Thursday, September 30, 2010

Re: keyboard shortcuts with CTRL

I'm also interested in that topic. Does anybody has some experience
with keyboard shortcuts in gwt.

I'd like to have at least one application wide shortcut for opening a
log panel and a few shortcuts
dependent of what panel actually has focus on.

On 1 Wrz, 19:13, levier <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm developing an enterprise application and all users scream forkeyboardshortcuts.
> And not shortcuts like you see in GMail (focus some widget, press c to
> compose a new mail etc) but true CTRL+N, CTRL+S like you see in a
> desktop application.
> I thought it really couldn't be done, till I tried the google docs in
> Chrome: CTRL+B made my text bold. Wow, that works! But probably it
> only works on Chrome right, I thought, so I didn't really believe in
> it and let it pass.
> Then I saw Microsoft releasingkeyboardshortcuts in Hotmail. I tried
> one and I got a pop up saying "hey you pressed some key, did you mean
> it askeyboardshortcut?"... hahaha, so again I let it pass and
> thought it couldn't be done.
> But today I saw Microsoft releasing their Word, Excel... Office suite
> on-line (search for Office Web Apps). I tried CTRL+B and it put my
> text in bold and didn't show my Bookmarks bar instead! In IE8 and
> Chrome.
> Now, some proof that it doesn't really work all of the time: I
> selected the text on the top of the page, hit CTRL+S and nothing
> happens... there goes my belief in in-browserkeyboardshortcuts
> again.
> I guess thekeyboardlistener is only put on the textarea and ribbon
> bar and not a "true browser window listener".
> Still, my question stands:
> how can I blockkeyboardshortcuts like CTR+O, CTRL+N and do something
> with them instead of letting the browser handle them (CTRL+N typically
> opens a new browser window, I don't want that)? Any advice is much
> appreciated.

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