Thursday, July 25, 2024

Re: Looking for a GWT expert for a porting of an application from an old version of GWT

I will be available full time from 1 september. But Colin or Frank are the real Gurus :-) I use both the Domino And Material Framework. I currently maintain for my own company several gwt app wich have total more than 1 milion line of statements.

Op woensdag 24 juli 2024 om 17:17:03 UTC+2 schreef Colin Alworth:
Hi Shaik,

I typically don't like to be seeming to advertise on the mailing list, but we're doing much of the active development work in GWT these days. Ahmad Bawaneh and I wrote many of the patches to get GWT itself ready to run on newer Java versions, including updating its own build so that we can produce the release artifacts, run samples and build docs, and run tests on Java 11-21 (there is a pending PR that will fix one test to run on Java 22 now).

Work that will need to be done will vary based on the project - some will need none at all except for updating Java and GWT, while others might need to switch to jakarta.servlet, or deal with other classloader or --add-opens issues.

We can join a project directly and make changes in collaboration with your team, or work "over your shoulder" and join screensharing calls and answer emails to keep us more at arms length as consultants who can provide examples and solutions to specific questions. We have a standard NDA, or we can review and sign your own NDA.

I'll send an email directly, and am happy to be contacted off-list for any support we can offer around GWT and its ecosystem.


On Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 10:03:00 AM UTC-5 wrote:

 Subject: Re: Seeking GWT Specialist for Application Upgrade

Hi Colin,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing on behalf of Shaik Fayaz, who is interested in your company's assistance with upgrading their GWT application.

Shaik Fayaz is in need of support to port their application from GWT 2.5.1 and Java 8.0 to the latest version of GWT and Java 17 or later. Your expertise in this area would be greatly appreciated.

Could you please provide more details on how your company can assist with this project? Shaik Fayaz is keen to arrange a call to discuss the requirements further. You can reach out to Shaik Fayaz at to coordinate a suitable time for the call.

Additionally, Shaik Fayaz is open to utilizing community resources like the Gitter channel and stackoverflow, as suggested by Frank. Any guidance on where to find additional support for this upgrade would be valuable.

Looking forward to your prompt response and collaboration on this project.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Warm regards,


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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Re: Looking for a GWT expert for a porting of an application from an old version of GWT

Hi Shaik,

I typically don't like to be seeming to advertise on the mailing list, but we're doing much of the active development work in GWT these days. Ahmad Bawaneh and I wrote many of the patches to get GWT itself ready to run on newer Java versions, including updating its own build so that we can produce the release artifacts, run samples and build docs, and run tests on Java 11-21 (there is a pending PR that will fix one test to run on Java 22 now).

Work that will need to be done will vary based on the project - some will need none at all except for updating Java and GWT, while others might need to switch to jakarta.servlet, or deal with other classloader or --add-opens issues.

We can join a project directly and make changes in collaboration with your team, or work "over your shoulder" and join screensharing calls and answer emails to keep us more at arms length as consultants who can provide examples and solutions to specific questions. We have a standard NDA, or we can review and sign your own NDA.

I'll send an email directly, and am happy to be contacted off-list for any support we can offer around GWT and its ecosystem.


On Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 10:03:00 AM UTC-5 wrote:

 Subject: Re: Seeking GWT Specialist for Application Upgrade

Hi Colin,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing on behalf of Shaik Fayaz, who is interested in your company's assistance with upgrading their GWT application.

Shaik Fayaz is in need of support to port their application from GWT 2.5.1 and Java 8.0 to the latest version of GWT and Java 17 or later. Your expertise in this area would be greatly appreciated.

Could you please provide more details on how your company can assist with this project? Shaik Fayaz is keen to arrange a call to discuss the requirements further. You can reach out to Shaik Fayaz at to coordinate a suitable time for the call.

Additionally, Shaik Fayaz is open to utilizing community resources like the Gitter channel and stackoverflow, as suggested by Frank. Any guidance on where to find additional support for this upgrade would be valuable.

Looking forward to your prompt response and collaboration on this project.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Warm regards,


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Re: Looking for a GWT expert for a porting of an application from an old version of GWT

 Subject: Re: Seeking GWT Specialist for Application Upgrade

Hi Colin,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing on behalf of Shaik Fayaz, who is interested in your company's assistance with upgrading their GWT application.

