Sunday, March 31, 2013

Re: Same text, different Signature with each execution

No idea. Only thing I would change is to explicitly use a Charset like UTF-8 in String.getBytes() and probably inside Base64Utils.toBase64(). As you only use JRE classes beside Base64Utils I would first double check Base64Utils if it works correctly.

The following JUnit 4 test works (it does not use Base64Utils, but feel free to modify it):

public class SignatureTest {      private KeyPair keyPair;    private Signature signer;      @Before    public void setUp() throws Exception {      keyPair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA").generateKeyPair();      initSigner();    }      @Test    public void testSign() throws Exception {      //3 signs of the same text. Reusing signer (JavaDoc: signer.sign() resets signer)      String signed1 = sign("Hello World!!!");      String signed2 = sign("Hello World!!!");      String signed3 = sign("Hello World!!!");        printFirstBytes(signed1);      printFirstBytes(signed2);      printFirstBytes(signed3);        Assert.assertEquals(signed1, signed2);      Assert.assertEquals(signed2, signed3);      Assert.assertEquals(signed1, signed3);        //3 signs of the same text. Re-instantiate/init signer each time manually      String signed4 = signWithNewSigner("Hello World!!!");      String signed5 = signWithNewSigner("Hello World!!!");      String signed6 = signWithNewSigner("Hello World!!!");        printFirstBytes(signed4);      printFirstBytes(signed5);      printFirstBytes(signed6);        Assert.assertEquals(signed4, signed5);      Assert.assertEquals(signed5, signed6);      Assert.assertEquals(signed4, signed6);      }      private String sign(String text) throws Exception {      signer.update(text.getBytes("UTF-8"));      return new String(signer.sign(), "UTF-8");    }      private String signWithNewSigner(String text) throws Exception {      initSigner();      return sign(text);    }      private void initSigner() throws Exception {      signer = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");      signer.initSign(keyPair.getPrivate());    }      private void printFirstBytes(String source) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {      byte[] bytes = source.getBytes("UTF-8");      for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length && i < 8; i++) {        System.out.print(bytes[i] + ", ");      }      System.out.println("");    }    }

-- J.

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StockWatcher tutorial: change of user.theme has no effect

I am trying to follow the Changing the Theme step in the subject tutorial.

The tutorial is a bit behind the example code, as within the delivered Stockwatcher.gwt.xml (downloaded 2012/03/31) the uncommented theme is "Clean" which is not one of those shown in the tutorial. Regardless, when I comment the inherit of Clean and uncomment the inherit of Dark and   then cold start StockWatcher in Debug mode I see no visual change.

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Re: Same text, different Signature with each execution

Anyone? :-(

El sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013 18:27:32 UTC+1, Manuel Alejandro Fernandez Casado escribió:

I´m using GWT 2.5 and I´m trying to sign a text, that is always the same.

Code (exceptions ommited):

public String sign(String text) {
String sign = null;
Signature signer = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
sign = Base64Utils.toBase64(signer.sign());
return sign;

I put some System.out.println to see values. First are 8 first bytes from clear text (variable text). Second is clear text passed to base64 using Base64Utils (just in case Base64Utils returns different values). Third is 8 first bytes from signed text. 

I put different executions:

Execution 1

Execution 2


Execution 3

I can´t put private key but I can assure you (breakpoint see) that is always the same.

So problem is clear. The method Signature.getInstance is returning a different Signature construction that makes signed text different each time.

Does anyone know why this happens?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Replacing classes during custom serialization

As a second question, is there any document anywhere which describes
how custom serializers actually work? The tiny section in
DevGuideServerCommunication is not helpful. Some basic questions:

* Are custom serializers server-side only? Or do they get executed on
the client-side too?

* What's the relationship between the static methods and the instance
methods? I presume we have both for some sort of historical reason,
but can we get rid of the static methods? (last time I tried it didn't


On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Jeff Schnitzer <> wrote:
> When doing custom serialization, is it possible to swap out one class
> for another?
> This would fix a _lot_ of problems using Objectify's Ref<?> and Key<?>
> client-side, including, I think, being able to instantiate Refs and
> Keys intelligently.
> But I have an immediate problem I'm trying to fix - which is that
> Ref<?> is a class hierarchy on the server side, but I'd really like to
> simplify this to a single concrete Ref class client-side. So even
> though the sever might return StdRef<?> or NullRef<?>, these should be
> converted to a simplified, concrete Ref<?> on the client side.
> Is this possible? It would be even better if I could somehow just
> define one custom serializer that handles all Ref subclasses instead
> of having to make separate custom serializers for each.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jeff

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Replacing classes during custom serialization

When doing custom serialization, is it possible to swap out one class
for another?

