Friday, March 31, 2017

Re: Extending ArrayList - GWT compiler crashes out

thanks a lot Jens. I really appreciate it. We found some solutions in last hour it seems. And if I can verify it early next week, will post an update here and SO as a future reference. 

On Friday, March 31, 2017 at 9:03:10 PM UTC+5:30, Jens wrote:

Is there a way I can make the compiler print more details instead of only Stack overflow message ? 

The GWT Compiler has a -logLevel parameter but I am unsure if there is that much logging going on while figuring out serialization information. 

And is there a way to debug the compiler while its in action in my project ? 

Sure the GWT compiler is just a Java process so you can remote debug it as any other Java process by launching it in debug mode and connect to it using your IDE of choice.

You could also try using -draftCompile or -optimize 8 to see if it makes a difference. Sometimes -optimize 9 does never complete compiling because it optimizes in an endless loop and aborts as soon as the AST of your code does not change anymore. Sometimes that simply never happens. A number smaller than 9 defines the max optimization passes.

-- J.

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Re: Extending ArrayList - GWT compiler crashes out

Is there a way I can make the compiler print more details instead of only Stack overflow message ? 

The GWT Compiler has a -logLevel parameter but I am unsure if there is that much logging going on while figuring out serialization information. 

And is there a way to debug the compiler while its in action in my project ? 

Sure the GWT compiler is just a Java process so you can remote debug it as any other Java process by launching it in debug mode and connect to it using your IDE of choice.

You could also try using -draftCompile or -optimize 8 to see if it makes a difference. Sometimes -optimize 9 does never complete compiling because it optimizes in an endless loop and aborts as soon as the AST of your code does not change anymore. Sometimes that simply never happens. A number smaller than 9 defines the max optimization passes.

-- J.

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Re: Extending ArrayList - GWT compiler crashes out

Hi Jens,

In short changing the memory didn't fix the issue. We tried on a 16 GB machine with 16GB -xss config.  

Is there a way I can make the compiler print more details instead of only Stack overflow message ? 

And is there a way to debug the compiler while its in action in my project ? 

thanks a lot for your tremendous support. I hope through this process GWT will find more potential committers :) 


On Friday, March 31, 2017 at 3:39:38 PM UTC+5:30, Debasish Padhy wrote:
It does look to me like endless recursion. I already have assigned 4GB RAM for the compiler. Will try it now with 8GB and hope for the best. Since project does build successfully more often then not I am hopeful its a memory issue. Will keep you posted. 

And will need to try with a simple custom arraylist project. The codebase is large and complex so I just created an example to share. 

On Friday, March 31, 2017 at 1:54:20 PM UTC+5:30, Jens wrote:
Looks like there is an recursion that is either too deep for the stack memory configured in the JVM (-xss parameter) or it's and endless recursion. Also it seems to occur while gathering serialization information, I guess for GWT-RPC. What GWT compiler does is, it looks at your GWT-RPC methods and their paramters/return types and then figures out all possible classes that could be used with these methods. So if you have serializable classes used with GWT-RPC that have an ArrayList field GWT compiler will now also analyze CustomArrayList.

Does it already fail with an empty CustomArrayList implementation or did you just snip the code because you don't want to publish it?

-- J.

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Re: Extending ArrayList - GWT compiler crashes out

It does look to me like endless recursion. I already have assigned 4GB RAM for the compiler. Will try it now with 8GB and hope for the best. Since project does build successfully more often then not I am hopeful its a memory issue. Will keep you posted. 

And will need to try with a simple custom arraylist project. The codebase is large and complex so I just created an example to share. 

On Friday, March 31, 2017 at 1:54:20 PM UTC+5:30, Jens wrote:
Looks like there is an recursion that is either too deep for the stack memory configured in the JVM (-xss parameter) or it's and endless recursion. Also it seems to occur while gathering serialization information, I guess for GWT-RPC. What GWT compiler does is, it looks at your GWT-RPC methods and their paramters/return types and then figures out all possible classes that could be used with these methods. So if you have serializable classes used with GWT-RPC that have an ArrayList field GWT compiler will now also analyze CustomArrayList.

Does it already fail with an empty CustomArrayList implementation or did you just snip the code because you don't want to publish it?

-- J.

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Re: How to deal with transitive maven dependencies?

On Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 6:56:56 PM UTC+2, Magnus wrote:
Hello Thomas,

thank you very much, but I only understand parts of your posts, because maven is still new to me...

