Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Java syntax question.

Hi there,

I don't know what the Java syntax below would mean (<?>). I hope someone can help. It looks so similar to Java generic method, but I can't find any tutorial for it.

Thank you.

public <T> NodeInfo<?> getNodeInfo(T value) {
    if (value == null) {
      // Return top level categories.
      return new DefaultNodeInfo<Category>(categoryDataProvider, new CategoryCell(images.contactsGroup()));
    } else if (value instanceof Category) {
      // Return the first letters of each first name.
      Category category = (Category) value;
      List<ContactInfo> contacts = ContactDatabase.get().queryContactsByCategory(category);
      Map<Character, LetterCount> counts = new TreeMap<Character, LetterCount>();
      for (ContactInfo contact : contacts) {
        Character first = contact.getFirstName().charAt(0);
        LetterCount count = counts.get(first);
        if (count == null) {
          count = new LetterCount(category, first);
          counts.put(first, count);
        } else {
      List<LetterCount> orderedCounts = new ArrayList<LetterCount>(counts.values());
      return new DefaultNodeInfo<LetterCount>(new ListDataProvider<LetterCount>(orderedCounts), new LetterCountCell());
    } else if (value instanceof LetterCount) {
      // Return the contacts with the specified character and first name.
      LetterCount count = (LetterCount) value;
      List<ContactInfo> contacts = ContactDatabase.get().queryContactsByCategoryAndFirstName(count.category, count.firstLetter + "");
      ListDataProvider<ContactInfo> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<ContactInfo>(contacts, ContactInfo.KEY_PROVIDER);
      return new DefaultNodeInfo<ContactInfo>(dataProvider, contactCell, selectionModel, selectionManager, null);

    // Unhandled type.
    String type = value.getClass().getName();
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported object type: " + type);

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