Add transform(source, destination) to Geometry
That might be the sollution, what do you think? I will try tonight.
Op dinsdag 30 oktober 2012 21:16:33 UTC+1 schreef Asimov het volgende:
-- Op dinsdag 30 oktober 2012 21:16:33 UTC+1 schreef Asimov het volgende:
I am trying to read in several kml features in a VectorLayer. The kml features are shown as a small dot at an totally wrong position on the map. In short I have done as follows:(... create a map with some google maps v3 layers ...)shapeLayer = new Vector("ShapeLayer");map.addLayer(tpmShapeLayer);
String shapeData = "<string with valid kml>";KML kml = new KML();VectorFeature[] vfa =;VectorFeature vf = vfa[0];shapeLayer.addFeature(vf);As said the feature is not shown correct, I can see something is added on the layer, but it is far to small and at the wrong position. I think I have to transform the kml feature to the maps projection but don't know how to do that with gwt-openlayers. I have seen the FormatOptions class but how do I use this class?Thanks!
On Tuesday, October 30, 2012 7:45:27 PM UTC+1, Frank wrote:You can check out our IRC channel
- Server:
- Channel: #gwt-openlayers
Or just ask your questions in this thread.
Op dinsdag 30 oktober 2012 09:48:56 UTC+1 schreef Asimov het volgende:Hi Frank,I have been using the demo project and they have been a great help! Still I have some questions. Do you know what is the best place to ask for help on using gwt-openlayers?
Op donderdag 2 augustus 2012 20:41:26 UTC+2 schreef Frank het volgende:Just a quick note that we put some work in the website, and especially in a new showcase for GWT-Openlayers (a GWT wrapper for the great OpenLayers library) :New website : New showcase : Feel free to make use of this library in your projects :-)
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