Actually, nothing. Nothing on the Maven side though.

Yes, I can validate this by doing mvn gwt:devmode and the app works, nevertheless what eclipse thinks is wrong...
The problem is with M2Eclipse, but I don't know it enough to know how you're supposed to work with it and give you any guidance here.

Well, I was used to do everything in eclipse: create gwt project, compile, run, debug, ... I just migrated one general library (pure java and gwt code) and two apps (which I recreated with webAppCreator -templates maven) to maven.
When I make changes to the library, I execute mvn clean compile package install. I feel that some of these goals should be triggered by others, but I call them all to make sure to end up in a defined state.
When I make changes to one of the apps, I execute mvn clean compile package gwt:devmode.

I know that all these goals must be redundant and triggered by each other somehow, but during the migration of my projects I have seen many problems that disappeared when repeating the different maven goals...

See my previous message (in another thread) where I touched those goals.
Hint: remember that Maven lifecycles are linear (they're not a graph), so "install" implies everything before it (includes "compile" and "package"; and "package" implies "compile").
For non-lifecycle goals (such as gwt:devmode), the doc tells you what lifecycle phase it triggers (and the doc is generated from annotations in the code that Maven actually use to determine what it has to do, so it's really documentation about the actual behavior, without a risk of disconnect or being outdated). In the case of gwt:devmode, it triggers "process-classes", which comes just after "compile" in the lifecycle (and as a rule of thumb, you should always use "process-classes" rather than "compile"):
The problem is that "mvn war:war" is somehow invoked (do you invoke it yourself manually, from within Eclipse? possibly as "mvn package") and it resolves its dependencies from the workspace (by default at least), similar to a reactor build.

To reproduce the problem I don't need to call anything: I simply open the pom.xml in eclipse, remove the "provided" scope, and save the pom.xml file. Then, immediately, the error marker appears.

BTW: I don't know "reactor builds", so I cannot follow your additional words:

tl;fr: a "reactor build" is a build in a multi-module project (where one POM has <packaging>pom</packaging> and lists submodules in a <modules> element). The build has to be done on that one POM, not in a subfolder corresponding to a submodule (in which case it's just a normal build).
But when resolving the library, it won't build/package it! and Maven's default behavior when trying to resolve unpackaged dependencies from a reactor build, is to take target/classes if the dependency has <packaging>jar</packaging>
This can happen in regular reactor builds when you e.g. run "mvn test": it'll run "mvn test" on the first submodule, then "mvn test" on the second submodule, and if the second submodule depends on the first one, then its target/classes is used (because "test" comes before "package" in the lifecycle). This is a design flaw in Maven (if you ask me), and one of the reasons I generally recommend using other builds tools (e.g. Gradle) instead.
If you disable resolution of dependencies from the workspace in Eclipse, then the "mvn war:war" will resolve the library from the local repository instead (which means you'd have to "mvn install" the library to have the app see the changes).

The only thing I understand in this paragraph is that I have to "mvn install" the library, what I am actually doing, so that the apps can see it.

Since my app works when doing everything on the command line, the only thing I want is that the error markers disappear (assuming that they are false positives)...

Then all you should have to do is telling Eclipse to stop resolving dependencies from the workspace (and only from the local repository).
IIRC, right-click on the project,→ Maven → uncheck the menu item talking about resolving from the workspace.
See (this book is a bit old and no longer maintained)

It seems strange to me though that Eclipse would try to package the project, did you change the preferences of goals Eclipse should run on project import or when updating project configuration?
My (personal) recommendation is to work with reactor (multi-module) builds, to only ever execute Maven commands on the root module, and to only ever use the "package" and "verify" lifecycle phases (and possibly "install" and/or "deploy" if you really need them).

I would like to follow this recommendation, but what exactly do I have to do?

Assuming you have a folder "project" containing two subfolders "lib" and "app" containing your library and application projects respectively, then create a pom.xml in "project" with <packaging>pom</packaging> and this snippet:
Then run all your Maven commands in the "project" folder (never in the "lib" or "app" subfolders).
For gwt:devmode, you'll want to move the configuration up into this POM (and adapt the various paths and configuration). See my gwt-maven-archetypes for examples of this.
This is one reason I built the net.ltgt.gwt.maven:gwt-maven-plugin, because the old org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin could work that way.

