Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: SEVERE: The Cell Widget is attempting to render itself within the render loop

CellTable renders itself in a rendering loop, which means that you can make multiple synchronous changes to the range and/or data but only render once at the end of the synchronous changes.  However, the table isn't designed to handle the case where user code actually modifies the table within the rendering loop.

The main things that can cause this are the following:
  • Modifying the CellTable from within Cell#render()
  • Overriding CellTable#renderRowValues() and modifying the CellTable from within it
  • Trying to access an Element in CellTable from either of those methods
Are you doing any of these?  The code is somewhat complicated because its optimized for performance and has some special cases.  Its certainly possible that there are subtle bugs.

John LaBanca

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 1:50 PM, zixzigma <> wrote:
I am getting this exception more and more now.
I am not using a Date type,
but I manipulate the "range" the table is showing using table.setVisibleRange.
My problem is that I don't understand what exactly is that I am doing wrong,
and how to change my code to avoid this exception.
in other words, what is this Exception "Really" saying ?
if it has to do with Range, under what circumstances this exception occur
so that I can guard against it.

Thank You

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