Sunday, March 27, 2016

GWT Embedded in other GWT App

I've developed two GWT apps. The global application includes a Frame that loads the embedded GWT app.
I'm using GAE 1.9.3 and GWT SDK 2.6.1, Java and eclipse.

I've got it running, but the embedded must be in production or deployment mode. I can't load the embedded in application in development mode.

I've got it running when I do a GWT Compilation of embedded application, and I start the embedded application from eclipse like a GWT application.
The embedded application has specific ports for the application and for the code server.

In the global application I include a Frame (this loads the embedded application, in a Frame of the global application):

Frame panel=new Frame("");

But when I load in development mode the application is not loaded. It doesn't executes the onModuleLoad method:

Frame panel=new Frame("");

I know that the problem is in the code server, but I don't know why. I want to use the development mode, because

I want to use break points, and I want to avoid the GWT Compilations in the integration of both applications.

Some solutions?



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