Tuesday, April 26, 2016

jsinterop: casting between jstypes


I just started experimenting with the new jsinterop and I have one question.

I am using bootstrap which is using jquery, Although there are implementations around (https://github.com/workingflows/gwt-jquery) I thought to give it a try as a learning exercise, to see how far I can get before I incorporate somebody else's solution.

So here is the core from jquery

@JsType(isNative = true)
public class JQuery {
    @JsMethod(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL)
    public static native JQuerySelection $(String selector);

where JQuerySelection is
@JsType(isNative = true)
public class JQuerySelection {


and it works! Great

Now let's try to bring bootstrap inside. I want to user their modals. The way to get a modal is through jquery. Let's extend the jqueryselection

JsType(isNative = true)
public class BootstrapModal extends JQuerySelection {
    public native void modal(String command);

    public final void show() {

    public final void hide() {

//////////////////// java caller  ----- It crashes on cast

((BootstrapModal) JQuery.$("#modal_id")).show();

Now when I try this from my java code it crashes (saying that  mypackage name (com.mypackage.) is not a property)

What is  the way to use jsinterop in order to capture the implicit parent/child relationship between BootstrapModal and JquerySelection?

I work around it by adding in BootstrapModal this
    @JsMethod(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name="$")
    public static native BootstrapModal getModal(String selector);

but it doesn't strike me as the correct way to do it.

Any hints?

Vassilis Virvilis

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