This is one big questionmark for me! I am evaluating the different GWT maven plugins for a while, and I learned that yours is the one that is recommended. Then, I found that webAppCreator -templates maven creates a project template that I can work with. And I noticed net.ltgt.gwt.maven in the pom.xml. Therefore, I thought that I am using your plugin. But the error message discussed here is a "MojoExecutionException". The word "Mojo" seems to refer to the other plugin. That's confusing to me. Can you resolve this?

"Mojo" is a Maven term, it stands for "Maven plain Old Java Object":
It's a bit unfortunate that the "community" of plugins was named "Mojo" (formerly CodeHaus Mojo, now MojoHaus) but there's nothing I can do.

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Re: Extending ArrayList - GWT compiler crashes out

Looks like there is an recursion that is either too deep for the stack memory configured in the JVM (-xss parameter) or it's and endless recursion. Also it seems to occur while gathering serialization information, I guess for GWT-RPC. What GWT compiler does is, it looks at your GWT-RPC methods and their paramters/return types and then figures out all possible classes that could be used with these methods. So if you have serializable classes used with GWT-RPC that have an ArrayList field GWT compiler will now also analyze CustomArrayList.

Does it already fail with an empty CustomArrayList implementation or did you just snip the code because you don't want to publish it?

-- J.

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Extending ArrayList - GWT compiler crashes out


I have a requirement where I am creating a set of custom collection classes by deriving from existing ones, such as 

public class CustomArrayList<E> extends ArrayList<E>{

public CustomArrayList(){



Then I use a replace with rule to replace ArrayList with this custom collection

//gwt.xml file contains this configuration        <replace-with          class="xxxxxxxx.yyyyyyy.CustomArrayList">          <when-type-is class="java.util.ArrayList" />      </replace-with>

This seems to crash the compiler randomly. I would say in about 3 runs it crashes once. Please note the project has a bit clientside codebase spanning atleast 1000 odd classes.

The error shown is 

verifying instantiability of 


[INFO] [WARN] Checking all subtypes of Object which qualify for serialization [ERROR] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError [ERROR] at [ERROR] at [ERROR] at

I also posted this question on SO -

Any pointers shall be extremely helpful. 


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Re: Newbie questions converting Java app to GWT

Thank you so much guys. It's working now!

Instead of BufferedReader, I used a String array created by .split() on a backslash n. I'm so happy I don't have to manually define the array size in Java beforehand!

To append text to a TextArea, I read the contents of it and concatenated that with a backslash n and the next line using .setText() as mentioned above.

I stripped out the sample code that I didn't need and got it working without those Super Dev errors.

Thanks again!

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Re: How to deal with transitive maven dependencies?

Hello Thomas,

thank you very much, but I only understand parts of your posts, because maven is still new to me...

Actually, nothing. Nothing on the Maven side though.

Yes, I can validate this by doing mvn gwt:devmode and the app works, nevertheless what eclipse thinks is wrong...
The problem is with M2Eclipse, but I don't know it enough to know how you're supposed to work with it and give you any guidance here.

Well, I was used to do everything in eclipse: create gwt project, compile, run, debug, ... I just migrated one general library (pure java and gwt code) and two apps (which I recreated with webAppCreator -templates maven) to maven.
When I make changes to the library, I execute mvn clean compile package install. I feel that some of these goals should be triggered by others, but I call them all to make sure to end up in a defined state.
When I make changes to one of the apps, I execute mvn clean compile package gwt:devmode.

I know that all these goals must be redundant and triggered by each other somehow, but during the migration of my projects I have seen many problems that disappeared when repeating the different maven goals...

The problem is that "mvn war:war" is somehow invoked (do you invoke it yourself manually, from within Eclipse? possibly as "mvn package") and it resolves its dependencies from the workspace (by default at least), similar to a reactor build.

To reproduce the problem I don't need to call anything: I simply open the pom.xml in eclipse, remove the "provided" scope, and save the pom.xml file. Then, immediately, the error marker appears.

