Saturday, July 31, 2010

Absolute Panel and Image overlay issues

I'm not sure there is any easier way to get my desired results, but
when I have 3 images overlapping (all three are .GIF with
transparent), and then I have a button that updates the src for one of
these images, the new image is not displayed. When the page first
loads, each Image contains a 1X1 pxl image as the source, and then the
actual image is set via CSS backgound url. Then, when I click a
button, I setUrl on the desired image, and then the image's src on the
page is updated in the browser rather than keeping the same styles.

To get around this, I programmatically remove the image from the
absolute panel, then recreate it with the desired url and then add a
css class that contains the "position:absolute" property, which then
works fine, but this seems a bit hacky.

Has anyone else experienced this? I can include source if this doesn't
make sense. Thanks for any input/suggestions!

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