Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Re: Super Dev Mode in 2.6rc4

I then compared my system with the other systems that WERE working with 2.6.0rc4 and the only difference was their using localhost (or having no bindAddress) vs. my using my internal IP.  When I switched everything in my debug environment from using my internal IP ( to using localhost, super dev mode works fine.

Question:  Did anything change with the code server in 2.6.0rc4 that may have broken source delivery across other than localhost?

They have enabled the devModeRedirectEnabled configuration property by default ( = you don't need to specify it anymore in your module) but restrict SuperDevMode to and localhost for security reasons.You can see this in the following commit diff:

Looks like you need to whitelist your IP address by using the devModeUrlWhitelistRegexp configuration property.

-- J.

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