This would fix a _lot_ of problems using Objectify's Ref<?> and Key<?>
client-side, including, I think, being able to instantiate Refs and
Keys intelligently.

But I have an immediate problem I'm trying to fix - which is that
Ref<?> is a class hierarchy on the server side, but I'd really like to
simplify this to a single concrete Ref class client-side. So even
though the sever might return StdRef<?> or NullRef<?>, these should be
converted to a simplified, concrete Ref<?> on the client side.

Is this possible? It would be even better if I could somehow just
define one custom serializer that handles all Ref subclasses instead
of having to make separate custom serializers for each.

Thanks in advance,

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Same text, different Signature with each execution


I´m using GWT 2.5 and I´m trying to sign a text, that is always the same.

Code (exceptions ommited):

public String sign(String text) {
String sign = null;
Signature signer = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
sign = Base64Utils.toBase64(signer.sign());
return sign;

I put some System.out.println to see values. First are 8 first bytes from clear text (variable text). Second is clear text passed to base64 using Base64Utils (just in case Base64Utils returns different values). Third is 8 first bytes from signed text. 

I put different executions:

Execution 1

Execution 2


Execution 3

I can´t put private key but I can assure you (breakpoint see) that is always the same.

So problem is clear. The method Signature.getInstance is returning a different Signature construction that makes signed text different each time.

Does anyone know why this happens?

Thanks in advance.

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Complex JSON and overlay types

It looks like your array is defined at: records[0].names.John

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"Complex" JSON Overlay

Names is defined as an object not an array.

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Re: Problem with the function "editRecord" in a DynamicForm (SmartGwt)

I've been using this functionality with DateItem and it works fine. So unless you provide a minimal testcase that reproduces the problem there's not much I can suggest. 

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 5:29 PM, <> wrote:
Thank you so much for the reply,

I works fine in the showcase but the problem is a don't use XML for managing data so i think that the problem is in type of formItem used for displaying Date in the DynamicForm.

I used a FormItem and DateItem but i still had this problem but now  i'm using DateTimeItem , and strangely it works fine!! :)

Thank you,

Le vendredi 29 mars 2013 01:06:56 UTC+1, Sanjiv Jivan a écrit :
This functionality works fine even for Date type fields. You can see this by clicking any row in the grid which calls editRecord(..) on the form.

If you're still having problems then post your question on the SmartGWT forum including a minimal test case :


On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 5:58 AM, <> wrote:
i have in the GUI, a ListGrid and a DynamicForm. When i click on an element in the listGrid, i have to display the values of the edited record on the Dynamic form,
for this, i use the EditRecord(Record r) of the dynamicForm

public void updateInstanceDetailTabPane(Record record){    		    	   		this.editionForm.editRecord(record);  		    	}

it works however for the fields of type Date , the values displayed are the date of today and not the reel value of the field.

My question is where is the problem and how can i display the values of type date with their reel values?

thank you,

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Re: not centering content?

I will do, I just have to isolate the code, such that it's useful. I will post it here in a few days.

On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Jens <> wrote:
Can you share code for a popup content that reproduces the problem?

-- J.

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Re: not centering content?

Can you share code for a popup content that reproduces the problem?

-- J.

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Re: not centering content?

Any idea?
Should I report this as a bug? And what are the possible workarounds?

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Ed Bras <> wrote:
Hi Jens,
Thanks for the code example.
I tired it and your code example works, see attachment.

However, instead of setting the popup content you created in the above method "createPopupContent" I added a panel of my own (in the same html  page), and it's not centered ;(..
I disabled any animation (fade in) and borders/shading effects. As you can see, what's left is just a stupid panel with hardly any content. 
I don't understand why it's not centered.
I played around with it, but could it get it to center, like:
+ Removing almost all styles, also the width of the outer panel.
+ However, If I use only the outer panel that contains the inner content, and fill it with some text as done in your example, it does center.
So adding text will center it, but not putting panels in panels in panels... etc.. with some basic styles...

Any idea?

- Ed

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online form/invoice designer

We are developing an accounting SaaS using servlets/jsps and gwt 

The users would like to create their own invoice template for print purpose.  