BTW: I don't know "reactor builds", so I cannot follow your additional words:
But when resolving the library, it won't build/package it! and Maven's default behavior when trying to resolve unpackaged dependencies from a reactor build, is to take target/classes if the dependency has <packaging>jar</packaging>
This can happen in regular reactor builds when you e.g. run "mvn test": it'll run "mvn test" on the first submodule, then "mvn test" on the second submodule, and if the second submodule depends on the first one, then its target/classes is used (because "test" comes before "package" in the lifecycle). This is a design flaw in Maven (if you ask me), and one of the reasons I generally recommend using other builds tools (e.g. Gradle) instead.
If you disable resolution of dependencies from the workspace in Eclipse, then the "mvn war:war" will resolve the library from the local repository instead (which means you'd have to "mvn install" the library to have the app see the changes).

The only thing I understand in this paragraph is that I have to "mvn install" the library, what I am actually doing, so that the apps can see it.

Since my app works when doing everything on the command line, the only thing I want is that the error markers disappear (assuming that they are false positives)...
My (personal) recommendation is to work with reactor (multi-module) builds, to only ever execute Maven commands on the root module, and to only ever use the "package" and "verify" lifecycle phases (and possibly "install" and/or "deploy" if you really need them).

I would like to follow this recommendation, but what exactly do I have to do?

This is one reason I built the net.ltgt.gwt.maven:gwt-maven-plugin, because the old org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin could work that way.

This is one big questionmark for me! I am evaluating the different GWT maven plugins for a while, and I learned that yours is the one that is recommended. Then, I found that webAppCreator -templates maven creates a project template that I can work with. And I noticed net.ltgt.gwt.maven in the pom.xml. Therefore, I thought that I am using your plugin. But the error message discussed here is a "MojoExecutionException". The word "Mojo" seems to refer to the other plugin. That's confusing to me. Can you resolve this?


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Re: How to deal with transitive maven dependencies?

On Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 4:57:04 PM UTC+2, Magnus wrote:
Remove provided at 


If I only remove <scope>provided</scope> (without replacing it with another scope), then the jar file is correctly copied into the WEB-INF/lib folder.
But then, I have an error marker in eclipse (at the line with <packaging>war</packaging>):

Description Resource Path Location Type
Failed to copy file for artifact [msm.lib.acs:msm-lib-acs:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile] (org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.2:war:default-war:package)

org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Failed to copy file for artifact [msm.lib.acs:msm-lib-acs:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile]
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.ArtifactsPackagingTask.performPackaging(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.WarProjectPackagingTask.handleArtifacts(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.WarProjectPackagingTask.performPackaging(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.AbstractWarMojo.buildWebapp(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.AbstractWarMojo.buildExplodedWebapp(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.WarMojo.performPackaging(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.WarMojo.execute(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl$
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl$
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.executeBare(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$1.method(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$1.method(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$BuildMethod$1$
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.executeBare(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$BuildMethod$
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.executeBare(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$BuildMethod.execute(
Caused by: /home/warker/dvl/prj/msm/msm-lib-acs/target/classes (Is a directory)
at Method)
at org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils.copyStreamToFile(
at org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils.copyFile(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.AbstractWarPackagingTask.copyFile(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.AbstractWarPackagingTask$1.registered(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.util.WebappStructure.registerFile(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.AbstractWarPackagingTask.copyFile(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.ArtifactsPackagingTask.performPackaging(
... 38 more
pom.xml /msm-app-mcs line 9 Maven Build Problem

The directory /home/warker/dvl/prj/msm/msm-lib-acs/target/classes exists.

What's still wrong?

Actually, nothing. Nothing on the Maven side though.
The problem is with M2Eclipse, but I don't know it enough to know how you're supposed to work with it and give you any guidance here.
The problem is that "mvn war:war" is somehow invoked (do you invoke it yourself manually, from within Eclipse? possibly as "mvn package") and it resolves its dependencies from the workspace (by default at least), similar to a reactor build.
But when resolving the library, it won't build/package it! and Maven's default behavior when trying to resolve unpackaged dependencies from a reactor build, is to take target/classes if the dependency has <packaging>jar</packaging>
This can happen in regular reactor builds when you e.g. run "mvn test": it'll run "mvn test" on the first submodule, then "mvn test" on the second submodule, and if the second submodule depends on the first one, then its target/classes is used (because "test" comes before "package" in the lifecycle). This is a design flaw in Maven (if you ask me), and one of the reasons I generally recommend using other builds tools (e.g. Gradle) instead.
If you disable resolution of dependencies from the workspace in Eclipse, then the "mvn war:war" will resolve the library from the local repository instead (which means you'd have to "mvn install" the library to have the app see the changes).

