Monday, April 28, 2014

Re: menus with UIBinder

I would have done it like this:

@UiField MenuItem itm_Login;

private void init ()
 setCommand (itm_Login,"cmd_Login"); // one line per item

private void setCommand (MenuItem itm,String cmd)
 final Method m = this.class.getMethod (cmd,null);

   new ScheduledCommand ()
    public void execute ()
     m.invoke ...

Aren't there similar methods to do this?

You could use a reflection library but that will probably generate quite some code you don't need or you could annotate either your fields or your command methods with a custom annotation and write a GWT generator (or annotation processor) to generate the code for you. That would be similar to how @UiHandler binds event handlers to your @UiFields via naming conventions. However in both cases you loose compile time error checking.

Personally I would live with it until GWT understands Java8 lambda's and method references which would eliminate most anonymous classes in GWT sooner or later. To make the init() method look nicer I would think about writing it as:

void init() {

private ScheduledCommand executeLoginCmd() {
  return new ScheduledCommand() {
    public void execute() {
      // code here

Well ok personally I would never use MenuBar + MenuItem because I like to have real hyperlinks so I can open things in tabs. I would have used something like FlowPanel + PopupPanel to build the menu and Hyperlink + GWT Places to build the menu items.

-- J.

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