Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Re: GWT 2.0.4 is now available

This time without the mangled HTML.

Recently Apple released Safari 5, which included a bug where non-
integral right-shifts were not being evaluated properly. There were
several reports, both internally and externally, of GWT-based
applications unexpectedly crashing when running in Safari 5 (including
Google Wave). Upon further inspection of the crash, we determined that
the bug is triggered when calling several of GWT's array sorting
methods, which in turn perform non-integral right-shifts as part of
the compiled code.

That's the bad news. The good news is that we have a fix for this
issue, plus several other house keeping items</a> that we've rolled
into a 2.0.4 release, which can be downloaded from GWT's main download

If you're experiencing the Safari crash, you'll need to recompile and
deploy your GWT app. The changes in 2.0.4 are completely compatible
with your existing 2.0 app, and should have no negative impact. To
that extent we've already dogfooded 2.0.4, verifying that it fixes the
Wave crash that was originally reported.

On Jun 30, 5:20 pm, Chris Ramsdale <>
> Recently Apple released Safari 5, which included a <a href="https://
>">bug</a> where non-integral
> right-shifts were not being evaluated properly. There were several
> reports, both internally and <a href="
> web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5056">externally</a>, of GWT-based
> applications unexpectedly crashing when running in Safari 5 (including
> Google Wave). Upon further inspection of the crash, we determined that
> the bug is triggered when calling several of GWT's array sorting
> methods, which in turn perform non-integral right-shifts as part of
> the compiled code.
> That's the bad news. The good news is that we have a fix for this
> issue, plus several other <a href="
> toolkit/issues/list?can=2&q=milestone%3D2_0_4">house keeping items</a>
> that we've rolled into a 2.0.4 release, which can be downloaded from
> GWT's main <a href="
> downloads/detail?">download site</a>.
> If you're experiencing the Safari crash, you'll need to recompile and
> deploy your GWT app. The changes in 2.0.4 are completely compatible
> with your existing 2.0 app, and should have no negative impact. To
> that extent we've already dogfooded 2.0.4, verifying that it fixes the
> Wave crash that was originally reported.

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