Monday, September 28, 2020

Re: Preauthentication service with GWT

I would suggest to use Spring Security! You can implement the login page in one GWT module and the rest of the application in other modules. The credentials you send via form submit. Depending on the success the user will be redirected to the application module(s) or if the wuthentication failed back to the login. In that case a query parameter could transport the reason to be displayed to the user (client certificate not valid, user name password wrong or something like that). I'm sure you can find a lot of example implementations. schrieb am Montag, 28. September 2020 um 13:30:05 UTC+2:
I want to develop an application for authenticate the user and redirect he to my web application.
Which server-side frameworks can I use for develop this (I want to use GWT as client-side framework)?

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