Tuesday, October 23, 2018

parsing GWT messages in oVirt project (webadmin interface)

Hello all!
I am working with oVirt (which helps to manage virtual machines) project and it uses GWT RPC protocol in it's communications.
I want to parse messages in GWT RPC format which I get after deciphering the traffic.

I hope that even without being totally familiar with the ovirt project, someone will be able to help me a little bit.

I already separated it on some meaningful parts), numbers in braces just help to make correspondence between payload and strings:
(1)https://engine.localdomain/ovirt-engine/webadmin/|  //URL
(2)E8B2AD24442204349EF795039C3B87E5|   // policy name
(3)org.ovirt.engine.ui.frontend.gwtservices.GenericApiGWTService| //service interface
(4)runMultipleActions| //name of the method
(5)org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.ActionType/12242454|, // type1
(6)java.util.ArrayList/4159755760|, // type2
(7)Z| // type3 (bool)
(8)org.ovirt.engine.core.common.action.ShutdownVmParameters/1694554255| // class which contains uuid of the virtual machine
(10)java.util.UUID/2940008275| // seems the uuid of the virtual machine)
(the following is the payload separated and commented in places where I can understand it)
4|- 4 method parameters
5|- first type = ActionType
6|- second type = arraylist
7|- third type = boolean
7|- fourth type = boolean
5(actionType)|9 (shutdown)|
8 (shutdown vm parameters, list object)|1|0|0|0|(??)
9 (guid, ?)|10(UUID)|J$m4mk9wVi3|MjeP460Xkpb (vm uuid)|0|5|0|0|0|11|1|0|6|0|0|0|0|0|0|12|0|-6|13|0|1|0|1|14|2|0|0|0|0|0|

Until virtual machine uuid parameter it is kind of clear what is happening, but I still wonder what do the parameters 1 and 0 mean in places marked as (??). I understand, that there is a method called runMultipleActions and it has four parameters. I found in source examples of calling this method .Then I determine types of these parameters. Then the type of action performed ( I shut down the machine). Then  there should be an ArrayList, which contains several objects. I assume that 8(shutdown vm parameters) should follow right after 6 (arraylist), but there a "1" which I can't explain. Also I don't know what for are these four boolean values (1|0|0|0) What do they mean? And how can I cope with the left payload?

This is the example of the call from ovirt source code:

ArrayList<ActionParametersBase> parameters = new ArrayList<>();
.add(new ActionParametersBase());
.add(new ActionParametersBase());
.runMultipleAction(ActionType.AddLocalStorageDomain, parameters, false, mockMultipleActionCallback,

Thank you in advance for any help!

I know this is kind of specific for oVirt but probably there is something more that I should know about parsing the messages ( in the internet I found a couple of articles about this, which helped me to understand the first part of the message).

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