Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Re: Help with Custom GWT RPC

Also, in the discussion I saw about this, it was said that it was more
secure to send the session ID in the RPC itself instead of getting it
from the header/cookie. Why is this? Does GWT add something extra like
a hash to make sure the RPC hasn't been tampered with?

On Dec 29, 9:24 am, Falcon <> wrote:
> I'm trying to send the session ID with every RPC request my GWT
> application makes and handle our login context. On the server, it
> looks like you can handle that by overriding
> onAfterRequestDeserialized() and onAfterResponseSerialized() (we don't
> need to add any information to the outgoing payload, just destroy the
> login context, so we can do this after serialization).
> However, I'm not sure what I need to override on the client since
> RemoteService is just an interface. I know GWT is doing some magic
> with GWT.create(). Ideally, I'd like to extend RemoteService with a
> new class, then extend that new class for all of my RPCs that needed
> to send the session IDs automatically and then put the session ID
> somewhere in the payload before the RPC was serialized to send across
> the wire to the server. This just seems to make more sense to me than
> having the session ID be a part of every single RPC method signature.
> Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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