Thursday, May 31, 2012

XSRF protection using GWT example guide broken for Glassfish/ Jetty using JSESSIONID


I recently re-engineered some custom XSRF/CSRF protection code in my open source GWT-based application to use the new recommended protection introduced in GWT 2.3 as described in .  Since I develop and deploy mainly in Tomcat all seemed well.  However some users of the project deploy to Glassfish and Jetty Java Servlet Containers, both of which immediately started having problems with all RPC calls getting blocked throwing a "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate cookie! Cookie override attack?" exception.

Looking into why, I've determined the problem being JSESSIONID, the session cookie and what GWT recommends to base XSRF token from, is in both application and root path for the host for different reasons, causing the exception to be thrown when the application sees both cookies in scope: (tracked on

What steps will reproduce the problem?  1. Glassfish- visit admin console (http://host:4848/ creates JSESSIONID cookie for / , visit WPS (http://host:8080/WPS creates JSESSIONID cookie for /WPS  2. Although on different ports, cookie spec doesn't care and both instances of JSESSIONID cookie are in scope to WPS, the GWT Google code sees both when it calls getCookie() and throws an exception "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate cookie! Cookie override attack?" and doesn't allow any requests to work.    1. Jetty- visit one of their sample servlets (i.e. http://host:8080/dump/info creates JSESSIONID cookie for / , visit WPS (http://host:8080/WPS creates JSESSIONID cookie for /WPS  2. Although different contexts, Jetty servlet sets its at root path so both are in scope to WPS, blah blah blah same exception and reason as the Glassfish example above.    There is no way to configure the GWT code to ignore the duplicate cookie check without modifying their code.  It would be ideal if it just checked for and cared about the cookies defined in the /WPS application context and ignored the others or allowed a way to configure it to call passing true (allow duplicates) as the last parameter rather than hardcoding false.  Admittedly this may not be possible in the former case, and not completely secure in the later case.  But basing this all on the JSESSIONID in real world usage isn't working either.
  The workaround when I had this same issue when I was rolling out my own XSRF protection code previously to GWT 2.3 was to use a different unique cookie name that basically just duplicated the last JSESSIONID value and set that extra cookie when that session was first created.  You'd think if this new way was Google's "official" documented and mandated way to protect against XSRF, even using JSESSIONID in their example, it would "just work" out of the box.  But clearly not, unless their code was never tested with Jetty or Glassfish.  Very surprising.

Is there a preferred way to handle this from the GWT team that isn't documented, or is my kludge workaround the only way?  Preferably a solution that works for all servlet containers, I know there are Tomcat-specific, Jetty-specific, etc settings to tweak default JSESSIONID behavior but those are not standard and even worse kludges.

Thanks for your attention to this and any advice as far as best practices,

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Celltable performance issue

I am using GWT 2.4 version.
And using Celltable with pager and ListDataProvider to display the data.

I have large amount of data contains(9000+) records(rows and 10 colums) to display.
when I am trying to display these records my application becomes unresponsive.

Please let me know how can i improve the performance of this?

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DataGrid progress - who to change default boxs to plain text

Hi All,

I need to change default boxes which display in progress bar of
DataGrid in to plain text - like "please wait loading"

Appreciate your help.

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Re: Help: GWT Celltable Record (Specific Record Mouseover) ToolTip !!!

Please find the sample code.....

private Column< Contact , SafeHtml> column;

 column = new Column< Contact  , SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {

public SafeHtml getValue( Contact   contact ) {

return getColumnToolTip("column text",     "tooltip text");


private SafeHtml getColumnToolTip(String columnText, StringBuilder toolTipText) {

String htmlConstant = "<html>" + "<head><style>" + "A.tip { TEXT-DECORATION: none; color:#1776B3}" + "A.tip:hover  {CURSOR:default;}" + "A.tip span   {DISPLAY:none}" + "A.tip span p {background:#d30300;color:#fff;font-weight:500;border-radius:5px;padding:5px;font-size:12px}" + "A.tip:hover span {border:1px solid #e6e3e5;DISPLAY: block;Z-INDEX: 1000; PADDING: 0px 10px 0px 10px;" + "POSITION:absolute;float:left;background:#ffffd1;   TEXT-DECORATION: none}" + "</style></head>" + "<body>" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"tip\">" + "(" + columnText + ")" + "<span>" + toolTipText + "</span></a>" + "</body>" + "</html>";
return new SafeHtmlBuilder().appendHtmlConstant(htmlConstant).toSafeHtml();



On Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:04:25 PM UTC+5:30, laxman lingampally wrote:
Hi  Rajeshwar ,

Thanks a lot .

thanks for your answer. 

i am given below code , just see and tell me where i am done mistake.

