Friday, February 28, 2014

Re: GWT and SVG, the 125th... :-)

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:07:50 PM UTC+1, Jens wrote:
Working example:

This works! Thanks!!!


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Re: Development Mode will not be supported in Firefox 27+

Hi Jens,

> Maybe you should just give it a serious try ?
I already gave SDM several tries. However it never worked in my case at all. The problem is that I am not just doing a hello world with GWT but some rather complex UI framework with some special aspects. I hope that I do not appear just to be a ignorant jerk. Maybe SDM can convince me some day...
Hopefully someone can help me. I always get this:

workDir: C:\Users\hohwille\AppData\Local\Temp\gwt-codeserver-8835691028753667732.tmp
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.eclipse.jetty.util.log).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.
binding: user.agent=safari
binding: compiler.useSourceMaps=true
binding: locale=en
Compiling module
   Validating units:
      Ignored 17 units with compilation errors in first pass.
Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors.
   Finding entry point classes
      [ERROR] Unable to find type ''
         [ERROR] Hint: Check that the type name '' is really what you meant
         [ERROR] Hint: Check that your classpath includes all required source roots
[ERROR] Compiler returned false (see previous log entries)

This is all confusing:
> Unable to find type ''
That is actually my entry Point and it is available in the m2e project from that I run the SDM. Also didn't GWT say the following so it should have already found the type:
> Compiling module
Also confusing:
> Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors.
IMHO there is no such option for
> [ERROR] Hint: Check that your classpath includes all required source roots
I am using m2e in Eclipse and my codebase is VERY modular. Maybe that is the source of the problem.

Any help would be highly appreciated...
BTW: I found some workarounds for my Jetty problem and can at least run DevMode with FF 26 on 2.6.0 now.


Am Freitag, 28. Februar 2014 09:59:10 UTC+1 schrieb Jens:
you can evaluate deeply into variables and objects,

You can do that in Chrome 
add conditional breakpoints,

You can do that in Chrome 
exception breakpoints,

You can do that in Chrome 
dynamically evaluate expressions,

You can do that in Chrome 

So the most important things are covered. Maybe you should just give it a serious try ?

-- J.


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Re: Best alternative for Character.getNumericValue(ch)?

Integer.parseInt("" + ch, 36) should do it, otherwise, simply "('0' <= ch && ch<= '9') ? ch - '0' : ch - 'A' + 10"

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 11:35:31 AM UTC+1, Ed wrote:
I need to use the method Character.getNumericValue(character) for Iban account nr validation (the modulo calculation part: LINKE)

However this method isn't supported by GWT. What is my (best) alterantive?

The method for modulo calculation can also be find in the Apache commons: LINKE, method calculateModulus()

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Invalid RPC Token


I am trying to get XSRF Protected Services to work with my GWT project. I've coded everything and am trying to test. I get a strange error in JavaScript Console as follows:

Uncaught Invalid RPC token (Invalid RpcToken type: expected '' but got 'class')

I downloaded the GWT 2.6 code using GIT and have grepped the code. I see that the file that is doing this is in the method generateCheckRpcTokenTypeOverride. However, I'm at a loss to what it means. I have checked my class path for duplicate instances of XsrfToken but it is only found in gwt-servlet.jar in my war file.

Any ideas? Below is the copied generateCheckRpcTokenTypeOverride method.

Thanks in advance!


  protected void generateCheckRpcTokenTypeOverride(SourceWriter srcWriter, TypeOracle typeOracle,
      SerializableTypeOracle typesSentFromBrowser) {

    JClassType rpcTokenType = typeOracle.findType(RpcToken.class.getName());
    JClassType[] rpcTokenSubtypes = rpcTokenType.getSubtypes();

    String rpcTokenImplementation = "";

    for (JClassType rpcTokenSubtype : rpcTokenSubtypes) {

      if (typesSentFromBrowser.isSerializable(rpcTokenSubtype)) {

        if (rpcTokenImplementation.length() > 0) {

          // >1 implematation of RpcToken, bail

          rpcTokenImplementation = "";


