with keyboard shortcuts in gwt.
I'd like to have at least one application wide shortcut for opening a
log panel and a few shortcuts
dependent of what panel actually has focus on.
On 1 Wrz, 19:13, levier <levi.mail.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm developing an enterprise application and all users scream forkeyboardshortcuts.
> And not shortcuts like you see in GMail (focus some widget, press c to
> compose a new mail etc) but true CTRL+N, CTRL+S like you see in a
> desktop application.
> I thought it really couldn't be done, till I tried the google docs in
> Chrome: CTRL+B made my text bold. Wow, that works! But probably it
> only works on Chrome right, I thought, so I didn't really believe in
> it and let it pass.
> Then I saw Microsoft releasingkeyboardshortcuts in Hotmail. I tried
> one and I got a pop up saying "hey you pressed some key, did you mean
> it askeyboardshortcut?"... hahaha, so again I let it pass and
> thought it couldn't be done.
> But today I saw Microsoft releasing their Word, Excel... Office suite
> on-line (search for Office Web Apps). I tried CTRL+B and it put my
> text in bold and didn't show my Bookmarks bar instead! In IE8 and
> Chrome.
> Now, some proof that it doesn't really work all of the time: I
> selected the text on the top of the page, hit CTRL+S and nothing
> happens... there goes my belief in in-browserkeyboardshortcuts
> again.
> I guess thekeyboardlistener is only put on the textarea and ribbon
> bar and not a "true browser window listener".
> Still, my question stands:
> how can I blockkeyboardshortcuts like CTR+O, CTRL+N and do something
> with them instead of letting the browser handle them (CTRL+N typically
> opens a new browser window, I don't want that)? Any advice is much
> appreciated.
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