CellTable<Contact> searchGridCellTable = new CellTable<Contact>();

// Add a text column to show the dateLogged.
 TextColumn<Contact> dateLogged = new TextColumn<Contact>() {
     public String getValue(Contact object) {
       return object.getDateLogged();
  searchGridCellTable.addColumn(dateLogged, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<span title='tooltip text goes here'>DateLogged</span>"));


like this. above code showing Tooltip at Header only,

   but i need only specific record. my cellTable having number of Records.
  can you please tell how can i use, i need to show some values in Tooltip ,(only specific record)

please help me out,

if it passible give me sample code for me .

Thanks & Regards


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Rajeshwar Mishra <> wrote:
Use  Column<?, SafeHtml> 


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:58 PM, laxman lingampally <> wrote:
Hi all,

i need a GWT celltable record i.e specific record values in Tooltip ,

In my project i have one search Grid(Celltable) it is having five columns, when ever click on serach button it shows number of recods that is fine,

but , i need to show  some infermation ( like status name , id value like that......) in Tooltip like window.

Any idea or any solution ? 

please help  me out.

Thanks for helping. 


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Re: Help: GWT Celltable Record (Specific Record Mouseover) ToolTip !!!

Please find the sample code.....

private Column< Contact , SafeHtml> column;

column = new Column<ColluiCuslProxy, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) {

public SafeHtml getValue( Contact   contact ) {

return getColumnToolTip("column text",     "tooltip text");

column .setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP);
column .setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT);


private SafeHtml getColumnToolTip(String columnText, StringBuilder toolTipText) {

String htmlConstant = "<html>" + "<head><style>" + "A.tip { TEXT-DECORATION: none; color:#1776B3}" + "A.tip:hover  {CURSOR:default;}" + "A.tip span   {DISPLAY:none}" + "A.tip span p {background:#d30300;color:#fff;font-weight:500;border-radius:5px;padding:5px;font-size:12px}" + "A.tip:hover span {border:1px solid #e6e3e5;DISPLAY: block;Z-INDEX: 1000; PADDING: 0px 10px 0px 10px;" + "POSITION:absolute;float:left;background:#ffffd1;   TEXT-DECORATION: none}" + "</style></head>" + "<body>" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"tip\">" + "(" + columnText + ")" + "<span>" + toolTipText + "</span></a>" + "</body>" + "</html>";
return new SafeHtmlBuilder().appendHtmlConstant(htmlConstant).toSafeHtml();



On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:04 PM, laxman lingampally <> wrote:
Hi  Rajeshwar ,

Thanks a lot .

thanks for your answer. 

i am given below code , just see and tell me where i am done mistake.

CellTable<Contact> searchGridCellTable = new CellTable<Contact>();

// Add a text column to show the dateLogged.
 TextColumn<Contact> dateLogged = new TextColumn<Contact>() {
     public String getValue(Contact object) {
       return object.getDateLogged();
  searchGridCellTable.addColumn(dateLogged, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<span title='tooltip text goes here'>DateLogged</span>"));


like this. above code showing Tooltip at Header only,

   but i need only specific record. my cellTable having number of Records.
  can you please tell how can i use, i need to show some values in Tooltip ,(only specific record)

please help me out,

if it passible give me sample code for me .

Thanks & Regards


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Rajeshwar Mishra <> wrote:
Use  Column<?, SafeHtml> 


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:58 PM, laxman lingampally <> wrote:
Hi all,

i need a GWT celltable record i.e specific record values in Tooltip ,

In my project i have one search Grid(Celltable) it is having five columns, when ever click on serach button it shows number of recods that is fine,

but , i need to show  some infermation ( like status name , id value like that......) in Tooltip like window.

Any idea or any solution ? 

please help  me out.

Thanks for helping. 