Shaik Fayaz is in need of support to port their application from GWT 2.5.1 and Java 8.0 to the latest version of GWT and Java 17 or later. Your expertise in this area would be greatly appreciated.

Could you please provide more details on how your company can assist with this project? Shaik Fayaz is keen to arrange a call to discuss the requirements further. You can reach out to Shaik Fayaz at to coordinate a suitable time for the call.

Additionally, Shaik Fayaz is open to utilizing community resources like the Gitter channel and stackoverflow, as suggested by Frank. Any guidance on where to find additional support for this upgrade would be valuable.

Looking forward to your prompt response and collaboration on this project.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Warm regards,


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Re: Looking for a GWT expert for a porting of an application from an old version of GWT

Hi Antonio,

I replied to you off-list yesterday, but this is something that our company can help with. You can contact me at to arrange a call to look into your project. We definitely also encourage community resources like the Gitter channel that Frank mentioned, this mailing list and stackoverflow.
On Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 8:13:57 AM UTC-5 Frank Hossfeld wrote:
I would say yes. Another great place looking for help is the GWT room:

And, feel free to contact me. 

Antonio Leonforte schrieb am Dienstag, 23. Juli 2024 um 16:27:53 UTC+2:
Hi everyone,
hope this will not violate any rule. We have developed a quite complex client using GWT2.5.1 and Java 8.0  We need support from a professional in order to port the application to the latest version of GWT and Java 17 or later. Is this the right place to find  GWT specialist?
Thanks in advance.


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Re: Looking for a GWT expert for a porting of an application from an old version of GWT

I would say yes. Another great place looking for help is the GWT room:

And, feel free to contact me. 

Antonio Leonforte schrieb am Dienstag, 23. Juli 2024 um 16:27:53 UTC+2:
Hi everyone,
hope this will not violate any rule. We have developed a quite complex client using GWT2.5.1 and Java 8.0  We need support from a professional in order to port the application to the latest version of GWT and Java 17 or later. Is this the right place to find  GWT specialist?
Thanks in advance.


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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Re: "Unload event listeners are deprecated" browser error

I put up as a proposal to resolve this, please take a look.

On Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 12:39:55 PM UTC-6 Colin Alworth wrote:
It looks like the purpose of registering the unload handler for any Window event is to avoid IE6-10 era memory leaks. From the notes on the MDN page, removing those other handlers will break the page when the bfcache is in use, but our use of the unload handler will opt GWT pages out.

The simplest fix appears to be to stop initializing the unload event tracking for resize/scroll events, and "let" those leak (which they won't, because IE in all forms is really-actually-totally-dead this time, right?). Next unload/beforeunload should be decoupled, so that each can be initialized separately. Then applications can remove their own usage of unload as they wish, but we should probably deprecate this event handler method (not the event and handler itself) as well.

On Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 11:38:53 AM UTC-6 Thomas Broyer wrote:
Apparently, this happens when you use Window.addXxxHandler (and for instance the default PlaceController's delegate calls Window.addClosingHandler, which registers an unload handler but is only interested in the beforeunload event)

On Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 5:18:39 PM UTC+1 wrote:

Browsers running our GWT application (version 2.11) have recently (this week) started reporting errors like this one:

[{"age":41550,"body":{"columnNumber":192,"id":"UnloadHandler","lineNumber":3210,"message":"Unload event listeners are deprecated and will be removed.","sourceFile":"ourmodule-0.js"},"type":"deprecation","url":"oururl","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36"}]

Any idea about why is this happening?  Is GWT using a deprecated browser feature?


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Monday, July 22, 2024

Looking for a GWT expert for a porting of an application from an old version of GWT

Hi everyone,
hope this will not violate any rule. We have developed a quite complex client using GWT2.5.1 and Java 8.0  We need support from a professional in order to port the application to the latest version of GWT and Java 17 or later. Is this the right place to find  GWT specialist?
Thanks in advance.


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Friday, June 28, 2024

Re: is it possible to debug GWT projects (breakpoints, step through code etc) ?

& Google Cloud Platform samples for App Engine with Java 11+ which shows how to have a separate jar module which run the WAR using the  java command.
As in the GWT archetype it uses Jetty Maven Plugin for the development server & it covers Eclipse debugging,
appengine-maven-plugin is only for appengine:deploy

On Friday, June 28, 2024 at 2:50:21 PM UTC+1 Daniel Webb wrote:
Hi Thomas,
Aha!! You are correct, thank you - I have added it to my POM and now the breakpoints are getting triggered :-)

Is there a way of limiting this configuration to a specific run configuration, or sometning? The way I have it set up I think the flags are passed every time?











