Monday, May 8, 2017

Re: webAppCreator + Maven = HTTP ERROR 404

On Sunday, May 7, 2017 at 10:28:00 PM UTC+2, Irek Szczesniak wrote:
I think I should first say:

mvn war:exploded

And then:

mvn gwt:devmode

Is there some guide on how to use Maven with GWT?

Add the "readme" template to webAppCreator.
You need to first "mvn package" (you can use "mvn package -DskipTests -Dgwt.skipCompilation" to go faster) before you can "mvn gwt:devmode".

How could I compile my project using the production mode?  With Ant I would do:

ant build

With Maven I could say:

mvn package

and then decompress the war file produced, but I wonder whether there is an easier way.

Why would you decompress the war file‽
BTW, "mvn package" will produce both an exploded war (target/app-1.0-SNAPSHOT) and a war file (target/app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war)

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