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Re: 3-tier architecture /gwt

Hi Thomas,

I try to install the archetype but said that:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] gwt-maven-archetypes .............................. SUCCESS [0.344s]
[INFO] modular-webapp .................................... FAILURE [4.469s]
[INFO] modular-requestfactory ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] guice-rf-activities ............................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 5.172s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu May 31 21:33:24 GFT 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 7M/17M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2
.2:integration-test (default-integration-test) on project modular-webapp:
[ERROR] Archetype IT 'basic-webapp' failed: Some content are not equals
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e swit
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please rea
d the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command

[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :modular-webapp

Whatt's the problem?

2012/5/3 Thomas Broyer <>

On Thursday, May 3, 2012 4:25:58 PM UTC+2, Joseph Lust wrote:
This topic has been discussed on SO and other places.

I am familiar with the suggested GWT archatype, but we found it limiting for large projects. Instead, we (40 devs) use the following Maven project structure to break up our project:

  • MainProject.pom
    • Client-Interfaces.pom (or POJO's as you put it)
    • Client-GWT.pom (frontend GWT code, uses Interfaces)
    • Server.pom (backend Java code, uses Client-Interfaces)
    • Web.pom (Tomcat settings)
So just running the main pom will build the interfaces that are then used by the server side code and the client side GWT. The Web project contains Tomcat specific items and dictates how the war is packed up.
Benefits: You don't need to rebuild the whole project if changes are only in your services. Great because services compile in a few seconds, GWT in several minutes.

Just a quick note: this is exactly what does (except for the server vs. web separation; that's something we did in our project too, but I didn't think it was worth putting into the archetypes: people should just split the module if/when they feel the need for it; I might add it to another archetype though); this is not the same as the archetype from the gwt-maven-plugin!

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CellTree styling on Closed Node vs. Leaf Node

Is there any way in a CellTree to apply different styles to a Leaf node vs. a Closed non-leaf node?  I see separate styles for open nodes, but no way to tell between the other two.

So far the best I've come up with are:

 *  Use a CSS sibling selector such as:
      .cellTreeItemImage + .cellTreeItemValue { ... }

  * Add styling inside my AbstractCell.render() method based on the isLeaf() method.

However, both of these come with the limitation that I can only style my .cellTreeItemValue and .cellTreeItemImage nodes, not the parent .cellTreeItem or .cellTreeItemImageValue nodes.  

Does anyone else know of a better way to do this?  Is it possible to extend the CellTree renderer to apply a specific style to leaf nodes?


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Converting canvas to image url problem in IE9


I'm currently working on a software in GWT that loads an image into a Canvas object and performs a number or transformations on it. Finally a image url is extracted from the Canvas object using the Canvas.toDataUrl(String) function. 

Now to the issue: the above described works fine in all browsers except IE (it's IE9 but I have tried setting the browser to different compatibility modes, all with the same result). In all other browsers the toDataUrl() function returns a string that looks like:


but in IE it only returns:

and nothing else. Has anyone experienced this issue before. What is it due to?


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Re: Resolving client issues when emulated stack trace is not available

Thanks for that, I am now generating multiple permutations, and have updated the stackoverflow question with this information.

On Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:27:57 AM UTC-5, cueman wrote:
You can deobfuscate non-emulated stack traces. Check out

You need to arrange for the symbol maps created at compile time to be available.

Note that you can also set up another permutation so that you have emulated stack traces or not, and set up two host html files to choose whether emulated stack traces are on. That way, you can have a production compile that most people use, but then occasionally you can switch to see the same thing with emulated stacks turned on.

Emulated stacks tend to show slightly different information from deobfuscated stack traces.


On 31/05/12 15:58, wytten wrote:
> I'm looking for practical advice here; we have a GWT application in pre-production pilot.
> It is working rather well, but occasionally transient client errors occur.
> We are using an uncaught exception handler, but the information that it reports is
> very sparse (For example in IE6, "Object doesn't support this property or method")
> I've tried turning on emulated stack traces in development, but due to performance
> problems (See
> I haven't been able to leave it turned on, and therefore it is not active in the pilot environment.
> What else I can do to track down these issues?  In one case the problem consistently happens
> on 2 or 3 client machines, but not on any of the others.
> Regarding the practical usability of emulated stack traces, I'm surprised that no one else seems
> to have reported this problem.  Only yesterday I had a similar experience in development where
> I thought using emulated stack traces would save the day, only to be disappointed again that
> turning them on made the application unusable.  (I believe this is a client memory issue)
> Should I open a GWT issue?  A possible enhancement that comes to mind is to create emulated
> stack traces only for certain packages, to conserve memory.
> Thanks.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Help: GWT Celltable Record (Specific Record Mouseover) ToolTip !!!