On Friday 28 June 2024 at 13:34:03 UTC+1 Thomas Broyer wrote:
You need to pass the -agentlib:… as <jvmArgs> of the appengine plugin, as it will fork a new JVM
On Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 7:15:26 PM UTC+2 wrote:

Can anyone help me get remote jdwp server debugging in Eclipse working? I seem to be able to get a server running but it won't halt on breakpoints.

I run as.. "Maven Build" with goals of 'clean install appengine:run' and vm arguments of '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000'
run debug.png
run debug 2.png

The Console says "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000"

Then I "Debug as..." "Remote Java Application"...
remote debug 1.png

And the console starts up again with the 'clean install appengine:run' finishing up with the usual:
Started NetworkTrafficSelectChannelConnector {HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{localhost:8080}

At which point I can browse to http://localhost:8080 but none of my breakpoints will trigger.

Please, what am I doing wrong? I've not done java remote debugging before :-(

On Thursday 27 June 2024 at 16:21:17 UTC+1 Daniel Webb wrote:
Thanks Ralph, So it's source map debugging in chrome for the client side, jdwp remote debugging for the server side.
On Tuesday 25 June 2024 at 14:09:20 UTC+1 Ralph Fiergolla wrote:
Hi! Unless you want to invest time and effort in getting eclipse plugins up and running, I would suggest using your browser's development tools (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome/Edge) to debug the client side. Thanks to source maps it will show your JAVA source code when debugging. 
To debug the server side, you need to start your server with "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8000,suspend=n" and create a debug configuration to connect to port 8000 in Eclipse.
Good luck

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 11:19 AM 'Daniel Webb' via GWT Users <> wrote:
Is it possible to debug GWT projects - setting breakpoints and stepping through code? This would be server and/or client debugging.

We've just had our internal GWT based app updated and it now uses maven to run (clean install appengine:run). The eclipse plugin based debugging technique that I used to use no longer seems to work.

Thanks for any advice, I really like GWT but I'm lost as to how it all works!

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Re: is it possible to debug GWT projects (breakpoints, step through code etc) ?

Hi Craig,
Ahh right, so although it's working at the moment with  appengine:run this is being phased out so I'd better be moving to a standalone server.

On Friday 28 June 2024 at 03:19:18 UTC+1 Craig Mitchell wrote:
> Only reason I ask is I've just had the app updated from java 7 because Google dropped support - and the new project uses "appengine:run" for running locally. Should we be doing it differently?

Google are asking everyone to move to the "Second-generation Java runtimes".

This also includes upgrading some services, which can be a big task.  I needed to upgrade from using Datastore, to using Firestore in Datastore mode, which was a large amount of code change:

I believe the bundled app engine web server "appengine:run" is now deprecated.  You now need to provide your own web server.  All Google gives you is an installed Java version, and Java libraries to interface with their systems.  How you run them, is now up to you.  Check out the "Framework flexibility" section:

Disclaimer:  Google has legacy bundled services you can use, and that might include a web server somehow.  I haven't looked too much into it, as I wanted my project to be on the latest, and get off all the legacy stuff.  Plus, once you get off the legacy stuff, you are no longer on Googles proprietary web server and datastore, so moving your app somewhere else becomes a lot easier if you ever needed to.

Shameless self promotion:  I just finished a project for Nasdaq, so I'll be looking for work in the next few weeks, if you needed someone with experience, happy to chat: 


On Friday 28 June 2024 at 1:28:47 am UTC+10 Daniel Webb wrote:
Hi Craig,

On Wednesday 26 June 2024 at 02:56:31 UTC+1 Craig Mitchell wrote:
btw:  "appengine:run" is deprecated.  You won't be able to do any updates to your app until you upgrade.  But you probably already knew this.  🙂

Whaat, are you sure?! 
Only reason I ask is I've just had the app updated from java 7 because Google dropped support - and the new project uses "appengine:run" for running locally. Should we be doing it differently?

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Re: is it possible to debug GWT projects (breakpoints, step through code etc) ?