        } else {

          rpcTokenImplementation = rpcTokenSubtype.getQualifiedSourceName();




    if (rpcTokenImplementation.length() > 0) {


      srcWriter.println("protected void checkRpcTokenType(RpcToken token) {");


      srcWriter.println("if (!(token instanceof " + rpcTokenImplementation + ")) {");


      srcWriter.println("throw new RpcTokenException(\"Invalid RpcToken type: " + "expected '"

          + rpcTokenImplementation + "' but got '\" + " + "token.getClass() + \"'\");");







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Re: Changes in SuperDevMode not picked up - sometimes

It might be that resources:resources has to run in your case (e.g. if you configured src/main/java as a <resource>).
Changes to src/main/resources needs resources:resources. Eclipse runs it (or does something equivalent) automatically at each file change; I can't tell for Netbeans.
Also, make sure you run "mvn process-classes gwt:run-codeserver" with the current versions of the gwt-maven-plugin; next version will remove the need for process-classes.

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 1:02:16 PM UTC+1, Raphael Bauer wrote:

I am just upgrading my apps to 2.6 and SuperDevMode.
All in all I have not much trouble and everything works out of the box
(strange feeling though).

But finally I found a small glitch.

My setup: gwt-maven-plugin and mvn gwt:superdevmode to fire everything up (2.6)

My Ide is Netbeans and sometimes my changes do not get picked up in

The root cause seems to be that Netbean's integrated maven compilation
is out of sync and does not longer
perform recompiles of changed java files. I know that from other
projects, and a simple "clean and build" in my Ide fixes the problem.

But what really puzzles me: Does SuperDevMode need compiled class
files to pick up changes? In my imagination the whole java to js
compilation should run on java files and not on bytecode. So wouldn't
it be enough to detect changes in the src dir and not the target dir
of the application?



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Re: Development Mode will not be supported in Firefox 27+

On Friday, February 28, 2014 1:59:24 AM UTC+1, Brian Slesinsky wrote:
I'm not sure what the Jetty problems are but they should be fixed. Do we have a good bug report for them?

There's a strange classloader issue:
And a small regression on something we never really actually supported:
…and now that we're using Jetty 8, people are sking for more ;-)

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Is it possible to set select item or text box in Data Viewer.

Hello ,

Is it possible to set select item or text box in Data Viewer ?


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Extending the life of DevMode


I understand that DevMode is disappearing, I think, this year.  I think this is largely due to browser vendor (Chrome/google) termination of support of the/a GWT DevMode plugin.  I also understand the existing SuperDevMode is what we are all likely to move to.  I also sense that DevMode is preferred by many or most people.

It seems to me that the life of DevMode can be significantly extended by simply downloading and saving a Chrome installation and DevMode plugin that currently work.  Therefore, when Chrome stops supporting DevMode and the Chrome plugin disappears, we can simply install the version of each that supported DevMode.

This may not be such a bad option since many developers target support for older browsers, testing in one that is a little older is not a bad option.  I understand that this scheme has a usefulness termination date, but that date is significantly in the future - perhaps several years.   Certainly by then SuperDevMode (or whatever) will have significantly matured.

To that end, I have downloaded current installation bundles of Chrome for several platforms.  I am, however, having some difficulty obtaining a download (and not an install) of the DevMode plugin for Chrome.  Does anyone know how to download, for later installation, of the Chrome DevMode plugin?


Blake McBride

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Re: How do disable and/or hide a MenuItem ????

Ok. I had the menu itself being a singleton class and I do not know why but changing it to an instance changed everything so now the methods work.

On Friday, February 28, 2014 12:34:13 PM UTC, Jens wrote:
menuItem.setEnabled() should work. It sets an internal boolean flag and updates the style of MenuItem. MenuBar does always check if a MenuItem is enabled before executing the command.

Maybe you accidentally enable the MenuItem again in your code?

-- J.

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Re: Development Mode will not be supported in Firefox 27+

I do not know what Jetty problem  Jörg  is talking about. I am using GWT 2.6 with FF 26 and I am able to use DevMode.