Have you actually read what Rajeshwar wrote?

He tolds you to use Column<?, SafeHtml> but your posted code contains TextColumn. Change it to Column<Contact, SafeHtml>, use a SafeHtmlCell for that column and then implement getValue().

-- J.

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Re: Help: GWT Celltable Record (Specific Record Mouseover) ToolTip !!!

Hi  Rajeshwar ,

Thanks a lot .

thanks for your answer. 

i am given below code , just see and tell me where i am done mistake.

CellTable<Contact> searchGridCellTable = new CellTable<Contact>();

// Add a text column to show the dateLogged.
 TextColumn<Contact> dateLogged = new TextColumn<Contact>() {
     public String getValue(Contact object) {
       return object.getDateLogged();
  searchGridCellTable.addColumn(dateLogged, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<span title='tooltip text goes here'>DateLogged</span>"));


like this. above code showing Tooltip at Header only,

   but i need only specific record. my cellTable having number of Records.
  can you please tell how can i use, i need to show some values in Tooltip ,(only specific record)

please help me out,

if it passible give me sample code for me .

Thanks & Regards


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Rajeshwar Mishra <> wrote:
Use  Column<?, SafeHtml> 


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:58 PM, laxman lingampally <> wrote:
Hi all,

i need a GWT celltable record i.e specific record values in Tooltip ,

In my project i have one search Grid(Celltable) it is having five columns, when ever click on serach button it shows number of recods that is fine,

but , i need to show  some infermation ( like status name , id value like that......) in Tooltip like window.

Any idea or any solution ? 

please help  me out.

Thanks for helping. 


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Re: Help to implement behavior for popup widget.

What I do is add a mouse out/over handler to both the image and popup panel.

The mouse out handlers kick off timers that after, say, .25 seconds close the popup if it's open.  The mouse over handler on the popup cancels any close timers running and the mouse over handler on the image does the same and also kicks off a timer to show the popup after a short period of time (if the popup isn't currently showing).

Basically, that allows you to move your mouse between the image and the popup in a reasonable amount of time without the popup being closed automatically, but still does allow you to mouse out of the popup and still have it close automatically.

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Re: Resolving client issues when emulated stack trace is not available

You can deobfuscate non-emulated stack traces. Check out

You need to arrange for the symbol maps created at compile time to be available.

Note that you can also set up another permutation so that you have emulated stack traces or not, and set up two host html files to choose whether emulated stack traces are on. That way, you can have a production compile that most people use, but then occasionally you can switch to see the same thing with emulated stacks turned on.

Emulated stacks tend to show slightly different information from deobfuscated stack traces.


On 31/05/12 15:58, wytten wrote:
> I'm looking for practical advice here; we have a GWT application in pre-production pilot.
> It is working rather well, but occasionally transient client errors occur.
> We are using an uncaught exception handler, but the information that it reports is
> very sparse (For example in IE6, "Object doesn't support this property or method")
> I've tried turning on emulated stack traces in development, but due to performance
> problems (See
> I haven't been able to leave it turned on, and therefore it is not active in the pilot environment.
> What else I can do to track down these issues? In one case the problem consistently happens
> on 2 or 3 client machines, but not on any of the others.
> Regarding the practical usability of emulated stack traces, I'm surprised that no one else seems
> to have reported this problem. Only yesterday I had a similar experience in development where
> I thought using emulated stack traces would save the day, only to be disappointed again that
> turning them on made the application unusable. (I believe this is a client memory issue)
> Should I open a GWT issue? A possible enhancement that comes to mind is to create emulated
> stack traces only for certain packages, to conserve memory.
> Thanks.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
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Re: can DialogBox has a "x" close button in the upper right hand corner like most window have?

Where it was a pain in the past to do this, it's actually pretty straightforward now.  Just extend DialogBox and provide your own Caption implementation in your constructor's super call.  Our Caption is just a simple 2 column Grid extension with an "X" Image in the right column.