Thanks for the suggestion Tim, I was really hopeful but I think I'm running in the Debug perspective but the breakpoints are still not triggering :-(

On Thursday 27 June 2024 at 18:35:23 UTC+1 Tim Macpherson wrote:
Did you open the debug view ? iirc in eclipse you need to

On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 6:15 PM, 'Daniel Webb' via GWT Users

Can anyone help me get remote jdwp server debugging in Eclipse working? I seem to be able to get a server running but it won't halt on breakpoints.

I run as.. "Maven Build" with goals of 'clean install appengine:run' and vm arguments of '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000'
run debug.png
run debug 2.png

The Console says "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000"

Then I "Debug as..." "Remote Java Application"...
remote debug 1.png

And the console starts up again with the 'clean install appengine:run' finishing up with the usual:
Started NetworkTrafficSelectChannelConnector {HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{localhost:8080}

At which point I can browse to http://localhost:8080 but none of my breakpoints will trigger.

Please, what am I doing wrong? I've not done java remote debugging before :-(

On Thursday 27 June 2024 at 16:21:17 UTC+1 Daniel Webb wrote:
Thanks Ralph, So it's source map debugging in chrome for the client side, jdwp remote debugging for the server side.
On Tuesday 25 June 2024 at 14:09:20 UTC+1 Ralph Fiergolla wrote:
Hi! Unless you want to invest time and effort in getting eclipse plugins up and running, I would suggest using your browser's development tools (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome/Edge) to debug the client side. Thanks to source maps it will show your JAVA source code when debugging. 
To debug the server side, you need to start your server with "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8000,suspend=n" and create a debug configuration to connect to port 8000 in Eclipse.
Good luck

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 11:19 AM 'Daniel Webb' via GWT Users <> wrote:
Is it possible to debug GWT projects - setting breakpoints and stepping through code? This would be server and/or client debugging.

We've just had our internal GWT based app updated and it now uses maven to run (clean install appengine:run). The eclipse plugin based debugging technique that I used to use no longer seems to work.

Thanks for any advice, I really like GWT but I'm lost as to how it all works!

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Re: is it possible to debug GWT projects (breakpoints, step through code etc) ?

You need to pass the -agentlib:… as <jvmArgs> of the appengine plugin, as it will fork a new JVM

On Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 7:15:26 PM UTC+2 wrote:

Can anyone help me get remote jdwp server debugging in Eclipse working? I seem to be able to get a server running but it won't halt on breakpoints.

I run as.. "Maven Build" with goals of 'clean install appengine:run' and vm arguments of '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000'
run debug.png
run debug 2.png

The Console says "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000"

Then I "Debug as..." "Remote Java Application"...
remote debug 1.png

And the console starts up again with the 'clean install appengine:run' finishing up with the usual:
Started NetworkTrafficSelectChannelConnector {HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{localhost:8080}

At which point I can browse to http://localhost:8080 but none of my breakpoints will trigger.

Please, what am I doing wrong? I've not done java remote debugging before :-(

On Thursday 27 June 2024 at 16:21:17 UTC+1 Daniel Webb wrote:
Thanks Ralph, So it's source map debugging in chrome for the client side, jdwp remote debugging for the server side.
On Tuesday 25 June 2024 at 14:09:20 UTC+1 Ralph Fiergolla wrote:
Hi! Unless you want to invest time and effort in getting eclipse plugins up and running, I would suggest using your browser's development tools (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome/Edge) to debug the client side. Thanks to source maps it will show your JAVA source code when debugging. 
To debug the server side, you need to start your server with "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8000,suspend=n" and create a debug configuration to connect to port 8000 in Eclipse.
Good luck

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 11:19 AM 'Daniel Webb' via GWT Users <> wrote:
Is it possible to debug GWT projects - setting breakpoints and stepping through code? This would be server and/or client debugging.

We've just had our internal GWT based app updated and it now uses maven to run (clean install appengine:run). The eclipse plugin based debugging technique that I used to use no longer seems to work.

Thanks for any advice, I really like GWT but I'm lost as to how it all works!

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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Re: is it possible to debug GWT projects (breakpoints, step through code etc) ?

> Only reason I ask is I've just had the app updated from java 7 because Google dropped support - and the new project uses "appengine:run" for running locally. Should we be doing it differently?

Google are asking everyone to move to the "Second-generation Java runtimes".

