Wednesday, September 20, 2017

elemental.json confusion/error

Hi there

I recently started using elemental.json. But I recently stumbled upon strange (expected?) behaviour. Is there any good documentation? The javadoc is quiet lacking, at least in this regard. So, what am I confused about?

First, there is a "getNumber" (and it's equivalents), but those fail with a classcastexception, if you use it on parsed Json. There is no problem if you use it on values that were "put" there. Is that working as intended? 
Second, and I guess this is a bug: If you use get(key).asBoolean() on a recently parsed value, you get the correct value. But if you use it on a value "false" you "put" in, you get true. 

I would be happy if someone could shine some light on this for me :)

I wrote a small "test" to demonstrate it:


import elemental.json.JsonObject;
import elemental.json.impl.JsonUtil;

public class ElementalJsonConfusion {
public static void testBoolean() {
String json = "{\"booleanValue\":false}";

JsonObject jsonValue = (JsonObject) JsonUtil.parse(json);
// output false
GWT.log("First asBoolean: " + jsonValue.get("booleanValue").asBoolean());

jsonValue.put("booleanValue", false);
// output true
GWT.log("Second asBoolean: " + jsonValue.get("booleanValue").asBoolean());

jsonValue = (JsonObject) JsonUtil.parse(json);
// output Exception
try {
GWT.log("First getBoolean: " + jsonValue.getBoolean("booleanValue"));
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
GWT.log("First getBoolean ClassCastException");
jsonValue.put("booleanValue", false);
// Output false
GWT.log("Second getBoolean: " + jsonValue.getBoolean("booleanValue"));

public static void testNumber() {
String json = "{\"numberValue\":123}";

JsonObject jsonValue = (JsonObject) JsonUtil.parse(json);

jsonValue = (JsonObject) JsonUtil.parse(json);
// output Exception
try {
GWT.log("First getNumber: " + jsonValue.getNumber("numberValue"));
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
GWT.log("First getNumber ClassCastException");
jsonValue.put("numberValue", 123);
// Output 123
GWT.log("Second getNumber: " + jsonValue.getNumber("numberValue"));

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