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Resolving client issues when emulated stack trace is not available

I'm looking for practical advice here; we have a GWT application in pre-production pilot.
It is working rather well, but occasionally transient client errors occur.
We are using an uncaught exception handler, but the information that it reports is 
very sparse (For example in IE6, "Object doesn't support this property or method")

I've tried turning on emulated stack traces in development, but due to performance
I haven't been able to leave it turned on, and therefore it is not active in the pilot environment.

What else I can do to track down these issues?  In one case the problem consistently happens 
on 2 or 3 client machines, but not on any of the others.

Regarding the practical usability of emulated stack traces, I'm surprised that no one else seems
to have reported this problem.  Only yesterday I had a similar experience in development where
I thought using emulated stack traces would save the day, only to be disappointed again that
turning them on made the application unusable.  (I believe this is a client memory issue)
Should I open a GWT issue?  A possible enhancement that comes to mind is to create emulated
stack traces only for certain packages, to conserve memory.


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GWT compile: can not find in dependent jar

My project depends on the other project, i call it "common" because it contain some common widgets, some of these widget use UIbinder, i use something like below in the Uibinder:

<ui:image field='gwtLogo' src="gwtLogo.png" />

the common project is build as jar to be used in upper project, when upper GWT project compile, it can not find the  <ui:image defined as above and give compile error.

Anybody know how to solve this problem? Or any other ways to conquer this?

 thanks in advance.

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Re: can DialogBox has a "x" close button in the upper right hand corner like most window have?

DialogBox uses a Caption element for the header. By default the caption is simply text.
Extend it to provide all the buttons you need.
Search in the groups to find out some samples.

On Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:54:44 AM UTC+2, tong123123 wrote:
I think it is very difficult if not impossible, just requested by my company and try to ask here.

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Re: Help: GWT Celltable Record (Specific Record Mouseover) ToolTip !!!

Use  Column<?, SafeHtml> 


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:58 PM, laxman lingampally <> wrote:
Hi all,

i need a GWT celltable record i.e specific record values in Tooltip ,

In my project i have one search Grid(Celltable) it is having five columns, when ever click on serach button it shows number of recods that is fine,

but , i need to show  some infermation ( like status name , id value like that......) in Tooltip like window.

Any idea or any solution ? 

please help  me out.

Thanks for helping. 


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Re: synchronized object int GWT


At the gwt client's ends JavaScript interpretations are single-threaded, so while GWT silently accepts the synchronized keyword, it has no real effect. Synchronization-related library methods are not available, including Object.wait()Object.notify(), and Object.notifyAll() .

and the server end you can directly use  synchronized  as you are using in java.



On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 1:52 AM, Rand <> wrote:
hello all
i am new in GWT ..and i have one question :
dose it enabled to apply the concept od synchronized objects java in
GWT ?? in way that i can synchronize the client and the server ?


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Re: add timer on panel......

Hi Joseph,

I am creating online exam portal.

In that i have to specify some time e.g 1 hour to end the exam.

also it will automatically decrements the time in the 1 second of interval i.e. 1:00 hr, 00:59 hr, 00:57-----------------------------------------00:00 hr.

so it will automatically ends the exam after 1 hour of interval. 

I have to show that decrementing timer on the panel. 

On Thursday, May 31, 2012 1:43:54 AM UTC+5:30, Joseph Lust wrote:

Why do you need to add the timer to a panel? What do you want the timer to do? It is not clear from your question.

Timer timer = new Timer();


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Problem with CellList refresh

Hi all

I have strange problem with CellList.
I used CellList with ListDataProvider, 2 fields DateBox and one Text

When I try add object (object consist of 2 dates and one String) to
public void addToList(MessagesInCampaign message, TextArea text) {
List<MessagesInCampaign> list = dataProvider.getList();

it's working ... but only in debug mode (debug on external server).
When I deploy application on server (Glassfish 2.1) and run it in
browser add action doesn't work (there's no error, everything is made,
ListDataProvider.getList().size() is equals 1 , but CellList is still

Is anyone had this problem ?
I have just the same solution in other module and this solution work -
I see no difference except the type of objects in ListDataProvider and

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can DialogBox has a "x" close button in the upper right hand corner like most window have?

I think it is very difficult if not impossible, just requested by my company and try to ask here.

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Re: the gwt-PopupPanelGlass height increase unexpectedly

when I rollback and use CellTable instead of DataGrid, everything becomes normal.
even in the search criteria page has scrollbar (searchWithScrollbar.png) and the more than 100 warning is shown, the result glass can still cover the background document scrollbar (as seen in result.png), so really do not known what happen.