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 6:21 AM, <> wrote:
Hi there,

I can understand that it is a hard task to maintain the GWT and especially DevMode with its plugins.
However, the hole thing about GWT is that you can do pure Java and use the Java tooling.
Developers know how to work with Eclipse. And within the Eclipse debugger you can evaluate deeply into variables and objects, add conditional breakpoints, exception breakpoints, dynamically evaluate expressions, have step filters, drop to frame, etc., etc.
I am a power user and going to SDM with chrome debugger is simply no alternative and will IMHO never be.
With GWT 2.6.0 DevMode even stopped working due to Jetty problems so I can not even use it with older FF versions.
This is a real pain for me. I am wondering if I wasted the last years building on GWT all nights ( Then I could also assimilate with JS hell and go for AngularJS.
Sorry for being so negative but I am really frustrated. Thanks for all your support on GWT (2.6.0 brings J1.7 syntax support, etc. what is really cool) and your will to improve it in the future. Maybe you can change my mind one fine day and bring me back...


Am Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014 11:57:30 UTC+1 schrieb Thomas Broyer:

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 9:49:42 AM UTC+1, wrote:
Couldn't agree more... debugging the client-side GWT code in the IDE debugger (Eclipse in my case) is base of my every day work :(

I'm sure the SDBG devs would love to hear your feedback ;-)

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Nagin Kothari
Zilicus Solutions

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Re: How do disable and/or hide a MenuItem ????

menuItem.setEnabled() should work. It sets an internal boolean flag and updates the style of MenuItem. MenuBar does always check if a MenuItem is enabled before executing the command.

Maybe you accidentally enable the MenuItem again in your code?

-- J.

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Re: How do disable and/or hide a MenuItem ????

MenuItem is a pretty standard Widget in GWT. I have a UiBinder as follows:

      <g:MenuBar ui:field="subMenuBar" vertical="true">
           <g:MenuItem ui:field="menuItem">Home</g:MenuItem>
           <g:MenuItem ui:field="menuItemEdit">Edit</g:MenuItem>

and in code I want to be able to to disable or hide the menuItem based on some rules. e.g.


On Friday, February 28, 2014 11:53:30 AM UTC, Ed wrote:
Please give more details so people can help you...
No idea what menu item is or what you are trying to do.
Tip: use your debugger to see what is actually happening... 
You probably aren't defining any styles that are set by your enable action.

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Re: How do disable and/or hide a MenuItem ????

Please give more details so people can help you...
No idea what menu item is or what you are trying to do.
Tip: use your debugger to see what is actually happening... 
You probably aren't defining any styles that are set by your enable action.

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Re: How to super-source a single method in a JRE emulated class?

Clear, thanks. @Jens

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How to disable smartgwt CustomValidator for a specific scenario



I have a form which uses CustomValidator to check for non empty field whenever we try to Add a record (PARAMETER, VALUE) I'm looking for a way to disable form validation when I'm trying to Delete (the user can delete an empty listGridRecord if he changes his mind and needs no more to add).

I'm using this custom validator:

    CustomValidator validatorParameter = new CustomValidator() {            @Override          protected boolean condition(Object value) {                parameterName = (String) value;              if ((value == null || ((String) value).trim().isEmpty())) {                  rowIsValidate = false;                  return false;              } else {                  rowIsValidate = true;                  return true;              }          }      };

which I'm setting in an init() method this way:


I tried setting a flag "noValidation" on true whenever I detect a click on Delete button and used it this way:

CustomValidator validatorParameter = new CustomValidator() {

        @Override          protected boolean condition(Object value) {                parameterName = (String) value;              if (((value == null || ((String) value).trim().isEmpty())) && !noValidation){                  rowIsValidate = false;                  return false;              } else {                  rowIsValidate = true;                  return true;              }          }      };

but I figured out that this flag is set later on after the validation happened so rowIsValidate stays false and we can't delete the empty record given the errors shown after validation;

Any idea on how to pass this validation step just in deletion scenario?

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Re: How to super-source a single method in a JRE emulated class?

You have to copy the whole class because you will replace the GWT emulated file when putting the same file into your project's super source path. 

Or create a fork of GWT and apply custom patches to it (thats what we do, rebasing our patches onto GWT trunk) and depending on the patch contribute it back to GWT proper.

-- J.

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How to super-source a single method in a JRE emulated class?

How is it possible to emulate a single JRE method, in my case: Character.isWhiteSpace()?

If I try this I get all kind of AST compiler errors (null pointer exception): A new empty file in my super-source dir with only the isWhiteSpace() method.
It works if I copy the whole GWT JRE emulated file and put that in my super-source dir, and add the additional method.

