Monday, March 27, 2017

Re: Starting new GWT project - what to use

I would seriously look into using some kind of Virtual DOM based library e.g. React, Preact or Vue. I have been using react for over a year both in Java and Javascript and I never want to go back to the old imperative approach. Even complex UI code is now relatively easy to comprehend. I made GWTReact so we could integrate React into our existing code base. However, it would be a good choice for a new project if you want to stick with GWT. Once elemental 2 is released I can remove any dependency on the old GWT code base.

I also use javascript + flow types for some of our newer projects. This works pretty well in intellij with the flow plugin. I don't mind either approach. 

On Monday, March 27, 2017 at 12:55:27 AM UTC-4, Bryan Buchanan wrote:

I've been a long time GWT user, and my current apps use gwtbootstrap, UI Binder, widgets, GWT-RPC. i.e. most of the stuff that, IMO, makes GWT worth using.

From the stuff I've seen about the 3.x release, a lot of this disappears. I'm wondering if there's any document anywhere which sets out "best practice" for any new GWT deleopment (or indeed, would you even use GWT ?).


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