Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Doc problem? Renaming Modules section on

The "Renaming Modules" section
has a weird example for renaming. From the text, it looks like the
xml should have <module rename-to="">,
but the example code renames MyModule to MyModule. Is the xml given
in the example just wrong (and should be <module
rename-to="">) or am I missing something?

Here's the section:

Renaming modules

The <module> element supports an optional attribute rename-to that
causes the compiler to behave as though the module had a different
name than the long, fully-qualified name. Renaming a module has two
primary use cases:

to have a shorter module name that doesn't reflect the actual package
structure, this is the most typical and recommended use case
to create a "working module" to speed up development time by
restricting the number of permutations

<module rename-to="">
  <inherits name="" />
  <set-property name="user.agent" value="ie6" />
  <set-property name="locale" value="default" />

When WorkingModule.gwt.xml is compiled, the compiler will produce only
an ie6 variant using the default locale; this will speed up
development compilations. The output from the WorkingModule.gwt.xml
will be a drop-in replacement for MyModule.gwt.xml because the
compiler will generate the output using the alternate name. (Of
course, if was itself renamed, you would just copy
its rename-to attribute.)

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