But I only want to add one additional method, not copy the whole GWT JRE file. I don't need that, and might miss any changes done by GWT.
How is this possible?

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How do disable and/or hide a MenuItem ????

I am using GWT 2.5.1

I have been struggling with this for hours now. How do you disable and/or hide a MenuItem in GWT.

menuItem.setEnabled(false); // DOES NOT WORK !!!
menuItem.setVisible(false); // DOES NOT WORK !!!
UIObject.setVisible(menuItem.getElement(), false); // DOES NOT WORK !!!

Why ?

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Re: Development Mode will not be supported in Firefox 27+

you can evaluate deeply into variables and objects,

You can do that in Chrome 
add conditional breakpoints,

You can do that in Chrome 
exception breakpoints,

You can do that in Chrome 
dynamically evaluate expressions,

You can do that in Chrome 

So the most important things are covered. Maybe you should just give it a serious try ?

-- J.


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Re: Development Mode will not be supported in Firefox 27+

The Chrome Dev Tools support actually most of  eclipse's debugger features like: 
  - Evaluating deeply into variables
  - Conditional breakpoints
  - Exception breakpoints (break on uncaught exception and any exception)
  - Dynamically evaluating expressions 

Missing features are AFAIK "Drop to frame" and "step filters". 

However an advantage of SDM is that you can visually evaluate and the DOM and also inspect javascript objects (both are not really possible in eclipse).


On Friday, February 28, 2014 1:51:45 AM UTC+1, wrote:
Hi there,

I can understand that it is a hard task to maintain the GWT and especially DevMode with its plugins.
However, the hole thing about GWT is that you can do pure Java and use the Java tooling.
Developers know how to work with Eclipse. And within the Eclipse debugger you can evaluate deeply into variables and objects, add conditional breakpoints, exception breakpoints, dynamically evaluate expressions, have step filters, drop to frame, etc., etc.
I am a power user and going to SDM with chrome debugger is simply no alternative and will IMHO never be.
With GWT 2.6.0 DevMode even stopped working due to Jetty problems so I can not even use it with older FF versions.
This is a real pain for me. I am wondering if I wasted the last years building on GWT all nights ( Then I could also assimilate with JS hell and go for AngularJS.
Sorry for being so negative but I am really frustrated. Thanks for all your support on GWT (2.6.0 brings J1.7 syntax support, etc. what is really cool) and your will to improve it in the future. Maybe you can change my mind one fine day and bring me back...


Am Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014 11:57:30 UTC+1 schrieb Thomas Broyer:

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 9:49:42 AM UTC+1, wrote:
Couldn't agree more... debugging the client-side GWT code in the IDE debugger (Eclipse in my case) is base of my every day work :(

I'm sure the SDBG devs would love to hear your feedback ;-)

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Re: 2.6.0-rc3 and Jetty's WebAppContext (jetty-web.xml)

GWT 2.6.0 is out and officially released and the problem is still there. It used to work fine before with 2.5.

It is not a real issue as it was never really officially supported. If you want to configure your server you should use -noserver and a local jetty distribution on your host. Using -noserver you don't loose productivity.

Also I read that dev-mode plugin may not be supported in next firefox version.

DevMode does not work anymore in FireFox 27+. However it has been updated to work with FireFox 24 ESR.

This is all a real pity:
The whole thing about GWT is that you can do RIAs in pure Java with all the Java tooling and eco-system. I want to debug my Java client code in Eclipse.

There is some work going on to support debugging in your IDE when using SuperDevMode, although you probably will not have the full feature set you currently have in Java debugging.

Any chances for hope in the future?

Not for classic DevMode. But SuperDevMode can only get better (and it is already pretty good).

-- J. 

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How to align Center the Component inside a Tab of a TabLayoutPanel in UiBinder (GWT)?

in ui.xml

<g:TabLayoutPanel barUnit='EM' barHeight='3'>    <g:tab>      <g:header size='7'><b>Income</b></g:header>      <g:Label>Income</g:Label>    </g:tab>    <g:tab width="100%">      <g:header size='7'><b>Cost</b></g:header>      <g:HTMLPanel ui:field="costHTMLPanel" addStyleNames="{style.alignCenter}" />    </g:tab>    </g:TabLayoutPanel>  

myResource.css file

.alignCenter{      align:center;  }  

I put width="100%" into tab <g:tab width="100%"> but it didn't work.

