Friday, May 2, 2014

RichTextArea loses selection when it loses focus on IE9 - anyone ever solve this?

Regarding this:

"When the RichTextArea loses the focus, in IE9 it also loses its selection and the cursor position is reset at position 0 (or at an undefined position)"

I revived this bug here:

... as it seems like it was set to "stale" despite people saying it was still an issue. It is happening now in GWT 2.4.1

I have tried various solutions posted here and in other discussion sites (gwt and microsoft related sites) and have found no solution; by the time the onBlur event is received, the selection has already been lost and cannot be captured. I suppose we could capture ANY event and attempt to save selection, but that might be overskill (and still might nor work).

Anyone know how to fix this?

- Tim

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