Friday, January 24, 2014

Re: Introducing GWT-Tour 0.1

I Pmd you.

A tour's Tarbet must not be a button. It can be any DOM Element. You just need to pass the ID of the Element as target.
So I think setNextOnTargetClick  might work after all ?

You could just fork the project and send some pull requests.

The project you are working on sounds interesting. 
Hopefuly you can share the link when u are done.



2014/1/24 doright <>
Hi again Alain,

we might want to take this offline, you're call.

I love this tool, and am pretty close to releasing a whole 'training academy' subsection of my site, using GWT-Tour, but I really need programmatic control of the tours.  For example when a user clicks on a target I'm asking them to, in a tour, I need it to move to the next step of my tour.

I know you're looking at why 'setNextOnTargetClick'doesn't work as planned, but it occurred to me that is might not work for me anyway coz my targets won't always be buttons, they might be menu items, icons etc.

So I've been looking at implementing this using my own application 'event bus' then retrieving the tour, and updating programmatically. But there are quite a few features documented but not actually exposed in the GWT-Tour API, for example:

I'd happily add them to your project myself, but I'm not familiar with contributing to other people's projects:
- how do I build the project into a JAR?
- how do I get permission to contribute to your project?

thanks again,

On Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:36:41 PM UTC, Alain wrote:
Yes that s the goal of  setNextOnTargetClick.
I will investigate and get back to you.

2014/1/23 doright <>

thanks Alain, that's the font sorted.

FYI, I can't get the " step.setNextTargetOnClick(true);" feature to work.

Am I right in thinking, that if a user presses on a button, with the same DOM id as the current step, its supposed to take us to the next step in the tour, when we have this option set?

if so what am I missing?  This is the last bit I need to get working before I can put this live..

many thanks again!


On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 10:36:11 AM UTC, Alain wrote:
Thx for reporting the typo.
I will fix it asap.

The best way to change the font is to see what style is getting apply and override it with your own css.
That s how I do it for now :)

On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 9:09:42 AM UTC+1, doright wrote:
Hey Alain,

this is working really nicely in my project, thanks again.

Question - what's the recommended way to change the font?  (I don't want to do some ugly hack if there's a neat way)

many thanks,

FYI, you've got some typo's on your  demo page:
in the early examples you use:
  TourStep step1 = new TourStep("header", Placement.BOTTOM);
but it looks like you switched around the parameters at some stage, as shown your example at the bottom of the page:
  TourStep step = new TourStep(Placement.BOTTOM, "gwt-tour-title");

On Friday, January 17, 2014 4:56:28 PM UTC, Danilo Reinert wrote:
Changing history state, for navigation.

Suppose I want a tour navigating through some history tokens and exploring each one of them.

D. Reinert

Em quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2014 23h23min52s UTC-3, Alain escreveu:

What do you mean by changing history ?

2014/1/17 Danilo Reinert <>
Great Alain!

Does it support chaging History?

D. Reinert

Em quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2014 19h37min09s UTC-3, Alain escreveu:
I did post in the G+ community short after the 0.1 release.
Feedback was pretty cool there too.

Thank you guyz :)

2014/1/16 Boris Brudnoy <>
That's pretty awesome. Why not post it on the G+ community page?

Java/GWT Web Software Developer (LinkedInCareers 2.0)

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Alain Ekambi <> wrote:
I hope you will find it useful like we did.
Please build from source since I added some bug fixes since the last release.


2014/1/16 doright <>
this looks great Alain.  I'm going to give it a go tomorrow on my GWT app...


On Friday, June 21, 2013 10:22:57 PM UTC, Alain wrote:
GWT-Tour is a small GWT library that can help you implement a nice tour of your GWT/Web app.
So if you ever wanted to show your users how to use your application in an interactive way this can be usefull.
GWT-Tour works with regular web app as well as with GWT Widgets.

A demo can be seen here :

Enjoy :)


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