Monday, September 29, 2014

ANN: flatbus 1.1 released

A new flatbus is available with some minor improvements in the maven build and a public maven repo.

Flatbus is a GWT library/generator which generate at runtime an event bus that works without events: listeners register their interfaces on the bus and clients can invoke directly methods on those interfaces. Technically that works by specifying a bus interface which implements all listener interfaces. Flatbus will then generate a bus implementation which exposes that bus interface.

In a traditional setting you'd use an event/handler pair:

interface ContactDetailsUpdatedHandler{

   void onContactDetailsUpdated(ContactDetailsEvent e);

class ContactDetailsEvent{

A handler implementation would look like this:

class ContactDetailsUpdatedHandlerImpl implements ContactDetailsUpdatedHandler{

void onContactDetailsUpdated(ContactDetailsEvent e){


And you would communicate with it like this:

bus.fireEvent(new ContactDetailsUpdatedEvent(contactDetails));

With a flatbus, you don't create events but call methods directly:

interface ContactDetailsUpdatedHandler{

   void onContactDetailsUpdated(ContactDetails c);

class ContactDetailsUpdatedHandlerImpl implements ContactDetailsUpdatedHandler{

void onContactDetailsUpdated(ContactDetails c){


And you would communicate with it like this:

bus.onContactDetailsUpdated(new ContactDetails(...));


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