Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Strange Issue with Nested Editors

I am trying to use a nested editors; however its been failing at the code generation step.
Below is a sample code snippet to explain the issue:

public class ParentView
implements Editor<Parent>{

interface Binder
extends UiBinder<Widget, ParentView> {

interface Driver
extends SimpleBeanEditorDriver<Parent, ParentView> {

@UiField @Editor.Path ("child1") ChildView childView;
@UiField @Editor.Path ("child2") Child2View child2View;

public class ChildView
extends Composite
implements Editor<Child1> {

interface ChildViewUiBinder
extends UiBinder<HTMLPanel, ChildView> {

private static ChildViewUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(ChildViewUiBinder.class);

@UiField @Editor.Path ("") AddressForm<Child1> formAddress;
@UiField @Path ("") InformationForm<Child1> informationForm;

public class AddressForm<T>
extends Composite
implements Editor<T> {

interface AddressFormUiBinder
extends UiBinder<HTMLPanel, AddressForm> {

private static AddressFormUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(AddressFormUiBinder.class);

@UiField InputEditor<String> address1;
@UiField InputEditor<String> address2;
@UiField InputEditor<String> city;
@UiField SelectEditor<String> stateCode;
@UiField InputEditor<String> zip;

public class InformationForm<T>
extends Composite
implements Editor<T> {

interface InformationFormUiBinder
extends UiBinder<HTMLPanel, InformationForm> {

private static InformationFormUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(InformationFormUiBinder.class);

@UiField InputEditor<Integer> a;
@UiField InputEditor<Float> b;

When I try to compile the above code, I get the below error:
[ERROR] Could not find a getter for path getFormAddress in proxy type com.......Child1                 [ERROR] Unable to create Editor model due to previous errors

The class hierarchy looks like this:
public class Parent {

private Child1 child1;
private Child2 child2;

public Child1 getChild1() {
return child1;

public void setChild1(Child1 child1) {
this.child1 = child1;

public Child2 getChild2() {
return child2;

public void setChild2(Child2 child2) {
this.child2 = child2;

public class Child1 {

private Integer id;
//below are common for AddressForm
private String address1;
private String address2;
private String address3;
private String city;
private String stateCode;
private String zip;

//below are common for InformationForm
private int a;
private float b;

I can use the AddressForm<T> widget successfully when its a direct child of the parent view; however it fails in the above case where it is in the child view.
InformationForm<T> on the other hand works correctly without any issues.

Appreciate any help regarding this.

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