I also tried <g:HTMLPanel ui:field="costHTMLPanel" addStyleNames="{style.alignCenter}" width="100%" /> but it also didn't work

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Re: Development Mode will not be supported in Firefox 27+

I'm not sure what the Jetty problems are but they should be fixed. Do we have a good bug report for them?

(In our setup we see stack traces but Jetty still runs.)

- Brian

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:51 PM, <> wrote:
Hi there,

I can understand that it is a hard task to maintain the GWT and especially DevMode with its plugins.
However, the hole thing about GWT is that you can do pure Java and use the Java tooling.
Developers know how to work with Eclipse. And within the Eclipse debugger you can evaluate deeply into variables and objects, add conditional breakpoints, exception breakpoints, dynamically evaluate expressions, have step filters, drop to frame, etc., etc.
I am a power user and going to SDM with chrome debugger is simply no alternative and will IMHO never be.
With GWT 2.6.0 DevMode even stopped working due to Jetty problems so I can not even use it with older FF versions.
This is a real pain for me. I am wondering if I wasted the last years building on GWT all nights ( Then I could also assimilate with JS hell and go for AngularJS.
Sorry for being so negative but I am really frustrated. Thanks for all your support on GWT (2.6.0 brings J1.7 syntax support, etc. what is really cool) and your will to improve it in the future. Maybe you can change my mind one fine day and bring me back...


Am Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014 11:57:30 UTC+1 schrieb Thomas Broyer:

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 9:49:42 AM UTC+1, wrote:
Couldn't agree more... debugging the client-side GWT code in the IDE debugger (Eclipse in my case) is base of my every day work :(

I'm sure the SDBG devs would love to hear your feedback ;-)

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Re: Development Mode will not be supported in Firefox 27+

Hi there,

I can understand that it is a hard task to maintain the GWT and especially DevMode with its plugins.
However, the hole thing about GWT is that you can do pure Java and use the Java tooling.
Developers know how to work with Eclipse. And within the Eclipse debugger you can evaluate deeply into variables and objects, add conditional breakpoints, exception breakpoints, dynamically evaluate expressions, have step filters, drop to frame, etc., etc.
I am a power user and going to SDM with chrome debugger is simply no alternative and will IMHO never be.
With GWT 2.6.0 DevMode even stopped working due to Jetty problems so I can not even use it with older FF versions.
This is a real pain for me. I am wondering if I wasted the last years building on GWT all nights ( Then I could also assimilate with JS hell and go for AngularJS.
Sorry for being so negative but I am really frustrated. Thanks for all your support on GWT (2.6.0 brings J1.7 syntax support, etc. what is really cool) and your will to improve it in the future. Maybe you can change my mind one fine day and bring me back...


Am Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014 11:57:30 UTC+1 schrieb Thomas Broyer:

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 9:49:42 AM UTC+1, wrote:
Couldn't agree more... debugging the client-side GWT code in the IDE debugger (Eclipse in my case) is base of my every day work :(

I'm sure the SDBG devs would love to hear your feedback ;-)

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Re: 2.6.0-rc3 and Jetty's WebAppContext (jetty-web.xml)

Hi there,
GWT 2.6.0 is out and officially released and the problem is still there. It used to work fine before with 2.5. Also I read that dev-mode plugin may not be supported in next firefox version. This is all a real pity:
The whole thing about GWT is that you can do RIAs in pure Java with all the Java tooling and eco-system. I want to debug my Java client code in Eclipse. If I have to drop all this and move to SuperDevMode I think that all the investment I did in the last years into GWT have been in vain. Then I can also go for AngularJS and harmonize with JS hell...

Any chances for hope in the future?

Thanks and regards

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Re: Changes in SuperDevMode not picked up - sometimes

SuperDevMode needs to be compiled only so far as you need to click you Dev Mode On bookmark and press the Compile button. That loads your changes. I can't speak to the Netbeans IDE (I'm using Eclipse).

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 7:02:16 AM UTC-5, Raphael Bauer wrote:

I am just upgrading my apps to 2.6 and SuperDevMode.
All in all I have not much trouble and everything works out of the box
(strange feeling though).