Here are the simple steps I am imagining.
- A form designer to the left side (3/4 of the window).
- A list of Invoice variables displayed on the right.  
- The user can drag & drop the invoice variables into the form
- Save the template as a HTML with placeholders for the variables.(Some convention to identify the placeholders in the HTML)

Are there any tools/companies or opensource projects which can perform the above.  I should be able to integrate that project into my own web application.


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Friday, March 29, 2013

Re: Problem with the function "editRecord" in a DynamicForm (SmartGwt)

Thank you so much for the reply,

I works fine in the showcase but the problem is a don't use XML for managing data so i think that the problem is in type of formItem used for displaying Date in the DynamicForm.

I used a FormItem and DateItem but i still had this problem but now  i'm using DateTimeItem , and strangely it works fine!! :)

Thank you,

Le vendredi 29 mars 2013 01:06:56 UTC+1, Sanjiv Jivan a écrit :
This functionality works fine even for Date type fields. You can see this by clicking any row in the grid which calls editRecord(..) on the form.

If you're still having problems then post your question on the SmartGWT forum including a minimal test case :


On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 5:58 AM, <> wrote:
i have in the GUI, a ListGrid and a DynamicForm. When i click on an element in the listGrid, i have to display the values of the edited record on the Dynamic form,
for this, i use the EditRecord(Record r) of the dynamicForm

public void updateInstanceDetailTabPane(Record record){    		    	   		this.editionForm.editRecord(record);  		    	}

it works however for the fields of type Date , the values displayed are the date of today and not the reel value of the field.

My question is where is the problem and how can i display the values of type date with their reel values?

thank you,

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Decoding complex JSON

Hi everybody,

I want to read this kind of JSON with GWT:

{"records": [{"names": {"John": ["50", "H", "US"], "Jack": ["50", "H", "US"]}, "style": "TR"}]}

I use overlay for that. 

If I use that, I get "TR":

 public final native String getStyle()
         return this.records[0].style;

So, it's work. Now I want to get John and the list 50,H,US. If I use that I get null:

public final native String getNames(String i)
         return this.records[0].names[i];

For the same thing, I try to do that and I get no result: (json is the of my class which is extended by JavaScriptObject)

       public final native JsArray<json> getArray(String key) /*-{
        return this[key] ? this[key] : new Array();



Have you any idea to do what I want?

Thank you in advance !

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Re: GWT is creating large cache files in my temp folder.

On Friday, March 29, 2013 6:37:58 PM UTC+1, Mohammad Al-Quraian wrote:
It's getting ridiculous, the total size of the files is over 6 GB!!

An example of a file name is:

1- Why is it doing that and can I avoid it? or at least make them deleted automatically?

They *are* deleted automatically… if the JVM terminates normally. It seems like Eclipse is killing the JVM a bit too abruptly so those files aren't deleted.

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Re: gwt-unitCache

On Friday, March 29, 2013 4:16:31 PM UTC+1, Magnus wrote:

after upgrading the eclipse plugin I found a folder named "gwt-unitCache" under my project directory. I think it was not there before.
Does anyone know what it is for?

It's used by the compiler to cache "compilation units", which are (basically) the things it creates upon parsing your Java source files. The gwt-unitCache will speed-up subsequent compiles because it can just read from the cache rather than re-parse/compile a file if it hasn't changed.
I believe it's also used by devmode (can't remember).

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GWT is creating large cache files in my temp folder.

It's getting ridiculous, the total size of the files is over 6 GB!!

An example of a file name is:

1- Why is it doing that and can I avoid it? or at least make them deleted automatically?
2- Are they different from gwt-unitCache files?

BTW, I'm opening quite the number of GWT projects for practicing, I also delete the gwt-unitCache folder every now and then.

Cheers gwters,

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Re: clear browser cache automatically?

W dniu piątek, 29 marca 2013 10:24:59 UTC+1 użytkownik Magnus napisał:

when I deploy a new version of my app on my tomcat server, the clients sometimes need to clear the browser cache.

If the cache is not cleared, an exception occurrs (see below) and the client gets an error message.
The problem is that some clients do not know what to do.

What can I do? Would it be possible to have the browser's cache be cleared automatically somehow?

Use filter to set headers for "*nocache*" files, which disallows caching.

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after upgrading the eclipse plugin I found a folder named "gwt-unitCache" under my project directory. I think it was not there before.
Does anyone know what it is for?


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Re: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name, locale en_US

Hi Petar ! I have the same problem : did you find the solution ?

