Tuesday, August 30, 2011

RequestFactory-ValueProxy in conjunction with RequestFactoryEditorDriver vs. SimpleBeanEditorDriver


I'm currently playing around with RequestFactory and the EditorFramework.

I use requestfactory as simple rpc-mechanism (meaning I currently just use ValueProxies not EntityProxies) using the following service:

public class OrderService {
   public static String placeOrder(OrderDescription description) {
        return "placeOrderInvoked";

Now I want to use an Editor to "fill" the OrderDescriptionProxy accordingly. In on-submit, I will then call the context.placeOrder()-servicemethod accordingly. I wonder what is the best/correct approach to take (both do work)?

Approach 1:
Using RequestFactoryEditorDriver. I will store a reference to the OrderDescriptionProxy as an instance-variable in the activity.

in start-activity:
* driver = view.createEditorDriver (which returns a RequestFactoryEditorDriver)
* proxy = context.create(OrderDescriptionProxy.class)
* driver.edit(proxy, context)
* view.setDelegate(this)

in on-submit (called from view on presenter):
* driver.flush()
* context.placeOrder(proxy).fire(new Receiver<String>() {
            public void onSuccess(String response) {
                GWT.log("Got response: " + response);

Appraoch 2:
using SimpleBeanRequestEditorDriver. I just create a OrderDescriptionProxy and give it the the SimpleBeanRequestEditorDriver.edit()

in start-activity:
* driver = view.createEditorDriver2();
* OrderDescriptionProxy proxy = context.create(OrderDescriptionProxy.class);
* driver.edit(proxy);
* view.setDelegate(this);

in on-submit (called from view on presenter):
* OrderDescriptionProxy proxy = driver.flush();
* context.placeOrder(proxy).fire(new Receiver<String>() {
            public void onSuccess(String response) {
                GWT.log("Got response: " + response);

Both approaches seem to work. Which one is the better/correct way of doing this.

@Appraoch1: because I'm curious

when I using approach1 and I do the following in on-submit:
* driver.flush.fire();

on the server i receive the following request:


and this response is returned:


Remeber I call driver.flush().fire() which will transmit a ValueProxy not anentityProxy. What is happening here - will there an new instance of OrderDescription be created on the server side?? Actually I was expecting an exception?


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