Saturday, June 22, 2013

Re: HandlerRegistration.removeHandler() does not work?

Oh, thank Thomas. 

I have solved the problem. The problem caused by an other activity that fires the LoginSuccessEvent. I forgot to removeHandler() on that activity, so It fires the  LoginSuccessEvent multiple times.

2013/6/22 Thomas Broyer <>

On Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:40:21 AM UTC+2, Sang Hero wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have had a problem with HandlerRegistration returned by method SimpleEventBus.addHandler 

When I call:

HandlerRegistration hr = eventBus.addHandler(LoginSuccessEvent.TYPE, new LoginSuccessEventHandler() {
public void onSuccess(LoginSuccessEvent event) {

Then I call:


The handler still does not be removed. I see on console multiple "Fire" each event firing.

This is my complete code:

On each event firing, I see "Back" one time but multiple time with "Fire"

Can you help me solve this problem?

Hard to diagnose with the given information (where and when the LoginSuccessEvent is fired?), but you actually don't need that 'hr', because the EventBus passed to start() will automatically un-register all its handlers when the activity stops (onStop and onCancel).

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