Thursday, December 27, 2012

Re: Gwt 2.2, guice and gin...

Hi Goktug!

(+google-gin for posterity)

Thanks for the reply! I dug deeper into this today, and nailed it. It was indeed a Classpath issue. In specific, the ordering. Perhaps one of the GWT/RequestFactory, or other libraries were overriding the javax.inject imports that are provided by GIN.

Here's the order that finally worked:
          aopalliance.jar          gin-2.0.jar          guice-3.0.jar          guice-assistedinject-3.0.jar          javax.inject.jar

I made the change in Eclipse: Project> Build Path > Configure Build Path > Order and Export. Select all of the above, and choose "Top", and then tick all of the JARS. Any other way, I would continue to get the error. (The only thing I didn't try is juggling around the order of these specific JARS)

One more issue I ran into, and Thomas(tbroyer) has already answered on StackOverflow:

I ran into this NPE, which happens because I was injecting the RequestFactory, and not running "initialize" on it. Solved by writing a Provider in my GinModule:

   MyAppRequestFactory provideMyAppRequestFactory(EventBus eventBus) {
      MyAppRequestFactory requestFactory = GWT.create(MyAppRequestFactory.class);
      return requestFactory;

After that, it runs fine. :) Thanks once again!


On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 2:23 AM, Goktug Gokdogan <> wrote:
This may be related to depending on multiple versions of Guice.
As this is related to GIN, google-gin group is a better place to get support on this. There was even a recent question about it if you search there.

Good luck and don't forget to share with the rest what worked for you for future reference :)

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 5:01 AM, Avanish Raju <> wrote:

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"Life is what you make of it"
Y. Avanish Raju,

BTech, Computer Science and Engineering & Biotechnology,
ICFAI University, Dehradun

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