maven plugin?

Thanks Ignacio, I understood your plugin won't disappear but as I'm upgrading a project to the future GWT way (removing widgets, using elemental, etc...), it's the opportunity to include this migration as well.

Thanks Thomas, I was focusing on the plugin goals pages and didn't notice the answer was in the introduction page! Sorry...

Now the GWT compilation works :-)

Just a couple of questions:

- my GWT app is part of a mutli maven modules project (and some are GWT modules) but although the plugin seems to analyse the GWT app dependencies, I need to declare all these sources in the app pom. It doesn't work if I declare them in the dependent modules. So it's a long flat list of all sources directly or indirectly used by the dependent modules. It's a bit hard to maintain that long list here. I would have preferred to be able to declare these sources dependencies just besides the binary dependencies (binary / sources pair) in the different modules poms. Or perhaps it should work but I'm doing something wrong? 

- I haven't found where to put the html host page and other static web resources in the project layout (I suspect somewhere under src/main/resources/) so the gwt-app packaging include them in the final war artifact.

Le samedi 27 août 2016 09:53:07 UTC+2, Ignacio Baca Moreno-Torres a écrit :
I updated the 'deprecation notice', deprecation is a strong word and people get scared that the plugin is going to disappear. But the idea is the same, you should migrate if you can, so thanks Bruno Salmon to try it out!

On Friday, August 26, 2016 at 4:51:21 PM UTC+2, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Friday, August 26, 2016 at 3:36:52 PM UTC+2, Bruno Salmon wrote:

Having read the deprecation notice, I'm trying to move from the mojo plugin to the new recommended plugin, the one written by Thomas.

But I'm facing this problem: my GWT application uses some java libraries (standard jar packaging but with GWT compatible sources), however the GWT compiler can't find these sources although I have listed these libraries in the application pom:


With the mojo plugin already it was not enough to just declare their dependencies in the pom, I had to declare them a second time in the compileSourceArtifacts section of the plugin configuration, like this:


and then the GWT compiler could find the sources of these libraries and include them for the application compilation.

I haven't seen the equivalent with the tbroyer plugin.
Anybody knows how to do it?

Add dependencies to the source artifacts in addition to the "binary" ones:


See the description of the different kind of dependencies in the home page:

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