Friday, May 23, 2014

Re: GWT Developer Plugin installed but (apparently) not recognized

I agree with Sergey Shpikin,  with Super Dev Mode I can't debug my application effectively, there's no stacktrace to trace exceptions, no breackpoint, no variable value monitor, I have use console.log to trace variables (as you guess, it's wrong way). Anyway, you can't say we must use third-party tools to debug GWT application, so, please bring Dev Mode back or same thing better than Super Dev Mode.

BTW, Deobfuscating the stacktrace on SDBG is only mostly working:

  • Deobfuscating the stacktrace. Works but does not look 100% like e.g. the JDT Debugger stacktrace. For example, the methods are not deobfuscated to their Java equivalents

2014-05-22 23:57 GMT+07:00 Sergey Shpikin <>:
Thanks for your answers! I know that the classic dev mode had to be replaced, just didn't expect this to happen so soon without an on par working analog. I'll try to dig into SDBG on my free time but until that I'll use Chromium 34 (it works fine btw, tried today without issues so far). Happy to hear that GWT is being worked on fine but devtools now need more love than ever. It's always a pain when you invest lots of time into some framework and then it suddenly becomes (partly) unusable and you're just lost. Especially if you develop at work.

I also highly agree with Vassilis Virvilis. But I also want to expand this JS-hatred to HTML for webapps. It's really not suited for designing user interfaces but it's something we have to deal with. GWT relieves us from the pain of cross-browser design and JS trickery bringing every good Java-world thing to the web world. And that's what I'm grateful to it for. Java became popular because of tools, and so did GWT. Thank you for doing that, I hope SDM will catch up fast enough if CDM can't be ported.

On Thursday, 22 May 2014 12:25:49 UTC+4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

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