The SL [1] is a community maintained integration of Spring and GWT
mainly focused at exporting Spring managed beans as RPC services. It
was launched four years ago and has reached through many releases a
high degree of maturity. The documentation is extensive, it's easy to
use (though I'm biased) but it's been criticized for not using maven.
On Aug 31, 5:31 pm, Sam <> wrote:
> Note: this thread is about using Spring for your service impls in a
> GWT app (it's not about integrating Spring MVC or using ROO. It's also
> not about Guice)
> There are a few posts on this but it's hard to tell what the best
> method is today. The two contenders seem to me to be:
> 1) project based
> on P.G. Taboada's approach:
> which is as simple as can be, however, the one annoyance is that you
> need yet another class for each RPC Service (A wrapper that extends a
> spring context injecting RemoteServiceServlet)
> 2)
> Just glanced at this. Looks a lot more complicated and the project
> has a lot of unresolved issues.
> Am I missing any approaches? Surely you other GWT devs are using
> Spring on the back end if you're writing serious applications. Don't
> be shy, please speak up.
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