Thursday, March 28, 2013

Literal Array Creation in JSNI


within my GWT Application I try to execute the following method:

public native void drawChart(Element parent)/*-{
    var series = [{
            data: [ { x: 0, y: 40 }, { x: 1, y: 49 } ],
            color: 'steelblue',
            name: 'Dataset_1'
    var graph = new $wnd.Rickshaw.Graph( {
        element: parent,
        width: 600,
        height: 200,
        series: series,
        renderer: 'bar'

The series array initialized at the beginning of the implementation is passed to the Rickshaw.Graph constructor.
The Rickshaw module tests whether the input object series is of type Array and - fails.
 if (!(series instanceof Array)) throw ....

I have no explanation for that behavior. I thought it's native JavaScript code, executed within the browser, so that there should be
no difference. But indeed, the array created in the method above does not pass that instanceof check.

Any help is appreciated.

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