Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Handy Bit of Code for Integrating GWT and Google Maps v3

I was unsatisfied with the available options for integrating GWT and
the Google Maps v3 api, so I turned to straight JSNI code. I created a
utility class containing static methods for creating a map object,
creating a bounding box for the map, creating a polygon to represent
the border, and creating an array of markers. (I probably could have
created a method for creating the info windows attached to the
markers, but didn't do so).

Anyways, in hope that it's of use to someone (besides the spammers who
will harvest my email address), here it is. I'm releasing it under the
Apache 2.0 license.

* Copyright 2011 Jason Ferguson.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under
* the License.
package org.jason.mapmaker.client.util;


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

* Utility class for integrating GWT and Google Maps API v3.
* This class provides static native JSNI methods for simplifying
working with GWT and v3 of the Google Maps API.
* Some glue code is still necessary, as the static methods only
output GWT JavaScriptObject or JsArray objects
* which need to be manually integrated with each other.
* An example of some glue code is as follows:
* <pre>
* public native void initMap(JavaScriptObject mapOptions,
JavaScriptObject bounds, JavaScriptObject border, JsArray markerArray,
Element e) /*-{
* // create the map and fit it within the given bounds
* map = new $, mapOptions);
* if (bounds != null) {
* map.fitBounds(bounds);
* }
* // set the polgon for the borders
* if (border != null) {
* border.setMap(map);
* }
* if (markerArray != null && markerArray.length > 0) {
* var infoWindow = new ${
* content:"InfoWindow Content Goes Here"
* });
* for (var i = 0; i < markerArray.length; i++) {
* var marker = markerArray[i];
* marker.setMap(map);
* $, 'click',
function() {
* infoWindow.setContent(this.html);
*, this);
* });
* }
* }
* (JSNI Closure, putting it in screws up the javadoc)
* </pre>
* @author Jason Ferguson
* @since 0.4.4
public class GoogleMapUtil {

// change these values if you want the default map to show
somewhere besides St Louis
public static double defaultLat = 38.530;
public static double defaultLng = -89.84;

public static double getDefaultLat() {
return defaultLat;

public static double getDefaultLng() {
return defaultLng;

* Create a basic Google Map object centered on a particular point
and return it as a GWT
* JavaScript object. Map type will be ROADMAP.
* @param lat double representing the latitude to center on
* @param lng double representing the longitude to center on
* @return a GWT JavaScriptObject representing options for a
google maps api map object (NOT THE MAP)
public native static JavaScriptObject createMapOptions(Double lat,
Double lng) /*-{

// call the static getters of this method to set the default
if (lat == null) {
lat =

if (lng == null) {
lng =

// create the point to center the map on
var internalPoint = new $, lng);

var mapOptions = {
zoom: 8,
center: internalPoint,
mapTypeId: $

return mapOptions;

* Create the bounds for a Google MAPS API v3 map
* The method requires that a Map<String, Double> containing the
minimum and maximum latitudes and longitudes
* be passed in in order to create a LatLngBounds object.
* The Map must have the following keys set:
* @param boundingBox a Map<String, Double> containing
the latitude and longitude to create a
* bounds for the map
* @return a JavaScript object representing a Google Maps API
v3 LatLngBounds object or null
public native static JavaScriptObject createMapBounds(Map<String,
Double> boundingBox) /*-{

if (boundingBox == null) {
return null;

var minLat = boundingBox.@java.util.Map::get(Ljava/lang/
var minLng = boundingBox.@java.util.Map::get(Ljava/lang/
var maxLat = boundingBox.@java.util.Map::get(Ljava/lang/
var maxLng = boundingBox.@java.util.Map::get(Ljava/lang/

if (minLat == null || minLng == null || maxLat == null ||
maxLng == null) {
return null;

var bounds = new $
$, minLng), new
$, maxLng));

return bounds;

* Create a border polygon for a Google Maps API v3 map object.
Does NOT attach the border to the map.
* <p/>
* The method accepts a List of Map<String, Double> objects. The
list MUST be in the order that the
* lines for the border will be drawn in
* <p/>
* The map must have two keys:
* - LNG (longitude)
* - LAT (latitude)
* <p/>
* These keys are mapped to Double values. (I am aware of
potential inaccuracy of the Double type, but using
* BigDecimal would be difficult in conjuction with a JSNI
* <p/>
* Client code is responsible for setting the map that the border
belongs to:
* <p/>
* border.setMap(mapObject);
* @param borderPoints A List of LinkedHashMap objects.
* @return a JavaScript object representing the border polygon for
a map object
public native static JavaScriptObject
createBorderPolygon(List<Map<String, Double>> borderPoints) /*-{

var borderArray = new $;

var numberOfPoints = borderPoints.@java.util.List::size()();
for (i=0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) {
var pointMap = borderPoints.@java.util.List::get(I)(i);
var lat = pointMap.@java.util.Map::get(Ljava/lang/Object;)
var lng = pointMap.@java.util.Map::get(Ljava/lang/Object;)

borderArray.setAt(i, new $,

if (borderArray != null) {

var borders = new ${
path: borderArray,
strokeColor: "#FF0000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2

return borders;
} else {
return null;

* Create and return a GWT JsArray of Google Maps API v3
InfoMarker objects
* <p/>
* The method accepts a List of Map objects which must must
contain certain mandatory keys:
* <p/>
* - TITLE (String)
* - LAT (Double)
* - LNG (Double)
* <p/>
* Client code will still have to loop through the array and set
the map:
* <p/>
* markerArray[i].setMap(mapObject);
* @param markerData a List of Map objects containing information
to put in the InfoMarker
* @return a JsArray of Google Maps API v3 InfoMarker objects
public native static JsArray createMarkerArray(List<Map>
markerData) /*-{

var numberOfMarkers = markerData.@java.util.List::size()();
var markerArray = new Array();
markerArray.length = numberOfMarkers;

for (var i=0; i < numberOfMarkers; i++) {
var markerMap = markerData.@java.util.List::get(I)(i);
var markerTitle = markerMap.@java.util.Map::get(Ljava/lang/
var markerLat = markerMap.@java.util.Map::get(Ljava/lang/
var markerLng = markerMap.@java.util.Map::get(Ljava/lang/
var latLng = new $,

markerArray[i] = new $;

return markerArray;



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