This also includes upgrading some services, which can be a big task.  I needed to upgrade from using Datastore, to using Firestore in Datastore mode, which was a large amount of code change:

I believe the bundled app engine web server "appengine:run" is now deprecated.  You now need to provide your own web server.  All Google gives you is an installed Java version, and Java libraries to interface with their systems.  How you run them, is now up to you.  Check out the "Framework flexibility" section:

Disclaimer:  Google has legacy bundled services you can use, and that might include a web server somehow.  I haven't looked too much into it, as I wanted my project to be on the latest, and get off all the legacy stuff.  Plus, once you get off the legacy stuff, you are no longer on Googles proprietary web server and datastore, so moving your app somewhere else becomes a lot easier if you ever needed to.

Shameless self promotion:  I just finished a project for Nasdaq, so I'll be looking for work in the next few weeks, if you needed someone with experience, happy to chat: 


On Friday 28 June 2024 at 1:28:47 am UTC+10 Daniel Webb wrote:
Hi Craig,

On Wednesday 26 June 2024 at 02:56:31 UTC+1 Craig Mitchell wrote:
btw:  "appengine:run" is deprecated.  You won't be able to do any updates to your app until you upgrade.  But you probably already knew this.  🙂

Whaat, are you sure?! 
Only reason I ask is I've just had the app updated from java 7 because Google dropped support - and the new project uses "appengine:run" for running locally. Should we be doing it differently?

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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Re: is it possible to debug GWT projects (breakpoints, step through code etc) ?

Did you open the debug view ? iirc in eclipse you need to

On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 6:15 PM, 'Daniel Webb' via GWT Users
<> wrote:

Can anyone help me get remote jdwp server debugging in Eclipse working? I seem to be able to get a server running but it won't halt on breakpoints.

I run as.. "Maven Build" with goals of 'clean install appengine:run' and vm arguments of '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000'
run debug.png
run debug 2.png

The Console says "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000"

Then I "Debug as..." "Remote Java Application"...
remote debug 1.png

And the console starts up again with the 'clean install appengine:run' finishing up with the usual:
Started NetworkTrafficSelectChannelConnector {HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{localhost:8080}

At which point I can browse to http://localhost:8080 but none of my breakpoints will trigger.

Please, what am I doing wrong? I've not done java remote debugging before :-(

On Thursday 27 June 2024 at 16:21:17 UTC+1 Daniel Webb wrote:
Thanks Ralph, So it's source map debugging in chrome for the client side, jdwp remote debugging for the server side.
On Tuesday 25 June 2024 at 14:09:20 UTC+1 Ralph Fiergolla wrote:
Hi! Unless you want to invest time and effort in getting eclipse plugins up and running, I would suggest using your browser's development tools (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome/Edge) to debug the client side. Thanks to source maps it will show your JAVA source code when debugging. 
To debug the server side, you need to start your server with "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8000,suspend=n" and create a debug configuration to connect to port 8000 in Eclipse.
Good luck

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 11:19 AM 'Daniel Webb' via GWT Users <> wrote:
Is it possible to debug GWT projects - setting breakpoints and stepping through code? This would be server and/or client debugging.

We've just had our internal GWT based app updated and it now uses maven to run (clean install appengine:run). The eclipse plugin based debugging technique that I used to use no longer seems to work.

Thanks for any advice, I really like GWT but I'm lost as to how it all works!

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Re: is it possible to debug GWT projects (breakpoints, step through code etc) ?

Hi Craig,

On Wednesday 26 June 2024 at 02:56:31 UTC+1 Craig Mitchell wrote:
btw:  "appengine:run" is deprecated.  You won't be able to do any updates to your app until you upgrade.  But you probably already knew this.  🙂

Whaat, are you sure?! 
Only reason I ask is I've just had the app updated from java 7 because Google dropped support - and the new project uses "appengine:run" for running locally. Should we be doing it differently?

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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Re: is it possible to debug GWT projects (breakpoints, step through code etc) ?

Thanks Ralph, So it's source map debugging in chrome for the client side, jdwp remote debugging for the server side.
On Tuesday 25 June 2024 at 14:09:20 UTC+1 Ralph Fiergolla wrote:
Hi! Unless you want to invest time and effort in getting eclipse plugins up and running, I would suggest using your browser's development tools (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome/Edge) to debug the client side. Thanks to source maps it will show your JAVA source code when debugging. 
To debug the server side, you need to start your server with "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8000,suspend=n" and create a debug configuration to connect to port 8000 in Eclipse.
Good luck

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 11:19 AM 'Daniel Webb' via GWT Users <> wrote:
Is it possible to debug GWT projects - setting breakpoints and stepping through code? This would be server and/or client debugging.