But finally I found a small glitch.

My setup: gwt-maven-plugin and mvn gwt:superdevmode to fire everything up (2.6)

My Ide is Netbeans and sometimes my changes do not get picked up in

The root cause seems to be that Netbean's integrated maven compilation
is out of sync and does not longer
perform recompiles of changed java files. I know that from other
projects, and a simple "clean and build" in my Ide fixes the problem.

But what really puzzles me: Does SuperDevMode need compiled class
files to pick up changes? In my imagination the whole java to js
compilation should run on java files and not on bytecode. So wouldn't
it be enough to detect changes in the src dir and not the target dir
of the application?



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Re: Chrome Touch Emulation and GWT

See  Note under 'Emulating Touch Events': "elem.ontouch* handlers will currently not fire with this feature. Use the --touch-events command line flag to let Chrome trigger these handlers."

On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 11:12:52 AM UTC-5, Alexander Zbiek wrote:
Hi all,
hope it is not wrong to post a question here.

I have a problem with touch events when emulated via the Chrome Emulation. I have a simple Canvas with an added Touch Handler:

     final Canvas ca=Canvas.createIfSupported();
//    ca.sinkEvents(Event.TOUCHEVENTS);

.addTouchStartHandler(new TouchStartHandler() {
public void onTouchStart(TouchStartEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Touch t=event.getTargetTouches().get(0);
.getContext2d().clearRect(0, 0, 800, 200);
.getContext2d().strokeText("Move "+(t.getPageX()-ca.getAbsoluteLeft())+","+(t.getPageY()-ca.getAbsoluteTop()),10,60);
("Touch move ");

It works perfect on my Nexus7 but it doesnt work on my chrome when emulating Nexus7 and touches. Other Touch web apps (nativ JavaScript ? ) work in Emulation mode. But my (working) GWT app doesnt react to the (emulated) touch events. :(

Any experiences with it?

Many thanks in advance

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Re: Chrome Touch Emulation and GWT

  Have you try run code in SuperDevMode? This shoud work. I also have previous problems with Chrome Hosted mode in Touch Event emulator. 


On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 5:12:52 PM UTC+1, Alexander Zbiek wrote:
Hi all,
hope it is not wrong to post a question here.

I have a problem with touch events when emulated via the Chrome Emulation. I have a simple Canvas with an added Touch Handler:

     final Canvas ca=Canvas.createIfSupported();
//    ca.sinkEvents(Event.TOUCHEVENTS);

.addTouchStartHandler(new TouchStartHandler() {
public void onTouchStart(TouchStartEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Touch t=event.getTargetTouches().get(0);
.getContext2d().clearRect(0, 0, 800, 200);
.getContext2d().strokeText("Move "+(t.getPageX()-ca.getAbsoluteLeft())+","+(t.getPageY()-ca.getAbsoluteTop()),10,60);
("Touch move ");

It works perfect on my Nexus7 but it doesnt work on my chrome when emulating Nexus7 and touches. Other Touch web apps (nativ JavaScript ? ) work in Emulation mode. But my (working) GWT app doesnt react to the (emulated) touch events. :(

Any experiences with it?

Many thanks in advance

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Re: GWT and SVG, the 125th... :-)

Working example:

public class SvgEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {      public class SvgWidget extends Widget {        public SvgWidget() {        setElement(Document.get().createDivElement());        // SVG library should draw inside the widget's container element        drawExample(getElement());      }        private native void drawExample(Element container) /*-{        var draw = SVG(container)          // Must be used if JS is injected to top window, see below.        // var draw = $wnd.SVG(container)          draw.text('SVG.JS')      }-*/;      }      public interface MyBundle extends ClientBundle {      @Source("svg.min.js")      TextResource svgJs();    }      public void onModuleLoad() {      MyBundle bundle = GWT.create(MyBundle.class);      // Injects JS code into the GWT iframe. SvgWidget.drawExample() can use SVG() then.      ScriptInjector.fromString(bundle.svgJs().getText()).inject();          // Injects JS code into the top level window. Now SvgWidget.drawExample() MUST use $wnd.SVG()      // to reference the top level window. Only calling SVG() would mean to call it on the GWT iframe      // to which the JS code has never been injected to.        //ScriptInjector.fromString(bundle.svgJs().getText()).setWindow(ScriptInjector.TOP_WINDOW).inject();        RootPanel.get().add(new SvgWidget());    }    }

-- J.