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Re: how to use AbstractHasData.setFocus?

Have you tried deferring the call to setFocus? (using Scheduler#scheduleDeferred)

On Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:57:52 AM UTC+2, tong123123 wrote:
the upperpart of the resut.png is a celltable table, the table use a singleselectionmodel.
singleSelectionModel.setSelected(logs.get(0), true);

when the resut.png is shown, the first row is really selected, by then when I try to use keyboard upper arrow or down arrow key to select record, the CellTable has no response although I already setFocus to it!!
I found that I must use the mouse to select the record in CellTable first, then the keyboard upper arrow or down arrow key can be used to select recrod, why?

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Re: guice injecting remote servlet. Error 404 not found

On Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:27:41 AM UTC+2, Mark Diesta wrote:
It was a jar issues. You should check if you have multiple guice jars in your build path. As much as possible use the guice included in the gin so there will be no conflict.

GIN works well with Guice 3 though, if you prefer stable versions.
FYI, GIN 1.5.0 on Maven depends on Guice 3.0-rc2 (which is forward-compatible with 3.0)
BTW, this is also advertized on the project home page (though a bit outdated, as it still talks about the "soon-to-be-released Guice 3.0", and should probably link to for Maven dependencies)
See also

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how to use AbstractHasData.setFocus?

the upperpart of the resut.png is a celltable table, the table use a singleselectionmodel.
singleSelectionModel.setSelected(logs.get(0), true);

when the resut.png is shown, the first row is really selected, by then when I try to use keyboard upper arrow or down arrow key to select record, the CellTable has no response although I already setFocus to it!!
I found that I must use the mouse to select the record in CellTable first, then the keyboard upper arrow or down arrow key can be used to select recrod, why?

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Re: DataGrid rows appear only after sort when using SimplePanel

DataGrid is a RequiresResize widget; are you giving it an explicit size? (given that you're not putting it into a ProvidesResize widget)
See, and the "Using a LayoutPanel without RootLayoutPanel" recipe on the same page.

On Monday, May 28, 2012 5:28:03 PM UTC+2, Ronny Shapiro wrote:

I have found a strange behavior when using a DataGrid with SimplePanel
and ListHandler.
The data is not shown until I click on one of the column headers to
sort the data.

I tried using VerticalPanel instead and the data is shown correctly
when the table is redrawn (no sort yet made).

Any ideas what may cause this ?

(The work around is easy but still strange it works that way ..)


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Help: GWT Celltable Record (Specific Record Mouseover) ToolTip !!!

Hi all,

i need a GWT celltable record i.e specific record values in Tooltip ,

In my project i have one search Grid(Celltable) it is having five columns, when ever click on serach button it shows number of recods that is fine,

but , i need to show  some infermation ( like status name , id value like that......) in Tooltip like window.

Any idea or any solution ? 

please help  me out.

Thanks for helping. 


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Re: guice injecting remote servlet. Error 404 not found

It was a jar issues. You should check if you have multiple guice jars in your build path. As much as possible use the guice included in the gin so there will be no conflict.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:45 AM, Ali Thabet <> wrote:
did you have guice-snapshot.jar in your classpath?

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Re: Basic Mail Using GWT UI

It is looking like nothing to do with GWT.
The problem could be more related to GAE or Mail.

On Thursday, 31 May 2012 08:36:06 UTC+5:30, buzz_buzz wrote:
this is my code at server side for sending email (my server is google app engine)..

public static void Email(String test)  {
        DateFormat formatter ;
        Properties props = new Properties();
        Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);

             Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
           msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("Sender email", "Automatic email"));
                            new InternetAddress("Recepient email"));
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 4:09 AM, Joseph Lust <> wrote:

Show us your code that is not working and we'll try to help.


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Re: Getting started

Eclipse GWT plugin comes with a nice and simple sample project.
You are free to run without any changes.

On Wednesday, 30 May 2012 18:10:48 UTC+5:30, KAVI ARASAN wrote:
i am new to GWT, please help me in creating and running GWT
application in eclipse.
i need an tutorial which give the step by step process to create the
first GWT project.....

