Sunday, November 30, 2014

Loading dynamic Images into celltable

 I am creating celltable widget and inside i need to wrap dynamic Image into celltable column.How to achieve this?and how to conver Image to ImageResouce?

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Asynchronous population of combo


i am new to gwt currently working on a project on gwt in my organisation i have a question about asynchronous population of a ui widget

the base architecture of my application is this

we have

1.XXXWidget.ui.xml and  which acts as a view which is for ui actions and
3.set of  RPC classes which make the server side calling along with DTOs and Hibernate POJOs
in the backend

they way it works basically is ui is represented by the files mentioned in point 1
Activity classes will have code for calling RPC classes which will fetch data from background databases in the form of DTOs

My problem

i am trying to load data in the ui(a Combo box must contain country list which must be present as soon as the ui loads fully) dynamically in order to make dynamic calls i have to invoke a RPC call in the activity class however i am not able to do that before the ui loads i.e
ui loads before the RPC calls is made this results in am empty combo box please let me know if the problem description is sufficient for a possible solution.And hignly appreciate if anyone provides me a solutions to this problem

thanks in advance



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Dynamic Images using ClientBundle

  I need to load some dynamic images through ClientBundle to use append in Celltable widget.Is it Possible,How?Please give your suggestion?Thanks in Advance...

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Re: add mobile version to existing GWT app?

ok, but this leads me to the question, why we don't use REST/JSON right from the beginning?

At the beginning of a project you usually know what you want to do. So if you want native clients for different platforms then you will start with some sort of REST/JSON or protobuff/thrift/... backend.

When we started the current development, nobody cared about mobile apps or mobile versions of websites.
Of course mobile today is the norm.
But who knows what other device factor we'll have to support in some years from now? 

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Re: add mobile version to existing GWT app?

ok, but this leads me to the question, why we don't use REST/JSON right from the beginning?
Isn't it a potential option for nearly any web application today to be complemented by a mobile version some day?
I work in a large project which started in 2008, but was not full time back then, and only about, say 2011 got real priority.
We started with the just released GWT 1.5, and there was not too many things to choose as today.
Now we have a mobile app, and we have 2 entry point servlets: one to handle GWT RPC, and another one which exposes services in a rpc-like with json (not REST, as we don't want to maintain 2 APIs - it is just mirrored using Jackson).

Not to say that we have A LOT of generated code to handle RPC. The current total size of our app is 3.3MB, where 6.4MB is for generated code for RPC (according to the compile report). Of course we use code splitting, but we're currently struggling on reducing the sizes. Currently, we have 975KB of initial download, 370KB of leftover and 9 split points (432KB max).

If I'd start the project today, I'd just use plain REST / JSON for both the desktop and mobile versions.

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CellTable gets cut off at bottom of browser window; vertical scroll unavailable

Please try a DataGrid. Make sure you put it inside a layoutpanel. That layoutpanel should itself be placed in a layoutpanel. And so on until the rootlayoutpanel is reached. Also use a ResizeComposite and not Composite. If you do this it will appear without you having to give it a size. It will expand to fill the panel . Otherwise it won't appear without explicit sizes. Don't put it in a scrollpanel.
If this is not possible then use a celltable. Put it in a scrollpanel - as you have - and set a fixed width and height to the scrollpanel.

Grumble - replying to this in my mobile browser is unreliable.

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Re: REST Service on Backend which Framework in GWT?

I've never used gwtquery, but I'm pretty happy with RestyGWT.

On Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:23:54 PM UTC, marian lux wrote:
What is the best framework / way for getting data form REST backend (pros/cons)?




 or something else?


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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Re: New Run Configuration after GWT Update

"Web Application (GWT Super Dev Mode)" replaces both of your run configurations: it starts DevMode with the embedded Jetty and using SDM under the hood.
If you're using GWT 2.7, this is just DevMode with its new behavior; if you're using GWT 2.5 or 2.6 then a new JAR is added to the classpath by the GPE to add the 2.7 DevMode behavior to the "old" DevMode.

On Saturday, November 29, 2014 5:47:10 PM UTC+1, Magnus wrote:

I upgraded to the newest GWT eclipse plugin, and now I have new context menu entries when clicking on my project and "Run As":
  • Web Application (GWT Classic Dev Mode)
  • Web Application (GWT Super Dev Mode)

Until now, I start SDM like this:
  • Run As: My own run configuration starting the code server
  • Run As: Web Application, to start the server side part
How should SDM be used with these new menu entries?
(Does GWT Super Dev Mode replace my own Run Configuration?)


