Friday, May 30, 2014

Re: debugId with UiBinder not working?

Did you <inherit name=""/> ? (see
Do you prepend a "gwt-debug-" prefix to your IDs in your Selenium tests to match elements?

On Saturday, May 31, 2014 1:46:54 AM UTC+2, Kay Pac wrote:
Hello there!  I am trying to use selenium with my GWT app and I have noticed that it uses inappropriate css class selectors to find the widgets. I did some research into this and it seems I need to use 'debugId' attribute in my UiBinder xml template. I have added debugId attributes and have also tried using the ensureDebugId method on @UiField annotated members. Neither of these approaches have resulted in usable IDs, or any IDs, on my widget elements.

Here is my UiBinder template:
Here is my LoginViewImpl class
Yes my UiBinder xml is caled LoginViewImpl.ui.xml

Thanks for any help!  This is with gWT 2.6.1 and Java 1.7 on Windows (embedded jetty instance launched via cargo) with and without super dev mode enabled.


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