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Re: Basic Mail Using GWT UI

this is my code at server side for sending email (my server is google app engine)..

public static void Email(String test)  {
        DateFormat formatter ;
        Properties props = new Properties();
        Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);

             Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
           msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("Sender email", "Automatic email"));
                            new InternetAddress("Recepient email"));
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 4:09 AM, Joseph Lust <> wrote:

Show us your code that is not working and we'll try to help.


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Re: How to apply css file to html content within HTML widget?

And thanks for the explanation  Joseph Lust , that's helpful.

On Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:23:57 AM UTC+8, July wrote:
I solved this by using ClientBundle.

On Wednesday, May 30, 2012 11:12:07 PM UTC+8, July wrote:
Thanks for the reply, this is what i do, however no effect.
it will generate html like:

<div class="project_entry.css">

but it will not apply the style from the file to the div element automatically. 
Do i have to style each class in the <div> one by one?

On Wednesday, May 30, 2012 9:44:20 PM UTC+8, Ashu wrote:
try like this:

<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''
        <ui:style src="project_entry.css" />

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:55 PM, July <> wrote:
> Hello:
> At client side my page contain a, this
> HTML will contain a large number of <div> and each <div> is associated with
> its own style. all the styles are defined in another css file.
> My question is how to apply the style to the HTML content?
> i use
> <g:HTML ui:field="myfield" styleName="project_entry.css" />
> but it does not work.
> Thanks.
> --
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Re: How to apply css file to html content within HTML widget?

I solved this by using ClientBundle.

On Wednesday, May 30, 2012 11:12:07 PM UTC+8, July wrote:
Thanks for the reply, this is what i do, however no effect.
it will generate html like:

<div class="project_entry.css">

but it will not apply the style from the file to the div element automatically. 
Do i have to style each class in the <div> one by one?

On Wednesday, May 30, 2012 9:44:20 PM UTC+8, Ashu wrote:
try like this:

<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''
        <ui:style src="project_entry.css" />

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:55 PM, July <> wrote:
> Hello:
> At client side my page contain a, this
> HTML will contain a large number of <div> and each <div> is associated with
> its own style. all the styles are defined in another css file.
> My question is how to apply the style to the HTML content?
> i use
> <g:HTML ui:field="myfield" styleName="project_entry.css" />
> but it does not work.
> Thanks.
> --
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Re: making Anchor look like a normal link

Actually, I made a mistake.  The problem doesn't seem to be the authentication (which simply checks the session).   I disabled the authentication and it still happens.

I believe this is the way GWT is supposed to work.  A GWT is one page.  The going back and forward through pages is simulated by the Places mechanism.

What happens with a Hyperlink when opening in new tab/window is a hard reload.  This is the same as cutting and pasting a URL (once inside the app) into a new tab or window.  GWT calls onModuleLoad().  That's the way GWT works, unless I fundamentally misunderstand it.

The confusion about Hyperlink remains.  What is an internal link to the app supposed to do when opening in new tab/window?

On Monday, May 28, 2012 12:40:05 PM UTC-7, Thomas Broyer wrote:
If loading the app (when you're authenticated) doesn't bring you to the place the URL represents, then your app is broken.

Your issue is either with auth or app initialization, not with hyperlinks.

Google Groups for instance brings you back to where you were when hitting F5.

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RequestFactory - how to prevent batched requests after constraint violation

I am getting an IllegalArgumentException, Attempting to edit an EntityProxy previously edited by another RequestContext. This is a result of getting constraint violations and automatically batching different Request Factory requests within the RequestContext.
I am using GWT 2.4. My RequestContext interface has multiple methods save(), updateCache(), load(),...
Here is the scenario:
  1. Call save() which encounters server side constraint violations. The RequestContext is still active since the call did not complete.
  2. Try to correct the data. Make a change to the value of a field that happens to have an onChange handler that automatically calls updateCache() on the RequestContext. This causes the RequestContext to have 2 batched requests, save() and updateCache(). Both are then invoked via the single call.
  3. onSuccess() is called twice, once for save() and then once for updateCache(). OnSuccess() creates a new RequestContext instance and calls edit() on the driver. The second call to edit() within onSuccess() causes the IllegalArgumentException.
How can I remove or avoid the queued call to save() when receiving the constraint violations. Depending on the user's action after a constrain violation, a request other than save() may be called, so it is not just a matter of trying to re-fire the initial save() request, I am trying to make a different request and not call save() yet.

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