We've just had our internal GWT based app updated and it now uses maven to run (clean install appengine:run). The eclipse plugin based debugging technique that I used to use no longer seems to work.

Thanks for any advice, I really like GWT but I'm lost as to how it all works!

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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group.
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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Re: is it possible to debug GWT projects (breakpoints, step through code etc) ?

btw:  "appengine:run" is deprecated.  You won't be able to do any updates to your app until you upgrade.  But you probably already knew this.  🙂

On Wednesday 26 June 2024 at 11:23:00 am UTC+10 Craig Mitchell wrote:
As Ralph says, for the client, you can use the Chrome debugger, but if you didn't want to, the Eclipse SDBG plugin should still work.  Or if you use IntelliJ, the paid Ultimate version comes with a JS debuger (I've not seen a JS debugger for the free Community version).

For the server, you might find it easier to put the flags Ralph talks about into your pom file.  Eg: If you use springboot, you can do this:

      -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:8000 <!-- Allow debugging -->
      --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED <!-- Allow exceptions to have java.lang details serialised -->

On Tuesday 25 June 2024 at 11:09:20 pm UTC+10 Ralph Fiergolla wrote:
Hi! Unless you want to invest time and effort in getting eclipse plugins up and running, I would suggest using your browser's development tools (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome/Edge) to debug the client side. Thanks to source maps it will show your JAVA source code when debugging. 
To debug the server side, you need to start your server with "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8000,suspend=n" and create a debug configuration to connect to port 8000 in Eclipse.
Good luck

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 11:19 AM 'Daniel Webb' via GWT Users <> wrote:
Is it possible to debug GWT projects - setting breakpoints and stepping through code? This would be server and/or client debugging.

We've just had our internal GWT based app updated and it now uses maven to run (clean install appengine:run). The eclipse plugin based debugging technique that I used to use no longer seems to work.

Thanks for any advice, I really like GWT but I'm lost as to how it all works!

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Re: is it possible to debug GWT projects (breakpoints, step through code etc) ?

As Ralph says, for the client, you can use the Chrome debugger, but if you didn't want to, the Eclipse SDBG plugin should still work.  Or if you use IntelliJ, the paid Ultimate version comes with a JS debuger (I've not seen a JS debugger for the free Community version).

For the server, you might find it easier to put the flags Ralph talks about into your pom file.  Eg: If you use springboot, you can do this:

      -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:8000 <!-- Allow debugging -->
      --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED <!-- Allow exceptions to have java.lang details serialised -->

On Tuesday 25 June 2024 at 11:09:20 pm UTC+10 Ralph Fiergolla wrote:
Hi! Unless you want to invest time and effort in getting eclipse plugins up and running, I would suggest using your browser's development tools (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome/Edge) to debug the client side. Thanks to source maps it will show your JAVA source code when debugging. 
To debug the server side, you need to start your server with "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8000,suspend=n" and create a debug configuration to connect to port 8000 in Eclipse.
Good luck

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 11:19 AM 'Daniel Webb' via GWT Users <> wrote:
Is it possible to debug GWT projects - setting breakpoints and stepping through code? This would be server and/or client debugging.

We've just had our internal GWT based app updated and it now uses maven to run (clean install appengine:run). The eclipse plugin based debugging technique that I used to use no longer seems to work.

Thanks for any advice, I really like GWT but I'm lost as to how it all works!

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Re: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module

Apparently: when running in a sandboxed environment on the cloud there is a controlled module structure which ensures proper access permissions. This typically prevents the need for reflection to access private fields.

This seems to be the case for throwing IllegalArgumentException on App Engine: no --add-opens required, but with Spring the situation may be different. I haven't tested illegal access for LinkedHashMap_CustomFieldSerializer yet.

