Friday, February 10, 2017

Re: Native JsTypes with properties containing dashes

On Friday, February 10, 2017 at 4:06:52 PM UTC+1, DavidN wrote:
Just wondering when the final Elemental2 is going to be made available ? You seem to get some extra information that is not publically disclosed.

Yes, sorry, there's been some lag on publishing steering committee meeting notes (partly due to the shift of chairman).
This will be sorted out soon and meeting notes released with the news.
That said, no ETA has been given yet, but IIRC they aim for Q1; and I don't think the "Elemental2 'base'" idea (or however it's called) was kept private (I'm pretty much sure it'd been mentioned several times already during past months, either on gwt-contrib or on issues, in threads about the limitations of JsInterop)

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