My (personal) recommendation is to work with reactor (multi-module) builds, to only ever execute Maven commands on the root module, and to only ever use the "package" and "verify" lifecycle phases (and possibly "install" and/or "deploy" if you really need them). This is one reason I built the net.ltgt.gwt.maven:gwt-maven-plugin, because the old org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin could work that way. Similarly, the tomcat7-maven-plugin works with reactor builds, but not the jetty-maven-plugin.

But some people are OK with doing "mvn install" every few minutes…

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Re: How to deal with transitive maven dependencies?

Note that as soon as I set the scope back to provided the error is gone immediately.
Maybe another scope is needed here?

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Re: How to deal with transitive maven dependencies?

Remove provided at 


If I only remove <scope>provided</scope> (without replacing it with another scope), then the jar file is correctly copied into the WEB-INF/lib folder.
But then, I have an error marker in eclipse (at the line with <packaging>war</packaging>):

Description Resource Path Location Type
Failed to copy file for artifact [msm.lib.acs:msm-lib-acs:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile] (org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.2:war:default-war:package)

org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Failed to copy file for artifact [msm.lib.acs:msm-lib-acs:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile]
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.ArtifactsPackagingTask.performPackaging(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.WarProjectPackagingTask.handleArtifacts(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.WarProjectPackagingTask.performPackaging(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.AbstractWarMojo.buildWebapp(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.AbstractWarMojo.buildExplodedWebapp(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.WarMojo.performPackaging(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.WarMojo.execute(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl$
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl$
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.executeBare(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$1.method(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$1.method(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$BuildMethod$1$
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.executeBare(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$BuildMethod$
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.executeBare(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenExecutionContext.execute(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.builder.MavenBuilder$BuildMethod.execute(
Caused by: /home/warker/dvl/prj/msm/msm-lib-acs/target/classes (Is a directory)
at Method)
at org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils.copyStreamToFile(
at org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils.copyFile(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.AbstractWarPackagingTask.copyFile(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.AbstractWarPackagingTask$1.registered(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.util.WebappStructure.registerFile(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.AbstractWarPackagingTask.copyFile(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.packaging.ArtifactsPackagingTask.performPackaging(
... 38 more
pom.xml /msm-app-mcs line 9 Maven Build Problem

The directory /home/warker/dvl/prj/msm/msm-lib-acs/target/classes exists.

What's still wrong?



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Re: Newbie questions converting Java app to GWT

I tend to use Guava Splitter class when splitting text. Guava is compatible with GWT (there is a guava-gwt.jar artifact).
On Thu, 30 Mar 2017 at 08:59, Frank <> wrote:
1a. Only java.lang and java.util classes are supported
1b. Just use a StringBuffer and setText

2. You can just remove the server directory. And clean up the web.xml The error you are receiving is not about that though. I think you are using superDevMode to run the project in Eclipse ? If that is the case clean up het war directory before uploading. This will contain things about superDevMode. If you don't know what to remove post the directory structure of the war folder here.

Op donderdag 30 maart 2017 08:10:01 UTC+2 schreef Mr Grol:
I have a Java app that I wish to convert to JavaScript using GWT. I have downloaded GWT and the plugin for Eclipse. However, I am having some problems:
1. textArea / BufferedReader
1a. Parsing each line of a textArea line by line. In Java I use This does not seem to be supported in GWT. What alternatives could I use please?
1b. There seems to be no .append(String) function for a textArea. Is outputting to a textArea not the done thing in GWT?
2. Sample code / Server issues
I do not need any server side functionality. The sample project code that is generated when creating a new project comes complete with server side code that causes problems for me as I don't have admin access to the webserver, just a folder on the server. I cannot open up ports, etc.
When I load the html page, I get a dialog saying "Couldn't load helloworld from Super Dev Mode Server...". I am compiling the app and copying the 'war' folder to my folder on the webserver.
Are there any sample 'hello world' Eclipse projects that don't have server code and that are public domain (or similar) license to get me started? Or perhaps, how do I remove the server stuff from my sample project? I can create a blank web application but some sample code to get me started.
Thanks in advance. :-)

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Re: Starting new GWT project - what to use

Just watched some of the videos from GWTCon2016 - well worth watching and give a much clearer view (to me) of where it's all heading.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Re: Newbie questions converting Java app to GWT

1a. Only java.lang and java.util classes are supported
1b. Just use a StringBuffer and setText

2. You can just remove the server directory. And clean up the web.xml The error you are receiving is not about that though. I think you are using superDevMode to run the project in Eclipse ? If that is the case clean up het war directory before uploading. This will contain things about superDevMode. If you don't know what to remove post the directory structure of the war folder here.

