Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Re: Stable .rpc files

Fully agree. Setup a build tool is nothing too complex to do. And the gain in lib dependency management and documentation is huge.
We are using gradle as often as we can, even have a plugin open sourced at github. Currently I use a gradle "info" plugin that extracts some infos I can reuse for token replacement.

... but ... we are drifting away. 

I really would like to have some comments on the topic "stable .rpc files"


Am Montag, 16. Juni 2014 21:15:05 UTC+2 schrieb Joseph Lust:
@Michael, welcome the the Chicken and the Egg problem.

In order to build the build number (I'm assuming you mean rev number from git/svn), you've first got to commit that code. Then, you've got be build it, but the code never had the commit number in it, since it could not be known pre-commit. 

To get around this in the past I have used either of the following:
  • Written a GWT compiler plugin to generate the impl of a BuilderNumberProvider class. This plugin grabbed the rev # from Maven then then wrote and compiled an extra class with that value in it.
  • Copied the build number into the WAR and then injected it into the app page (i.e. jsp) and had GWT read it via JSNI at the EntryPoint.

Hope that helps.


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