Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Re: Audio addEndedHandler

I too have run into this issue.  I have tried attaching the Ended event handler along with similar handlers that I felt could also help me do what I wanted to but none of them fired.  I decided to use a timer in place of the ended event because the getDuration() method does work.  Also if you want to allow for pausing, you can use the getCurrentTime() method to help reschedule the timer (you must cancel the timer on pause).  Yes it's a hack solution but it could be worse.  Hope this helps.

On Sunday, June 5, 2011 10:57:08 AM UTC-7, joshwils82 wrote:
The Audio Ended Event does not seem to fire when I add a handler for
it.  Using chrome 11.  Should this functionality be working?  Anyone
else run into this problem?

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