Thursday, October 27, 2016

Re: Google Plugin for Eclipse Mars

The GWT Eclipse Plugin doesn't have the App Engine features, but the new Official Google Cloud Tools Plugin does. The neat thing about the new Cloud tools plugin, it supports both App Engine Standard and Flex. You'll want to wait till it comes out if you're using App Engine, unless you want to run app engine with another launcher. So unfortunately, there will be a small gap of time in waiting for the install site for the cloud tools plugin. The plugin some major effort going behind it currently. 

On Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 4:23:00 AM UTC-7, Stefano Ciccarelli wrote:
Thanks for the info.

What about the Google App Engine integration?

Il giorno mar 18 ott 2016 alle ore 17:16 Brandon Donnelson <> ha scritto:
Michael is right, GPE and GPE fork is deprecated. 

- GPE is deprecated (or will be in 4th quarter)
- The new GWT Eclipse Plugin V3 can be installed on mars and neon. The install will conflict with GPE or GPE-Fork so it will ask you to remove GPE if it is installed. 
- I haven't tested the install GWT Eclipse Plugin V3 with the GPE uninstall path very much so I'm interested if that works, and if it doesn't please report back :)  - 3 options to dowload, the market place is best 



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Stefano Ciccarelli 
GAE Application Division 
/ Director 

M.M.B. s.r.l. 
via Granarolo, 177/7 - 48018 Faenza (RA) - Italy 
tel. +39.0546.637711 - fax +39.0546.46077 -

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