Sunday, July 27, 2014

Moving to Maven


I would like to move to Maven.

In former times, I used to run a Makefile to compile my stuff and everything happened at the commandline. I believe that Maven is an equivalent in today's world. I would like to do my projects with Maven.

However, I started GWT development using eclipse and the eclipse plugin for GWT. This means that I do everything with the eclipse GUI:

  • create a new GWT project
  • configure a GWT project (classpath, libraries, etc.)
  • run a GWT app
  • debug a GWT app
  • ...
I know that I have to learn how to do all this with Maven, but there is a general fundamental question:
When you create and configure a project with Maven, which one is the leading system: Maven or Eclipse?
How do you work with a Maven project in eclipse? Is eclipse just a text editor then? What about all the eclipse menus about development (class path, java options, GWT compiler and so on)?

  • How do you create a new GWT project with Maven?
  • How do you compile it?
  • How do you start it?
  • How do you deploy it?
In essence: Are there equivalents to Makefile targets?
And which one is the leading system?
Maven or Eclipse or both (which would be great!)?


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