Thursday, May 22, 2014

Re: GWT Developer Plugin installed but (apparently) not recognized

That's a wrong assumption.
The whole point of GWT is that you can a) reuse well-tried tools, b) benefit from static-typing and c) reuse your code in other environments (server-side Java, Android app, iOS app through J2ObjC).
Nowhere in or does it say you don't have to know JS. It says you don't have to be an expert, but that doesn't mean you don't have to know it.

One more thought on that.

I would prefer that javascript never existed. Seriously. I don't see the point. I would prefer HTML to be strictly  a document format like Tex or PDF. If you can go back in time and fix this issue please let me come with you.

In the real world and not in my fantasy's 'perfect world javascript exists, and HTML and CSS. Actually multiple versions of the whole soup.

When I saw GWT at first I thought. Good at least I won't have to see these highly inconsistent , super fragile NIH technologies in my every day life. GWT will hide them.

And it worked for me for some time. GWT hide them for me. Not perfectly but good enough - especially if you were actively trying not to look.

With time I got into terms with the reality. js/html/css is the platform. You can code into higher level languages but there will always be the syndrome of the leaky abstraction.

My advise is: Get to know your platform. I can understand that the platform in this case is crazy. I really get it.

In the real world I am grateful that GWT helps me in this madness with bits of reason like static typing. I am grateful that it doesn't get in the way when I am trying to interact with the crazy underlying platform and it gives me hooks from GWT to js and vice versa.

From my point of view I am in a sea of craziness. GWT is an island of reason in comparison.

So the browser vendors (part of the crazy platform) went on and removed a set of API that make DM possible. Does that make sense? Not really. Is that GWT fault? I don't think so unless browser vendors and GWT vendors are the same which they are not.

Vassilis Virvilis

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