Monday, September 28, 2015

Re: (modern) chart system for GWT

I use GWT-charts.

Em terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2015 04:31:44 UTC-3, Luca Morettoni escreveu:
Hello, in my GWT app to render some dynamics chart on client side I
used "Client Side GChart" project [1], everything work fine, but we're
going to "refresh" the application user interface and we like to have
a more "fresh" and "modern" chart system.
The structure of the project requires:

• the rendering of the charts can't use external servers, so we can
immediately exclude Google Visualisation API;

• we can't use any external plugin in the browser to render the charts
(like Flash);

• we need to interact with the charts (handle user clicks on the curves)

I started to evaluate some packages, but I have found some limits and
difficulties and I'd like to know your experience or if you have other
package to evaluate:

• GWT Highcharts [2] looks well structured, easy to use and has a good
documentation, but I have found a lot of troubles using it in our
project and I can't render any charts, I need to investigate the
source of the issue;

• gflot [3] I like this package, the problem is the documentation;

• D3js [4] this is the last resort, but using it require a lot of code
to render a simple chart

Thanks for any hints!


Luca Morettoni <luca(AT)> | |
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