Le lundi 18 mars 2013 15:55:44 UTC+1, a écrit :
[ERROR] Failed to parse RPC payload
[ERROR] at
[ERROR] Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name, locale en_US

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Complex JSON and overlay types

Hi everybody,
I want to read this kind of JSON with GWT:

{"records": [{"names": {"John": ["50", "H", "US"], "Jack": ["50", "H", "US"]}, "style": "TR"}]}

I use overlay for that.

If I use that, I get "TR":

 public final native String getStyle()
         return this.records[0].style;

So, it's work. Now I want to get John and the list 50,H,US. If I use that I get null:

public final native String getNames(String i)
         return this.records[0].names[i];

For the same thing, I try to do that and I get no result: (json is the of my class which is extended by JavaScriptObject)

       public final native JsArray<json> getArray(String key) /*-{
        return this[key] ? this[key] : new Array();




Have you any idea to do what I want?

Thank you in advance !

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Bean Validation customization questions

First of all i need to make MessageInterpolator decorator like that.

public class MessageInterpolatorDecorator implements MessageInterpolator {
    private final MessageInterpolator decorator;

    public MessageInterpolatorDecorator(MessageInterpolator decorator) {
        this.decorator = decorator;

    @Override public String interpolate(String messageTemplate, Context context) {
        return decorator.interpolate(messageTemplate, context);

    @Override public String interpolate(String messageTemplate, Context context, Locale locale) {
        return decorator.interpolate(messageTemplate, context, locale);

It looks like correct, but can't be compiled.

The second requirement in my project is usage DI in custom ConstraintValidator. For example:

public class ExistingCustomsCodeValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ExistingCustomsCode, String> {
    @Inject private CustomsCodeService customsCodeService;
    @Inject private ProcessingCtx processingCtx;

    @Override public void initialize(ExistingCustomsCode constraintAnnotation) {}

    @Override public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
        return customsCodeService.isValid(value, processingCtx.getDeclarationDateTime());

It can be simply done at server side, but i haven't any idea how to do this on client side. Can somebody give me advice?

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clear browser cache automatically?


when I deploy a new version of my app on my tomcat server, the clients sometimes need to clear the browser cache.

If the cache is not cleared, an exception occurrs (see below) and the client gets an error message.
The problem is that some clients do not know what to do.

What can I do? Would it be possible to have the browser's cache be cleared automatically somehow?



Mar 29, 2013 6:38:43 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: SystemServlet: ERROR: The serialization policy file '/bcs/4BF9157EFF4DC4C6EDC037BC1D248013.gwt.rpc' was not found; did you forget to include it in this deployment?
Mar 29, 2013 6:38:43 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: SystemServlet: WARNING: Failed to get the SerializationPolicy '4BF9157EFF4DC4C6EDC037BC1D248013' for module ''; a legacy, 1.3.3 compatible, serialization policy will be used.  You may experience SerializationExceptions as a result.
Mar 29, 2013 6:38:54 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
SEVERE: Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call Type 'bcs.shared.mod.user.UserContext' was not assignable to '' and did not have a custom field serializer.For security purposes, this type will not be serialized.: instance = bcs.shared.mod.user.UserContext@1dd3358
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
        at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
        at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
        at org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler.invoke(
        at org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest.invoke(
        at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.invoke(
        at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.processConnection(
        at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket$SocketConnection.runIt(
        at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

How to use Gin DI in custom ConstraintValidator (Bean Validation)?

For example i have some CodeValidator with dependencies.

public class ExistingCustomsCodeValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ExistingCustomsCode, String> {
    @Inject private CustomsCodeService customsCodeService;
    @Inject private ProcessingCtx processingCtx;

    @Override public void initialize(ExistingCustomsCode constraintAnnotation) {}

    @Override public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
        return customsCodeService.isValid(value, processingCtx.getDeclarationDateTime());

I can simply inject dependencies on server-side, but i can't imagine how to do this on client-side.

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Re: Problem with the function "editRecord" in a DynamicForm (SmartGwt)

This functionality works fine even for Date type fields. You can see this by clicking any row in the grid which calls editRecord(..) on the form.

If you're still having problems then post your question on the SmartGWT forum including a minimal test case :


On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 5:58 AM, <> wrote:
i have in the GUI, a ListGrid and a DynamicForm. When i click on an element in the listGrid, i have to display the values of the edited record on the Dynamic form,
for this, i use the EditRecord(Record r) of the dynamicForm

public void updateInstanceDetailTabPane(Record record){    		    	   		this.editionForm.editRecord(record);  		    	}

it works however for the fields of type Date , the values displayed are the date of today and not the reel value of the field.

