Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How to override the deferred binding configuration of a inherit gwt module


is it possible to override the deferred binding configuration of a inherit module?

Here is a example:

In the module, I want to use, a deferred binding is declared as follows moduleA.gwt.xml:

<replace-with class="A1Impl">      <when-type-is class="A"/>  </replace-with>    <replace-with class="A2Impl">      <when-type-is class="A"/>      <when-property-is name="p" value="1"/>  </replace-with>  

The declaration says: Use A1Impl class as default and A2Impl class, if property p has the value 1.

Now, in my app I want to use that module and want P to be 1 (because this controls the above shown, but also a lot of other deferred binding configurations) mymodule.gwt.xml:

<inherits name='moduleA'/>  <set-property name="p" value="1" />  

But additionally I want to override the deferred binding configuration of the inherit module to use my own implementation of A. I tried something like this in my module, but it didn't work:

<replace-with class="B1Impl">      <when-type-is class="A"/>      <when-property-is name="p" value="1"/>  </replace-with>  

It should say something like this: Do not use A2Impl (declared in inherit module) if property p has the value 1 but use my own implementation B1Impl instead.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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