Monday, July 30, 2012

Re: New version not being detected by browser

Err... ignore that. I was seing ".nocache.html" instead of ".cache.html".

But, anyway, according to that doc, it should work...

To help prevent caching, the code in gwt.js actually appends an HTTP GET parameter on the end of file name containing a unique timestamp.
The browser interprets this as a dynamic HTTP request, and thus should not load the file from cache.

But it does not say it works everytime...
I'll look into the tomcat config.


On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 12:51 AM, Ernani Sottomaior <> wrote:
Thanks J.

but I remember reading that gwt apps are meant to be cached... (early in version 1.3 - 1.4)
My app now compiles as 780k .cache.html files (even using deferred-binding).
This approach would download 780k for each tab opened in the browser... is this correct?

I thought these generated files would be cached by browsers.
I was assuming the compiler generated unique filenames every new compilation...
The main JS would be downloaded everytime (small file) and then would get from cache (or download) those 780k.
If the filename changed, it would not be in browser's cache. Can GWT work this way? Why not? 


On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 3:19 AM, Johannes Barop <> wrote:

you have to configure your server to tell the clients to never cache .nocache.html files.



Am 29.07.2012 um 04:55 schrieb ERS:

> Hello all.
> I'm facing an issue almost everytime I upload a new version of my app
> to tomcat.
> The browser does not detect that there is a new app ... and the RPC
> calls fail.
> Then I have to click refresh a few times (or CTRL+F5) ... then the
> browser gets the new version.
> But end-users dont know that and may quit early...
> Is it normal? What should I do during deployment?
> Thanks
> --
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