My question is where is the problem and how can i display the values of type date with their reel values?

thank you,

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Re: GWT Beginner's Tutorial

I really have enjoyed Marty Hall's slides and tutorials. The one that I have been using lately is (GWT 2.5 from May 2012).

But you can find all of his GWT training slides here:

This is great stuff for beginners who are just getting into GWT!

On Friday, June 8, 2007 3:17:31 AM UTC-4, mP wrote:

On Jun 8, 5:15 am, Marty Hall <> wrote:
> On Jun 6, 5:32 pm, Sanjiv Jivan <> wrote:
> > I still think that "Big learning curve" listed as a disadvantage is
> > not an accurate statement, certainly not for Java developers. Even if
> > I was attending a Tapestry class, I wouldn't want to see one of the
> > first slides say that it has a big learning curve ;) Maybe after the
> > class the audience can decide if GWT is their cup of tea.
> Well, the tact I take is to *not* try to be an advocate for a
> particular technology, but rather summarize what I think are the pros
> and the cons as accurately as possible at the beginning. Besides, I
> think in the long run people will be more satisfied if they have
> realistic expectations at the beginning.
> The single most common course I teach is on JSF, and I get so many
> requests for JSF training courses that I can hardly keep up. (A course
> Down Under in Sydney is next: yay!).

Dont come you wont like it here :)

But you should see all the
> negatives I cite about JSF early on. I am much harsher than I am with
> GWT. In general, I think it is unhelpful to potential developers if
> you cite the advantages without also citing the disadvantages.
> Anyhow, back to "big learning curve", I still think this is true. With
> most other Ajax tools, developers start with what they already know
> (xhtml, JavaScript, maybe JSP custom tags) and add in a few things.
> With GWT, they have to think in a whole new way, and they have to
> learn a new class for each xhtml form element that they already knew.
> Now, I think this is *more* productive in the medium and long term,
> but, still, my empirical observation is that people who start with GWT
> take longer to get going *initially* than they do with other Ajax
> tools. Instead of denying this initial ramp up time, I think it is
> better to argue that it is well worth it in the medium to long term.
> Or even in the just-a-bit-longer-than-short term. :-)

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Re: Literal Array Creation in JSNI

On Thursday, March 28, 2013 8:08:14 PM UTC+1, tomsn wrote:

within my GWT Application I try to execute the following method:

public native void drawChart(Element parent)/*-{
    var series = [{
            data: [ { x: 0, y: 40 }, { x: 1, y: 49 } ],
            color: 'steelblue',
            name: 'Dataset_1'
    var graph = new $wnd.Rickshaw.Graph( {
        element: parent,
        width: 600,
        height: 200,
        series: series,
        renderer: 'bar'

The series array initialized at the beginning of the implementation is passed to the Rickshaw.Graph constructor.
The Rickshaw module tests whether the input object series is of type Array and - fails.
 if (!(series instanceof Array)) throw ....

I have no explanation for that behavior. I thought it's native JavaScript code, executed within the browser, so that there should be
no difference. But indeed, the array created in the method above does not pass that instanceof check.

GWT code runs in an iframe, so its Array is not the same as the Array in $wnd, which is why "instanceof Array" fails.
Rickshaw.Graph is simply broken.

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Re: Are VerticalPanel and HorizontalPanel (informally) deprecated in GWT 2.0?

That's a great question. I would like to know where this stands today.

On Saturday, March 13, 2010 7:10:19 AM UTC-5, Δημήτρης Μενούνος wrote:
I hope not! There is nothing wrong with using Components backed by
tables. Especially in the context of building complex web-app UIs,
where floated divs won't cut it. So we are left with absolute
positioning and / or tables. Absolute layout can be more precise but
also perform worse. Personally I use a mixture of both.

On Mar 12, 11:53 pm, Marty Hall <> wrote:
> Now that we have LayoutPanel and its derivatives, are we supposed to
> eschew VerticalPanel and HorizontalPanel because they use HTML tables
> behind the scenes?

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Re: Need some help with Totoe and XML

I'n not sure I understand what your trying to do, but before I put an XPath in code, I often try it out wit XPE ( I've found this a great tool for exploring option and getting it right before try it out in my program.

