Friday, January 24, 2014

Re: Annoucing Ext4j : GWT API for Ext JS

Sencha GXT is NOT a wrapper around Ext JS. They just share the same look and feel.GXT is a different product totally independent of Ext (requiring it own license and support contract).

Ext4j is a wrapper for Ext JS. So with Ext4j you get an Ext JS application and anything that applies to Ext JS applies to Ext4j.

Why did I decided to create Ext4j instead of using GXT ?

1) Licensing.
Most of our customers already hav an Ext JS license and are not willing to pay for another product.

2) Develeopement Pace
Ext JS is always a step ahead of GXT when it comes to features, components, themes etc..

3) Community.
The Ext JS community seems a bit more active than the GXT one. There for example way more extensions for Ext JS than GXT. One could argue that it s easy to create those in GXT but no one does.

4) Look and feel
This is a bit subjective but we found that Ext looks a bit better than GXT

So if you want to build on Top of Ext JS and add structure programming and the powerful Java ecosystem Ext4j could help.

If you want no dependencies on Ext JS and want to go the  pure GWT route  nothing beats GXT

I hope it makes sence



2014/1/24 Fabien Michon <>
Hello, what's the difference with GXT (Ext-GWT) ?

Le mercredi 22 janvier 2014 22:57:21 UTC+1, Alain a écrit :
Hello community,

I m glad to make the Ext4j available to everybody.
Ext4j  aims to extends the already awesome capabilities of Ext JS by combining it with GWT.
If you are looking for a nice, powerful and easy to use UI library for your GWT app give Ext4j a try.

This first beta release bring the following features: 
  • GWT 2.5 support
  • Support for Ext JS 4.0+
  • 100% implementation of Ext JS API
  • Implementation of an explorer application
  • Html files support for  templates
  • Progressive enhancement of existing Ext JS applications
  • Declarative UI with UI Binders
  • Interoperability between Ext JS and GWT Widgets
  • Interoperability with Sencha Touch
  • Chart export to PDF
  • Grid Export to Excel
  • Share code with native Android, iOS 

To find out more please visit :
and let me know what you think.



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