On Monday 24 June 2024 at 02:50:56 BST, Craig Mitchell <> wrote:

My Google App Engine didn't get around it.  Well, I don't think it did.  In my app.yaml I have the add-opens:

runtime: java17
instance_class: F1
entrypoint: java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -Xms150m -Xmx350m -jar drift-team.war

On Monday 24 June 2024 at 2:23:33 am UTC+10 Tim Macpherson wrote:
Thanks Colin, so this is an issue that is ongoing.  Still wondering how app engine deployment get around it.

On Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 7:49 PM, Colin Alworth
GWT-RPC's purpose is to enable serialization of objects to and from the server. Usually, those types either are written by the application authors, or have well supported interfaces to interact with them, but there are exceptions (Throwable, as you first noted, and LinkedHashMap has one of the other main ones I can think of).

As we know it today, GWT-RPC was written for around Java 1.5 - reflection was not desirable even then because it was slow, but JPMS was many years away from being considered.

For Throwable, we serialize this in two main cases: sending logs to the server so client errors can be tracked, solved, and sending errors to the client so they know an operation has failed in some way. So, we need to both read and write the `detailMessage` field of throwable - and there is no guaranteed way to either read _or_ write this without reflection. Reading example: a custom exception type could override getMessage() and make use of super.getMessage(), so the private field is needed but cannot be read directly. Writing example: a custom exception type could exist that calls super(String) but doesn't pass in a constructor argument directly, so the detailMessage field can't be reliably written.

If this is unacceptable, the best option would be to define a CustomFieldSerializer for Throwable and supported subtypes that have their own fields, and deal with the exceptions described above as you see fit, by deciding how to handle the loss of data in those cases. GWT doesn't make this decision for you.

For LinkedHashMap the `accessOrder` constructor argument is effectively hidden state - there is no nice way to interogate a LinkedHashMap to ask if it is based on insertion or access order directly. There is a not-very-nice way though, and this is what GWT does if reflection is not available (clone the collection, clear the clone, insert two keys, access the second, iterate to see which was first). This is why I was asking about GWT 2.11, which has this a fix to better handle Java 17 (see

You should not need to apply a workaround via more reflection - this will fail the first time it is attempted, and track that for future reference, so the error will only happen once.

For both of these cases, we have to decide what it means to not have access to this data, and how likely these internals are to change. Is Throwable going to lose its detailMessage? Is LinkedHashMap going to change how accessOrder works? Especially for just two cases, the answer is very likely no, and we run CI with GWT (including tests for serialization for these types) against so-called LTS JDKs and the current latest version, so that if they do change, we know about it.

On Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 5:07:19 AM UTC-5 wrote:

touches on the issue:
Using --add-opens should be considered a workaround.
The right thing is for libraries performing illegal access to fix their issues.

reflection  removes encapsulation: makes every element in a code unit part of its API
Strong encapsulation aids in maintainability and security.

The result is a user class that is tightly coupled to the internal implementation of the JDK.
If enough developers abuse this openness, this leads to a situation in which it is difficult or impossible 
to make changes to the internals, because to do so would break deployed libraries and applications.
This is one of the problems that modules were invented to solve.

I have found:

On app engine there's no need for --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED, only on local jetty.
This java fix for LinkedHashMap reflection failure is probably more worrying:
Field field = LinkedHashMap_CustomFieldSerializer.class.getDeclaredField("reflectionHasFailed");

On Saturday 22 June 2024 at 02:53:52 BST, Craig Mitchell <> wrote:

This is because, from Java 9, access to the Java classes has been restricted.  More info:

In the case of GWT, if you want exceptions passed back via RPC, GWT needs access to the java.lang classes to serialise them to contain all the Java class details.

So, you need to add:  --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED  when running.

I didn't know it was not recommended.  Why is it bad to do?

On Saturday 22 June 2024 at 3:34:59 am UTC+10 Tim Macpherson wrote:
It happens with the latest tbroyer archetype, just change the server method so it always throws 

On Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 4:20 PM, Colin Alworth
Can you share a little more detail, like the full error message with stack trace, and the GWT version you're using? Some improvements were made in this area for GWT 2.11, and some messages of this kind are merely warnings, indicating that reflection was attempted and some fallback can usually be used instead.

On Friday, June 21, 2024 at 8:45:59 AM UTC-5 wrote:
SInce upgrading to Java 11,  throwing a new IllegalArgumentException in an RPC server-side implementation gives  InaccessibleObjectException. It can be stopped by using a VM argument --add-opens, but apparently this is not recommended.
Can anyone  clarify ?

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