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Re: GWT compiling tools: is there any way to get the graph of inherited modules? Even a simple flat list would be fine :-)

I've patched the original file in order to provide
  • better exit status handling
  • alternative output type (a textual representation of the deps tree)
  • possibility to write on the standard output
Follows an excerpt from the dependency tree                     
     |  |                                            
     |  |                                            
     |  `-->   

It works quite fine for me (integrated it into a gradle script) and I'd like to propose a patch, but I've never used gerrit, so I don't know how to propose a new patch to the existing review. May I post the changed file here?


On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 3:31:28 PM UTC+1, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 3:25:47 PM UTC+1, Davide Cavestro wrote:
Hi all,
I am in the process of switching linker to Cross-Site-Iframe in order to obtain the compatibility with superdevmode, so I'd like to locate and remove the script tags from the modules I'm inheriting from (since this linker doesn't support them).
Now I'm just  wondering if there's an easy way to obtain from the gwt compiler or other tools the graph of inherited modules (possibly transitive).
It would be really useful in order to avoid having to manually read every inherited module to find additional inherited modules and so on.
Also, having a clear graph of this kind of dependencies would be a good check tool especially when you depend on 3rd party modules.

I once wrote a tiny tool that does just that:
Or you could just compile with -logLevel DEBUG and grep for "Loading inherited module" 

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Re: GWT and SVG, the 125th... :-)

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 2:21:47 PM UTC+1, Ümit Seren wrote:
In your 

try to use 

var draw = $wnd.SVG('drawing') instead of SVG

When I do this, the error message changes to:

Object [object global] has no method 'SVG'

Well, I only injected svg.min.js from the homepage ( I don't know JS well, but I feel that there is no declaration of "SVG" in this file. But the example is taken from the top of the homepage...


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Re: GWT and SVG, the 125th... :-)

if I understand the js fragment you posted at the beginning of this thread

draw = SVG('drawing').size(300, 300)

means create an object SVG using as a parent element the element with the id 'drawing'
(cause 'drawing' is a string, you can pass an element instead, i checked the code)  so the error seems to indicate
that in your html there is not an element with id 'drawing'.

Hope it helps.

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 6:22 AM, Magnus <> wrote:

ok, I used the GWT ScriptInjector, and now also the identifier "SVG" can be resolved.
This brought me one step further, but now I get another error message:

[ERROR] [wgp] - Failed to load module 'wgp' from user agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36' at localhost:34277 (TypeError) @wgp.client.lib.GraphicsPanel::test1()([]): Cannot read property 'nodeName' of null

I cannot debug JS code, but by tracing ($wnd.alert) I can verify that it happens at the call to SVG("drawing").

The complete code is shown below. What next? :-)


public class Application implements EntryPoint
 public void onModuleLoad()
  SampleLoader l = new SampleLoader();
  final DrawBox dbx = new DrawBox ();
  dbx.setText ("Dialog Box"); ();

public class SampleLoader
 public void injectScript()
  String raw = SampleAssetsBundle.instance.myScript().getText();
  ScriptElement e = Document.get().createScriptElement();

public interface SampleAssetsBundle extends ClientBundleWithLookup {

 public static final SampleAssetsBundle instance =
GWT.create(SampleAssetsBundle .class);

 public TextResource myScript();

public class DrawBox extends DialogBox
 //private FlowPanel pnl = new FlowPanel ();
 private GraphicsPanel pnl = new GraphicsPanel ();
 public DrawBox ()
  super ();
  setText ("Dialog Box");
  pnl.setSize ("640px","480px");
  //add (pnl);
  setWidget (pnl);
  show ();
  center ();

public class GraphicsPanel extends ComplexPanel
 public GraphicsPanel()
  Element e = test();

 private static native Element test ()
 var draw = SVG('drawing')
 var text = draw.text('SVG.JS').move(300, 0)

          family: 'Source Sans Pro'
        , size: 180
        , anchor: 'middle'
        , leading: 1

 return (draw);  


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