Op donderdag 30 maart 2017 08:10:01 UTC+2 schreef Mr Grol:
I have a Java app that I wish to convert to JavaScript using GWT. I have downloaded GWT and the plugin for Eclipse. However, I am having some problems:
1. textArea / BufferedReader
1a. Parsing each line of a textArea line by line. In Java I use This does not seem to be supported in GWT. What alternatives could I use please?
1b. There seems to be no .append(String) function for a textArea. Is outputting to a textArea not the done thing in GWT?
2. Sample code / Server issues
I do not need any server side functionality. The sample project code that is generated when creating a new project comes complete with server side code that causes problems for me as I don't have admin access to the webserver, just a folder on the server. I cannot open up ports, etc.
When I load the html page, I get a dialog saying "Couldn't load helloworld from Super Dev Mode Server...". I am compiling the app and copying the 'war' folder to my folder on the webserver.
Are there any sample 'hello world' Eclipse projects that don't have server code and that are public domain (or similar) license to get me started? Or perhaps, how do I remove the server stuff from my sample project? I can create a blank web application but some sample code to get me started.
Thanks in advance. :-)

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Newbie questions converting Java app to GWT

I have a Java app that I wish to convert to JavaScript using GWT. I have downloaded GWT and the plugin for Eclipse. However, I am having some problems:
1. textArea / BufferedReader
1a. Parsing each line of a textArea line by line. In Java I use This does not seem to be supported in GWT. What alternatives could I use please?
1b. There seems to be no .append(String) function for a textArea. Is outputting to a textArea not the done thing in GWT?
2. Sample code / Server issues
I do not need any server side functionality. The sample project code that is generated when creating a new project comes complete with server side code that causes problems for me as I don't have admin access to the webserver, just a folder on the server. I cannot open up ports, etc.
When I load the html page, I get a dialog saying "Couldn't load helloworld from Super Dev Mode Server...". I am compiling the app and copying the 'war' folder to my folder on the webserver.
Are there any sample 'hello world' Eclipse projects that don't have server code and that are public domain (or similar) license to get me started? Or perhaps, how do I remove the server stuff from my sample project? I can create a blank web application but some sample code to get me started.
Thanks in advance. :-)

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Re: How to deal with transitive maven dependencies?

Remove provided at 


On Wed, 29 Mar 2017 at 14:28 Magnus <> wrote:
Yes! It's taken from the maven repository!

What about the dependencyManagement thing?


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Re: How to deal with transitive maven dependencies?

Yes! It's taken from the maven repository!

What about the dependencyManagement thing?


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Re: How to deal with transitive maven dependencies?

Are you sure postgres library group/artifactid/version is ok? Chek at 

On Wed, 29 Mar 2017 at 14:15 Magnus <> wrote:
I have everything in the dependency section.

Here are the complete pom files.
Note that "mylib" is "msm-lib-acs" and "myapp" is "msm-app-mcs" (I am still struggeling with the Maven naming conventions.):

mylib aka msm-lib-acs, pom.xml:












myapp aka msm-app-mcs, pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <!-- POM file generated with GWT webAppCreator -->


    <!-- Setting maven.compiler.source to something different to 1.8
         needs that you configure the sourceLevel in gwt-maven-plugin since
         GWT compiler 2.8 requires 1.8 (see gwt-maven-plugin block below) -->

    <!-- Don't let your Mac use a crazy non-standard encoding -->

      <!-- ensure all GWT deps use the same version (unless overridden) -->


    <!-- Output classes directly into the webapp, so that IDEs and "mvn process-classes" update them in DevMode -->


      <!-- GWT Maven Plugin-->
          <!-- GWT compiler 2.8 requires 1.8, hence define sourceLevel here if you use
               a different source language for java compilation -->
          <!-- Compiler configuration -->
            <!-- Ask GWT to create the Story of Your Compile (SOYC) (gwt:compile) -->
          <!-- DevMode configuration -->
          <!-- URL(s) that should be opened by DevMode (gwt:devmode). -->

      <!-- Skip normal test execution, we use gwt:test instead -->


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