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New Run Configuration after GWT Update


I upgraded to the newest GWT eclipse plugin, and now I have new context menu entries when clicking on my project and "Run As":
  • Web Application (GWT Classic Dev Mode)
  • Web Application (GWT Super Dev Mode)

Until now, I start SDM like this:
  • Run As: My own run configuration starting the code server
  • Run As: Web Application, to start the server side part
How should SDM be used with these new menu entries?
(Does GWT Super Dev Mode replace my own Run Configuration?)


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Re: REST Service on Backend which Framework in GWT?

GWTP-RestDispatch is also a good alternative.

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Re: add mobile version to existing GWT app?

Ok, I have to sort some ideas...

  • Given an existing GWT application: Can you add a REST interface so that you can access the services with a new Android app?
    How do you do this? Would it be a good idea to add a servlet that handles the REST based requests?

  • What about an Android-only app that should access a tomcat server.
    How would you realize the REST/JSON like communication?
    Is there a tutorial somewhere out there?

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Re: GWT 2.5-rc1 feature uirender is not working as expected.

It's magic! Thank you it works.

суббота, 29 ноября 2014 г., 15:22:15 UTC+3 пользователь Vasu написал:
try using the same variable name which is being passed to render method of UiRenderer interface as well as when you define the <ui:with tag> inside .ui.xml refer below highlighted code in RED colour. 

  interface PlayCellBinder extends UiRenderer {
void render(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, PlayCellProxy myCellRenderer);
<ui:with field='playCellProxy' type="net.rushashki.shashki64.client.cell.renderer.PlayCellProxy"/>

Pandurang Patil on
Pandurang Patil
twitter: @agniesoftware
Cell : +91-9823241535

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 8:27 PM, Aleksey Popryadukhin <> wrote:
Thank you for answer.

Sorry for response delaying I tried to get GWT 2.8-SNAPSHOT.

I have such code:
public class PlayCell extends AbstractCell<PlayCellProxy> {

private static final PlayCellBinder cellRenderer = GWT.create(PlayCellBinder.class);

interface PlayCellBinder extends UiRenderer {
void render(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, PlayCellProxy myCellRenderer);

public void render(Context context, PlayCellProxy value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if (value == null) {
cellRenderer.render(sb, value);



<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''>
<ui:with field='playCellProxy' type="net.rushashki.shashki64.client.cell.renderer.PlayCellProxy"/>

<div ui:field="playCell">
<div ui:field="firstName">
<ui:text from="{playCellProxy.getTitle}"/>
<ui:text from="{playCellProxy.getWhitePlayer}"/>
public class PlayCellProxy {

private PlayDto playDto;

public PlayCellProxy(PlayDto playDto) {
this.playDto = playDto;

public String getTitle() {
return playDto.getTitle();

public String getWhitePlayer() {
return playDto.getWhitePlayer();

public String getBlackPlayer() {
return playDto.getBlackPlayer();

public String getDeskHtml() {
return playDto.getDeskHtml();


With such code page is rendered. But fields of playCellProxy are empty.

четверг, 27 ноября 2014 г., 10:06:04 UTC+3 пользователь Vasu написал:
you need to provide your code snippets which will enable us to help you.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 12:15 AM, Aleksey Popryadukhin <> wrote:
Hi all.

I'm see this old topic but I stuck with this problem. I tried to remove the type tag but I'm getting an error anyway in compile time. @UiFactory either not working. Any clue?

четверг, 26 июля 2012 г., 15:26:22 UTC+3 пользователь Vasu написал:
Woow.. really quick thanks Rodrigo. Also would like to thanks Thomas for giving right direction.

On Thursday, 26 July 2012 02:41:03 UTC+5:30, Rodrigo Chandia wrote:
I think this patch (under review) fixes this issue:  

On Tuesday, July 24, 2012 3:27:29 PM UTC-4, Rodrigo Chandia wrote:
Hmm, this seems like a bug to me. Hopefully I'll have a fix ready for rc2.

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:11 PM, Vasu wrote:

Yea !!!! you are absolutely right. It worked when I removed type attribute from <ui:with > tag. I was wondering it has to identify type to call respective methods on the same and I realized that it tries to match the variable name with that of name of the parameter to render method (which I marked in blue color in below code).

interface MyUiRenderer extends UiRenderer {
        void render(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, Person person);

So Finally working code looks like this.

public class PearsonCell extends AbstractCell<Person> {

    interface MyUiRenderer extends UiRenderer {
        void render(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, Person person);


    private static MyUiRenderer    renderer    = GWT.create(MyUiRenderer.class);

    public void render( context, Person value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
        renderer.render(sb, value);




<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''>
    <ui:with field='person' />

        First Name :
            <ui:text from='{person.getFname}' />
            Last Name :
                <ui:text from='{person.getLname}' />
            Email :
                <ui:text from='{person.getEmailid}' />

Thanks Thomas for your valuable inputs. Without that it would have been painful to identify the issue.


