Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: Export CellTable's selected rows into a csv file

I'm assuming you're using a JAVA backend hence the RPC?
Which one are you using if I may ask?

You'll need to set the mimeType in the header you're sending, saw a topic on Stack Overflow some time ago, have a look at this:

Jan Vladimir Mostert

MyCee Technologies

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 5:22 PM, ido <> wrote:

I'm about to implement a new feature in my web application, in which csv file is generated out of a selection module of a CellTable.
Use case:
my client selects rows in a CellTable --> clicks on an Export button --> download csv file. 

As I see it, these should be the actions once Export button is clicked:
1. Collect all selected objects from the selection module.
2. Send list to my server using RPC command.
3. Generate csv file out of the list.
3. "Send" the file to the client.

I've already implemented the first 3 actions , However, did not manage to find any solution for the 4th.
Just don't have any idea how can my server "send" the file to the user.

I've been looking over the net for any solution but couldn't find a thing.

Will appreciate any answer,
Thanks a lot,

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