On Wednesday, March 27, 2013 11:01:14 AM UTC-4, skippy wrote:
I have this XML:
I need to get at Group Name="ACCT00305" and at all the children and
values like this:
ACCT000           31MEB0009
NAME055          Miss Taylor R Williams
REMT000         00001
REMT001         BANTMEK

<Group Name="ACCT00305">
                <ACCT000 >31MEB0009</ACCT000 >
                <NAME055 >Miss Taylor R Williams</NAME055 >
                <REMT000 >00001</REMT000 >
                <REMT001 >BANTMEK</REMT001 >
                <NAME002 >987-00-0082</NAME002 >
                <REMT027 >
                                <vitm code=' ' desc='NONE' />
                </REMT027 >
                <REMT018 >
                                <vitm code=' ' desc='NONE' />
                </REMT018 >
                <ACCT000 >31MEB0009</ACCT000 >
                <NAME055 >Mr. Taylor R Brown</NAME055 >
                <REMT000 >00002</REMT000 >
                <REMT001 >GIP5</REMT001 >
                <NAME002 > </NAME002 >
                <REMT027 >
                                <vitm code=' ' desc='NONE' />
                </REMT027 >
                <REMT018 >
                                <vitm code=' ' desc='NONE' />
                </REMT018 >
                <ACCT000 >31MEB0009</ACCT000 >
                <NAME055 >Mrs. Jamie N Walker</NAME055 >
                <REMT000 >00005</REMT000 >
                <REMT001 >BROWTJK</REMT001 >
                <NAME002 > </NAME002 >
                <REMT027 >
                                <vitm code=' ' desc='NONE' />
                </REMT027 >
                <REMT018 >
                                <vitm code=' ' desc='NONE' />
                </REMT018 >
                <ACCT000 >31MEB0009</ACCT000 >
                <NAME055 >Miss Pat G Wilson</NAME055 >
                <REMT000 >00010</REMT000 >
                <REMT001 >TAYLOAK</REMT001 >
                <NAME002 > </NAME002 >
                <REMT027 >TA<vlst>
                <vitm code='TA' desc='Receive Tax Letters' />
</REMT027 >
<REMT018 >
                <vitm code=' ' desc='NONE' />
</REMT018 >

Alan B. Lehman
IT Architect Specialist
FIS Wealth Management Solutions
Phone: 414-815-2049

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Re: GWT Sticky Sessions

Hi there

from my experience ... you are barking at the wrong tree so to speak.
it's a long time that I'm not using GWT anymore (not my choice, but i had to) but i don't think that it's GWT's problem

to check the jsessionid you could use the Chrome's developer tools o firefox - firebug and look at the network tab there you should see the headers sent to the back-end (the jsessionid should be present in a cookie or in the request).
anyway you said mod_jk that says to me that you have an Apache HTTPD before the Tomcat
I usually use mod_proxy_ajp (which i would recommend, but about that we could talk some other time) 
a very important thing when implementing load balancing it's the jvmRoute parameter on the tomcat.
In every tomcat you shold edit in the server.xml the line saying
<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
adding the an attribute jvmRoute, with a string at your discretion but different for every server.
<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="t1">
<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="t2">
that makes the Tomcat add that little string at the end of the jsessionid (jsessionid=AS348AF929FK219CKA9FK3B79870H would become jsessionid=AS348AF929FK219CKA9FK3B79870H.t1 on the first server t1 and so on).

that little string there says to the Apache on which node the session  was created and therefore where it should send the request.
from what I've understand from reading this looks like the jvmRoute value should be the same as the worker name or/and vice-versa.
that's about it, hope it helped

See ya

On Wednesday, March 27, 2013 3:32:25 PM UTC+1, xsee wrote:
You don't even need a filter or set the cookie yourself. Just make a call to getSession(true) and it will automagically be set in the Cookies. Typically, you will have some sort of 'initialization' RPC in your module entry point. This is usually a good place to create the session by calling "getLocalThreadRequest().getSession(true). Once your RPC returns, go check your cookies in the browser and you will see the jsessionid there. No need for special filters or any of the rest of it.

On Wednesday, January 23, 2008 4:57:41 AM UTC-7, jas_tat wrote:
Hi All,

I fixed my problem. "Does anyone know how I can pass a plain,
unencoded, jsessionid with all http POST requests which the GWT client
frontend makes?"

In the end I used a servlet filter in order to set a jsessionid as a
cookie for every http response my GWT application made:

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class JsessionidSetter implements Filter
        public static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JsessionidSetter .class);

        public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException

        public void destroy()

        public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res,
FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException
                HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;
                HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest)req).getSession(true);
                response.addCookie(new Cookie("JSESSIONID", session.getId()));
                chain.doFilter(req, res);

With supporting xml in my web.xml:


Thank you all for your comments anyway!

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