On Thursday, 19 July 2012 13:34:11 UTC+5:30, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Thursday, July 19, 2012 5:36:13 AM UTC+2, Vasu wrote:
Yes you were right, it is instantiating new Person object. But if I try to set Type to empty string validation fails and I cannot run the application.

I didn't mean to set it to the empty string, but to not use the attribute: <ui:with field="person" />

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Re: GWT 2.5-rc1 feature uirender is not working as expected.

try using the same variable name which is being passed to render method of UiRenderer interface as well as when you define the <ui:with tag> inside .ui.xml refer below highlighted code in RED colour. 

  interface PlayCellBinder extends UiRenderer {
void render(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, PlayCellProxy myCellRenderer);
<ui:with field='playCellProxy' type="net.rushashki.shashki64.client.cell.renderer.PlayCellProxy"/>

Pandurang Patil on
Pandurang Patil
twitter: @agniesoftware
Cell : +91-9823241535

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 8:27 PM, Aleksey Popryadukhin <> wrote:
Thank you for answer.

Sorry for response delaying I tried to get GWT 2.8-SNAPSHOT.

I have such code:
public class PlayCell extends AbstractCell<PlayCellProxy> {

private static final PlayCellBinder cellRenderer = GWT.create(PlayCellBinder.class);

interface PlayCellBinder extends UiRenderer {
void render(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, PlayCellProxy myCellRenderer);

public void render(Context context, PlayCellProxy value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if (value == null) {
cellRenderer.render(sb, value);



<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''>
<ui:with field='playCellProxy' type="net.rushashki.shashki64.client.cell.renderer.PlayCellProxy"/>

<div ui:field="playCell">
<div ui:field="firstName">
<ui:text from="{playCellProxy.getTitle}"/>
<ui:text from="{playCellProxy.getWhitePlayer}"/>
public class PlayCellProxy {

private PlayDto playDto;

public PlayCellProxy(PlayDto playDto) {
this.playDto = playDto;

public String getTitle() {
return playDto.getTitle();

public String getWhitePlayer() {
return playDto.getWhitePlayer();

public String getBlackPlayer() {
return playDto.getBlackPlayer();

public String getDeskHtml() {
return playDto.getDeskHtml();


With such code page is rendered. But fields of playCellProxy are empty.

четверг, 27 ноября 2014 г., 10:06:04 UTC+3 пользователь Vasu написал:
you need to provide your code snippets which will enable us to help you.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 12:15 AM, Aleksey Popryadukhin <> wrote:
Hi all.

I'm see this old topic but I stuck with this problem. I tried to remove the type tag but I'm getting an error anyway in compile time. @UiFactory either not working. Any clue?

четверг, 26 июля 2012 г., 15:26:22 UTC+3 пользователь Vasu написал:
Woow.. really quick thanks Rodrigo. Also would like to thanks Thomas for giving right direction.

On Thursday, 26 July 2012 02:41:03 UTC+5:30, Rodrigo Chandia wrote:
I think this patch (under review) fixes this issue:  

On Tuesday, July 24, 2012 3:27:29 PM UTC-4, Rodrigo Chandia wrote:
Hmm, this seems like a bug to me. Hopefully I'll have a fix ready for rc2.

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:11 PM, Vasu wrote:

Yea !!!! you are absolutely right. It worked when I removed type attribute from <ui:with > tag. I was wondering it has to identify type to call respective methods on the same and I realized that it tries to match the variable name with that of name of the parameter to render method (which I marked in blue color in below code).

interface MyUiRenderer extends UiRenderer {
        void render(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, Person person);

So Finally working code looks like this.

public class PearsonCell extends AbstractCell<Person> {

    interface MyUiRenderer extends UiRenderer {
        void render(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, Person person);


    private static MyUiRenderer    renderer    = GWT.create(MyUiRenderer.class);

    public void render( context, Person value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
        renderer.render(sb, value);




<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''>
    <ui:with field='person' />

        First Name :
            <ui:text from='{person.getFname}' />
            Last Name :
                <ui:text from='{person.getLname}' />
            Email :
                <ui:text from='{person.getEmailid}' />

Thanks Thomas for your valuable inputs. Without that it would have been painful to identify the issue.


On Thursday, 19 July 2012 13:34:11 UTC+5:30, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Thursday, July 19, 2012 5:36:13 AM UTC+2, Vasu wrote:
Yes you were right, it is instantiating new Person object. But if I try to set Type to empty string validation fails and I cannot run the application.

I didn't mean to set it to the empty string, but to not use the attribute: <ui:with field="person" />

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